
Arrangement Quotes

There are 404 quotes

"I think orchestrating this a lot more like adding some strings if it's a kind of strings or some extra textures beyond just piano because as it is it's very bare-bones."
"Arrangement details like that I feel like are the real heart of music they're the things that tell the story that the things that connect people with your musical ideas in a way that makes sense."
"It is the song, too, it's just such a beautiful arrangement."
"So, you didn't get to fall in love, there wasn't dating, it was just an assignment."
"Relevant things should be next to each other."
"I think we'll probably work out something along those lines or we just have a, you know, he spends some time at Bob's place and then he spends some time at our place and, you know, I think that's fair."
"The homes inside the caves are indeed wonderfully arranged, clean, and cozy."
"Gallery walls are the highest level of wall art styling."
"Still life photography is focused on capturing inanimate subjects with creative arrangement."
"You get laughs, I get money; this could not be a more pleasant arrangement. Enjoy."
"I like having it more open just because I can get out everything and I think it just looks a little bit more homey and lived in."
"We have a business arrangement; you get paid to be here, and you're here of your own volition."
"I know some people wonder why we're still together. That we must have an arrangement. We do. It's called a marriage."
"So this is what your first row would look like."
"Okay, how about you just give me your number and I'll talk to my parents and get back to you."
"Let's get the table set up real quick and then I'll kind of make space to get in here."
"Intertwining all of the bows really makes it look absolutely beautiful."
"The easiest way to find a provider is to find a sugar daddy."
"My number two is in the right spot."
"Arranged marriages create compatibility."
"The evidence was mounting that Chasey herself had arranged the murder."
"But let's go ahead actually, I can set this right there and I think that's better."
"Heading back to the campsite to meet up with the owner."
"This is a dedicated office space where my husband works when he's working from home."
"There's a lot going on in here because you know it used to be four kids three kids in here right now."
"Agrippina’s dad was a popular general who was in line for the imperial throne."
"Agrippina’s uncle to find her a husband, so Claudius forced a consul to marry her."
"I am no longer with child, Lady Featherington, so it is neither necessary nor acceptable for me to participate in any more unwanted arrangements."
"I'll see you back here on Friday."
"I think I'm gonna find my spot for you guys."
"Everything is stacked up nice and tall, nice and strong."
"Notice when I put this up just like that ship in a bottle everything is in its proper place."
"What perplexes me is that the desk is in the middle of the room and the chair is pressed up against the wall."
"Everything I got is all strategically placed, everything's got a place in his life for me or in my life for me."
"I'm paying you to accompany me to these types of events, to be my girlfriend."
"Arranging from a production perspective and songwriting perspective so you can get an idea if you're coming at a very beginner level of how you can structure a song."
"I like to add them into a room and then I can figure out where they go."
"I think all of these look so good together."
"You can drop ship, where you take orders on your own website and then you make an arrangement with the vendor where they'll actually ship the goods to the end customer."
"Could there be a sweeter arrangement? Over and over, he gets to ask it. I get to tell."
"The first one that is going to get moved is right behind the equipment."
"These instruments are filling out a lot of empty space."
"It's the arrangement which only comes from an intelligence."
"We should maybe get like a box together to do the stuff on your bookcase."
"However, when I called him, he said he was gonna be out of town, specifically at VidSummit."
"You could put those next to each other and it would look like they were designed to be next to each other."
"I'll be the next weekend I will be in Disney if you want to look for me."
"you had a new arrangement of the national anthem"
"We'll set up our own one-way private road to Patton and back."
"This gives us two rows here, so two rows of four and two rows of four."
"It's like something's already been arranged, decided, made official."
"He organizes everything so they can meet."
"Everything was exactly where you wanted it to be."
"...but it's super easy to add things up here or down here... to make it exactly how you want it."
"So if you want to come visit let me know and we can work something out."
"So you're gonna be back... see you Friday? Friday. Thursday straight Friday? Yeah, wicked, man. Done, done, sorted."
"you have your additional chairs down here"
"I won't call you in advance because of the reasons explained, however, what I would be happy to do is, I would be happy to show up to basically that area."
"Almost everybody would be better off under that arrangement, and as I say you might think you have a deal for it but you don't."
"Pull up on us, yeah, we're gonna have a table and everything."
"This one is we actually have two subs, one on top of the other."
"They look great all smooshed together in a rainbow."
"In exchange for his medical treatment, she wanted him to become her husband."
"So, back down in the basement, got everything spread out from garage sales."
"It's been in there a little bit, it's time to just kind of get it in its official home."
"One of my favorite aspects in this room... they wanted to have a bedside table on one side of the bed and then on the other side of the bed they needed a desk area."
"Dave told Susan that Amy would be delivered to them at a tavern in the roughest part of town."
"Role in transforming the selected songs into unique arrangements tailored to the show's narrative and characters. Anders and his team would create new arrangements, often blending different musical styles or genres to create a fresh and memorable performance."
"To everyone's surprise, he agreed to marry a girl she had chosen for him."
"Would you please marry me just for show?"
