
Shinobi Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Itachi is a hero because he embodies the idea of what a shinobi is."
"Regardless, he vows to instead become a shinobi like his mentor."
"Even shinobi are human, no matter how hard we try to escape that fact."
"Kawaki is undergoing missions as a shinobi, still trying to establish his identity."
"A shinobi must always be prepared."
"Minato's capacity as a shinobi is just unmatched."
"To be a Shinobi, you must have teamwork and guts."
"Kakashi's limits of the Shinobi are highlighted for the audience several times."
"It's not what tools we're blessed with that make us good Shinobi. It's how hard we work that makes one a good Shinobi."
"A Shinobi is someone who fights for what they believe in."
"Let me explain something to you. There's only one thing that matters if you're a Shinobi, and it isn't the number of Jutsu you possess. It's the guts to never give up."
"You have the potential to be a wonderful shinobi someday."
"He is a very strong Shinobi, Uzumaki Naruto, to think he possesses the Mokuton on such a scale."
"Skill alone isn't enough in the field of Shinobi," Madara stated.
"What you are about to read is a crossover with the Shinobi world."
"The only people who can keep secrets in Shinobi Villages are the Shinobi that live there."
"If even the leader of this village cannot kill me, then becoming a shinobi was a good choice."
"Even shinobi are human, no matter how much we try to escape that fact."
"I wish you good luck to the future generation of Shinobi," said Manado Amante.
"I can't do that, Naruto. You are just one shinobi, and you need a team to compete in these exams."
"Deception was still a shinobi's most powerful weapon."
"I want to understand how even in death Itachi could call himself a leaf Shinobi and care about and try to protect the village that dishonored his name."
"A Shinobi is someone who fights to protect their village, those precious to them... they fight for the glory of that which they protect."
"'It matters little whether you believe I'm a shinobi or not. In the end, all it takes is that kunai going straight at your neck.'"
"The wind sings once again, embracing the young Shinobi's bruised body"
"A real Shinobi only displays his true skills in a life and death situation."
"Shinobi are never late, they arrive when they need to."
"Deception is part of being a Shinobi after all."
"Revolutionize the world of Shinobi."
"I am honored to have the three of you in my class for the little time that you were here. Good luck in your Shinobi careers. I know that all three of you are going to go far," their Sensei said.
"It's the person that makes the Shinobi; it is essential that you have the correct equipment with you and that you are wearing appropriate clothing," Hiruzen advised.
"The lives of shinobi tend to be notoriously short ones. The people you care about today might not be there tomorrow."
"Love is what makes a true Shinobi."
"Just because we were enemies during and after the Third Shinobi War doesn't mean we are currently. That is the way of the Shinobi World; those that are your enemies now may one day be your friends," spoke Naruto in a calm tone.
"A true Shinobi is someone who looks out for others and helps everyone without bias, especially when they're in their lowest point."
"You're going to make a fine Shinobi, Naruto."
"Death is a part of everyone's life; killings are part of the life of shinobi."
"You want to become a Shinobi, right? I'm sure you'll become a great one, if not the greatest."
"For now, Naruto, I trust you to become an awesome Shinobi. I know you can do it."
"If you want to become a Shinobi, then we have to work together," continued Naruto.
"He's definitely seen almost everything there is to see in the shinobi world."
"It's about the life of your brother who risked everything for the sake of the shinobi world, the Hidden Leaf Village, and most of all, for you, his younger brother."
"Haku, Minato, and Sasuke are the only known shinobi to be able to perform hand seals with one hand."
"In order for a shinobi to grow strong, he or she had to have the strength and will to never give up and always fight through numerous obstacles that appear through life."
"Naruto, I know you want to protect the village and those you care for, and believe me when I say you'll become a great Shinobi."
"There's a brand new contender for the title of best retro shinobi right now."
"You have the potential to be the greatest Shinobi in over three generations," said Naruto.
"It's enjoyable, your son is an S-rank Shinobi in the Bingo book."
"We Shinobi are those who endure for a reason and protect what is important to us."
"Information is crucial in the Shinobi World, especially that about one's abilities."
"The sight of the blood-red Sharingan is quick to fill the hearts of even the most hardened shinobi with an utter sense of dread."
"My dream is to unify the Shinobi world and bring everlasting peace."
"Shinobi who leave their comrades behind are worse than scum."
"Now that we're actual shinobi, we should work even harder. The only easy day was yesterday."
"Since I first became a true shinobi."
"The Yondaime was a true genius. Minato Namikaze was a prodigy, a once in a generation shinobi."
"Now go forth and become this generation's greatest Shinobi."
"We are so proud of the shinobi and the man you've become," said Minato, smiling.
"As shinobi, we must always value our objective as a priority, but we must never forsake our own teammates just for an objective."
"He has respect, respect of his fellow Shinobi, he now has love."
"The world was cruel, and the life of a Shinobi was unforgiving."
"Within Shinobi principles, there's also 'yōnin' or the art of sneaking in disguise."
