
Narrative Enhancement Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Props are an excellent opportunity to add narrative to your character."
"Jiraiya's backstory is so good that he brought together these three stories to make the protagonist's story even better."
"The music and the art style of this game both complemented the story so well... they were both just truly truly excellent."
"Monsters enhance our games when we treat them as something more than just combat opponents."
"Specificity: the richness and uniqueness of your story."
"Major reveals and major pieces that we otherwise would not have gotten."
"Assassin’s Creed II featured a much more engaging story than the first game."
"Use narrative description to spice up the game and provide immersion."
"The dialogue is also much more natural in the remake allowing me to more easily get into the story and buy into the characters."
"There's just so much more personality packed into the story now."
"The characters and story have been fleshed out in positive ways."
"The subversions in Knives Out always elevate and escalate the narrative."
"Snyder opted to use pre-existing pop songs or needle drops in the movie creating a wall-to-wall musical backdrop that drives the narrative forward."
"A well-chosen setting adds to the story in some way."
"You've complicated things in a way that's added something to the story."
"Destiny 2 succeeds where the original failed the most, it delivers a story-driven campaign good enough to match its finely tuned first-person shooter gameplay."
"It adds even more flavor to the story and more context to what's going on around you."
"The best part is that the gameplay rarely impairs the meaning of the work and often goes out of its way to enhance the meaning."
"This is because the groundedness of this film would help enhance the story, world, and characters that filmmakers set out to create."
"Johnny Silverhand... adds so much to the story."
"The main quests itself are very short... the side jobs in cyberpunk actually add to the main story."
"What makes a story interesting are the details, the specific details about the environment, about the world, and the personalities of the characters involved."
"So for me on the whole, if we could just end up with the Azeroth plot being more important, more RPG mechanics, a different feeling world with a bit more in the way of story content, I think that could be a great thing."
"Persona 4 social links overall are a fantastic progression of the idea from Persona 3 and where that game stumbled Persona 4 enhances the idea tremendously."
"The plot twists and the general direction of the story was much more interesting this time around."
"thank you Wes 4.99 the novel Darth Plagueis by James lucino makes the prequels much better"
"You leverage the tool to tell a greater story than the tool itself."
"Giving Kratos a kid to mind as a gameplay mechanic and becoming a father thematically was one of the best creative decisions they could have made in fleshing him out as a more sympathetic and relatable character."
"The soundtrack is less focused on upbeat tracks, more on creating and supporting that feeling of mystery."
"But I digress, Enma has provided a much-needed power-up."
"Mass Effect 2 used its characters to help flesh out the world so that we experienced something that we couldn't have otherwise experienced as a human."
"Hyperbole is the spark of making a boring story into a less boring story."
"The way they fleshed out the world that Hutch comes from... the little bits of information about his backstory was really well done."
"Rogue's story actually makes AC3 so much better."
"Mobius thanks Loki for waking him up and they share an emotional moment."
"It adds a meta-narrative to the tournament circuit, it gives you extra storylines you can build up and carry on."
"A dash of fantasy adds to the plot and storyline in the best way possible."
"You are only as interesting as the music and the songs that are accompanying your narrative."
"A great soundtrack can help carry a game or story."
"Any movie that can retroactively make other movies look better and be like 'wow that was awesome'... pay respect to a lot of characters... is actually more impressive than both endgame and maybe even Infinity War."
"Starcraft took storytelling to the next level."
"This movie is a quite interesting example of how a simple plot like this one can be enriched by the talent of the two main actors."
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake makes things matter more in Final Fantasy 7, and I will always appreciate it for that."
"Easter eggs like Ryan Choi's setup as the Atom and Deathstroke's reveal are well-done."
"Welcome gentle listeners. I sincerely hope you have noticed the longer tales and increased passion that has been afforded of late."
"These details aren't there just for the sake of making a pretty game; the little things you find are strategically placed to become relevant later or to recontextualize your understanding of these stories in some way."
"The black arcs are now characters, equipped with items and attendants."
"Beautifully animated and the kind of narrative push that this series has needed."
"The BO Sound Stage claims to use advanced sound processing so that you hear the full story."
"You see that adding these little props, we are not exactly modeling, but we're adding more details to our story."
"I loved the game mechanics, and I really do think they added to the story."
"When the action is so good and you actually have a story to see you through it, it becomes a million times better."