"Move your things around, put them where you want them and how you like them."
"If there's something in there that you don't like where it's at it doesn't look right you look at it from all angles take it out move it."
"The reason that I think that I don't want to keep it like that is then the couch will be pretty off-center with the TV."
"If you don't mind, when I have a caddy, but I didn't want to have to like find a caddy for this tournament."
"People love to space things. Take your three shelves and put them all together."
"It's weird if I walk down the aisle after Sophie?"
"Simon did say like we could stay over if we wanted to. I wonder if we can just camp out in his room. I'm going to tell Viz to bring a sleeping bag."
"...I just need to load up my stuff, get my suitcase together, get packed, and I'll meet you at the airport."
"What about Stacy? She wants to go stay with my mom till my deployment ends."
"...this Arrangement is timeless I can use it all year long I can put it in various areas of my home I happen to be a lover of orchids and so this Arrangement is right up my alley."
"it's the spatial arrangement of those features that has proven and study after study to be critical for triggering recognition."
"And if you really look carefully, I've actually stacked my smaller pieces on top of my bigger pieces."
"I'm literally just going to put these willy-nilly all over the place."
"I feel like that's a good spot for underneath here."
"Of course, I'd love to have Mia for the weekend."
"I guess I'll have him follow me in the background, that's fine."
"But with this, I went in with a long piece there, a long piece there, a long piece there and then I was going to go in with two of the shorter pieces."
"This is up here but the chairs that it matches with are down there."
"Sugar daddy attract many butterflies, sugar daddy, oh that is very good."
"He said he’s driving today, and we’re gonna sleep in the back."
"You don't want something so tall and so long that it absolutely makes no sense so if you do what I call a stair step that'll really help you create something that looks a little bit more intentional even if it's in its own grouping on its own."
"I have my washer and dryer right up here in the front bath where it should be."
"We better Park a tea cab next to it."
"I'm going to go ahead and place them where I want them."
"Oh, here he is, perfect. Alright, nice, this is great. SASS will be sitting in Brandon's seat."
"Long story short, the girls are going to come in, they know that they're going on a blind date with us, they don't know that it's being controlled."
"Arranging things really tightly packed together doesn't work."
"When you have the three notes of a chord, rearrange those notes in any order, they're still the same chord."
"We've obviously got our table, we'll get out a couple of the pink chairs that are in here."
"Just like moving into a new house, and you get to pick like, oh the coffee mugs are gonna go here."
"When you see him, no, when you see Luffy, tell him we're meeting up on the other end of the island."
"Tracks are ordered in a way that works so magnificently."
"It's not a bad deal we got going on."
"You know, their old music is pretty intricate and even though without all the lengthy tracks, you know, very dense intricate arrangements which they still have here."
"Pick a song that you like that has a few chords, use these kinds of patterns, break it up at the section like I said verse verse, you know, change your pattern as you change sections, and build your own arrangements."
"A proof of an assertion in a theory is a kind of sequence or a tree, a sign of structured arrangement of statements."
"I really just wanted to organize them in a nice way."
"I want the bass to take care more of the propulsion of the tune."
"I know you missed that prosthetic exam, but do not worry, I've arranged for you to have one as soon as you get back in England."
"Just one. Do you remember prior to arriving at the Mayfair, Young Vans DMing you that when you get there, Max will meet you in the lobby?"
"The bodies are arranged in a range of poses from standing to line down creating this Eerie spectacle."
"All right, well, we'll see you tomorrow."
"All right Ray I'll have a word with my secretary about it."
"That'll keep our carpet out of the way because we're gonna take this grommet out."
"In fact, if you have a bed centered in the room, then you can arrange shoes on both sides of it."
"That's probably your escort, dear. I authorized a Jeep for your use tonight."
"You come to Pittsburgh and we can work something out."
"You're not a musician, you're not a beat maker, but you're arranging every single song. That's producing to me."
"You could absolutely do them as separate squares entirely, nothing wrong with that at all."
"...that means your Dresden is perfectly positioned in the center of your block."
"I believe that while everybody's getting along and you know you've got Child Care built in and all that's working out that's part of the deal."
"Okay, so to sum up then, Dan SC, you're with Master Chewy. Nicola McTi Kus, yeah, you're going to the bar. Paul, I'm buying a lot of tickets, you're getting next to to mark."
"Yes, hello? Yeah, I'm in the car, we'll leave soon."
"I actually set up this uh Transportation with our Airbnb host who was really great when I told her that we were going to be getting to Rome late so she was able to set this up for us which is really nice really appreciate it."
"When you go to make a bouquet, the little smaller things are almost as important."
"That's the only way I can see her, making deliveries as part of the deal with Philip Downs."
"There's nothing there for it to go in, so it does fit here and it does fit here."
"Would you offer them? I'm sure I can arrange for someone to keep an eye on you."
"I like to stack them so I can see the side of each one."
"That's how you worked back in those days. You picked the time, you made an arrangement, and you met each other there."
"God has left nothing to those three words: chance, accident, or coincidence. All is arranged."
"I'm just trying to give it more space."
"You saved me one bike though, right? Oh yeah, for sure. Meet me out back."
"It's all set up for you and it's reserved, it's got your name on it."
"Clusters and superclusters are arranged in filamentary or sheetlike structures, occupying only about 10% of space."
"Let's go ahead and start with this. What I want to do to kind of start is just build up the drums because I feel like this song is going to be so drum dependent."
"So, let's say we want to do this A section. We want to do it an extra time and duplicate it."
"Now, let's talk about this kind of crazy, weird hypothetical scenario where we wanted to take this B section, move it in between our intro and A section. How would we do this in arrangement view?"
"To me it felt like the deal with O'Neill was based off John it was like they wanted John but I think my mom was pretty nuts back then she was like okay you you can have John but you gotta like help me and Ivan and Nathan like travel around too."
"And then Desiree had like, kind of lined it up."
"we have to wait a second but yeah I can get it set up if you want to do that"
"so after you've chosen your colors it starts to time to put down the placement"
"There's so many Minifigures in this and the way that I placed them...just to make it more lively."
"Having dynamic arrangement is super helpful, so in this case of the song that we've been doing, the piano part in the whole production of this is very basic where it's just these chords."
"I think there's nothing more fulfilling than filling up that arrangement with one of the elements."
"All Nippon Airways premium economy seats are set up in rows of either 2-3-2 or 2-4-2 arrangement."
"...send me a message on Instagram, let me know around what date and time, and I'll make it happen."
"I know what V this carnus is this is a ghost if it's a monster if it's what have you uh uh but we'll find out oh look at that he's got them arranged by the one two three four five six seven yes he's got them arranged by the stuff cool."
"One of the easiest ways to arrange plants in your garden is by grouping them together, also known as planting in drifts."
"How's it all gonna fit," you might be asking yourself. Well, friends, I mean that will fit."
"I'm gonna move these around and, you know, re-stack them beautifully."
"...the seating position, seating arrangement in that was just absolutely perfect."
"...to take a solo performance and turn it into a band arrangement I think it's the most challenging and interesting and satisfying thing about making music."
"We're meeting at Ronnie's after I get off his next shift at the Gold Coast, right?"
"I love being a sugar mom, and he loves being a sugar baby."
"Once you put it out there that you want to get together, right? So I don't think there's anything more you need to do."
"...he placed the item in a specially designated place in the program."
"...we are having breakfast on the roof of this hotel tomorrow morning at 8 A.M."
"Everything has been formally arranged into a very pleasing composition."
"...the gang vocal is the snare drum part and the lead vocal is the kick drum part..."
"So with this drawers it's actually really easy to organize."
"Isabella was supposed to marry somebody else in Denver. So, that is true. And this guy was gonna pay for her passage to America. Right."
"Now all of the letters overlap from left to right."
"I want to maintain that these spaces are equidistant."
"They have the cards flipped all over the place."
"We'll head out in 20 minutes if that suits you."
"This is just going to be some seating."
"On this wall, the early blue cupboard has some gathering baskets on the top."
"Nothing wrong with the sleep divorce."
"...really establishes like the key and the vibe of the track and allows you to kind of like arrange all of your melodic elements around it."
"All right, you move that over there, put that couch over there."
"I'm arranging them in those piles."
"I love the way they're staggered."
"Flexibility is the most important factor in tenants in common."
"It sounds to me like a benefits with benefits."
"His vocals are beautiful and he's layering pieces really, really nicely. They didn't do anything like over the top, everything was just beautifully layered and placed."
"I think the symphony adds some nice touches, it's very lush, I think the symphony is well directed."
"The last thing is just my TV area."
"Providence is the arrangement that facilitates sovereignty."
"I learned a lot about my space and tried a few different arrangements, and I'm quite happy with the way it's turned out."
"Now we have kind of like a basic setup here we have a few secondary materials and like a primary material here."
"It's not like it's something that needs to be mathematical, but you want to place your important elements in these corners."
"It was rumored that the couple had an open marriage."
"Look, I'm gonna text you an address, you can meet me there in 45 minutes."
"All of these figures are united in a single story and they're arranged in such a way so that they fit naturally into the space."
"I think I need to make a little bit more room out here."
"At first glance, it seemed like an obvious suicide arrangement."
"And then you basically just repeat this whole process for each part of your song until you have a complete song arrangement."
"So we just need to situate something in this area."
"Just in case placement might be at issue, you would probably want to be there."
"I'm putting all the good stuff this way."
"I thought there was something more but after last night it's pretty clear this is just an arrangement for him."
"I do not mind taking it, but then it's already pre-packed for when I get back and I gotta head to Kansas here in a week and a half after I get back. So, I don't mind taking it."
"Here you go, Addison's flowers are coming together."
"It's a crazy arrangement, but it was arranged."
"Arrangement is king... it's more important than fancy tricks."
"...what if I bring four people at all over and then I'm alone?"
"Okay, it's all set. We're meeting him tomorrow."
"The tie-up will keep it on this end of the floor."
"I didn't work the next day, so we would be able to go down and get the car."