"Shinobi had a profound understanding of the animal kingdom, mastering things like training animals like guard dogs or messenger birds."
"If a person was properly trained as a Shinobi, male or female, it shouldn't matter what the gender of the individual was; all that matters is their capability."
"A shinobi is your job, so you could be a bushi or a samurai by social status, but then your job is shinobi."
"I will make sure your girl comes back home safe and sound. It's a promise on my way to the Shinobi."
"Shinobi always have their secrets, wouldn't you agree?"
"If a shinobi must sacrifice his life in order to complete a mission, then so be it."
"It seems you're not only a powerful shinobi but a wise one too."
"You've become quite a fine shinobi."
"A Shinobi walks towards danger when everyone else is running away."
"He's not some hidden weapon for us to use as a deterrent to war; he's a true shinobi and defender of the village."
"It's such a shame because he is obviously an exceptional shinobi or an exceptional student."
"I've got this dream that at some time in the future, there will come a day when shinobi will collaborate and help each other with one heart regardless of their affiliation."
"Now is the time to take all the pain, the frustration, and suffering we shinobi have endured and weave it into our true dream."
"The first allied shinobi force is being formed here right at this very moment."
"It's nice to move around a bit. I didn't think that I'd be chained to a desk all the time when I became a shinobi."
"Every laugh a deterrent to the nightmares of the past, every kiss a special moment of light in the darkness of the Shinobi world."
"I'm proud to be a sensei, Naruto. I wish you'd grow up like your father and be a great shinobi."
"I will become a shinobi and become Hokage, dattebayo!"
"A Shinobi can only get so far on pure talent."
"Considering Scorpion is the only catalyst in the entire history of this show that allowed us to talk about the Shinobi's origins within China, I've had to bump it up to at least nine."
"Self-sacrifice is the duty of a true shinobi."
"Self-sacrifice is the duty of a true shinobi," he thought.
"Deception. A shinobi's most powerful tool meant for misdirection."
"How would you like to become a shinobi of this village?" asked Naruto.
"Names and titles mean nothing in the shinobi world. Even the strongest shinobi could be defeated by a single mistake."
"He died proud that he was a leaf shinobi."
"What is a village, what is a clan, what is a shinobi?"
"The respect they hold for each other is insane, an immense respect reserved for the greatest of shinobi in their hearts."
"There's no shinobi alive today who's as powerful as the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju."
"Fight like an elite shinobi with control, skill, and finesse."
"The monster tore through the village with ease, the Shinobi did their best to save as many lives as possible."
"This is what being a Shinobi is about, weighing the death of your loved ones against the death of an enemy."
"Protecting everyone is the shinobi's duty, and is indeed what I work hard for every day."
"For shinobi, the one thing that's important above all else is teamwork."
"How can you be willing to abandon someone who's been through life and death with you?"
"I'm scum anyway, so I'm gonna choose to break the rules. If doing that somehow makes me less of a true shinobi, then I'll just go and crush all of the so-called real shinobi."
"To become the number one Shinobi in my village, I'm going to make everyone acknowledge my power."
"Congratulations, you graduated from the academy. You're now shinobi."
"I'm sorry, but I think that I have to do this to prove to everyone that even without Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, I can become a splendid Shinobi."
"This was the greatest fight I have had in a long time. You're a special Shinobi, even without the Genjutsu which I previously thought you had."
"Well, that was truly impressive. It has been a long time since someone has ever beaten me like that."
"I will help both of you, but you have to tell your parents that you want to train on your own."
"Well, to be honest, I truly believe that my genin is going to win this tournament."
"You will be surprised at the end of the day because I'm going to beat you."
"We shall see about it, Sasuke. We shall see."
"The three legendary Sannin are some of the strongest shinobi in Konoha's history."
"We start on a night, a very dark dark night, a night that was meant to go down in the history of Konoha as the darkest day of history for shinobi."
"There's entirely too much hate in this Shinobi world of ours, but I truly believe that eventually the day will come when all people will understand one another and live in harmony."
"He will become one of the strongest shinobi to ever walk on this planet."
"Since when did Kanoha just give up on its shinobi?"
"That's all the requirement a shinobi needs to start healing."
"In the shinobi world, nothing is impossible."
"Shinobi is someone who protects something by sacrificing other things."
"Those who sacrifice others for their own good are not shinobi."
"Shinobi sacrifices himself, not his own people, to achieve new heights of power."
"That is because shinobi exists to protect those who can't protect themselves."
"The only reason you're still alive is because you're a fellow Shinobi of the leaf."
"Self-sacrifice is the way of true shinobi, to be ready to sacrifice anything and do what is necessary in order to protect the village."
"Their deaths were not meaningless... they died as a true Shinobi in a battle."
"Self-sacrifice is the way of a true Shinobi."
"A Shinobi is a person who endures pain and sacrifices everything in order to fulfill his duty and protect what is precious to him."
"Every shinobi has to accept that at some point."
"Shinobi were meant to be swift and stealthy."
"Despite the grave situation, however, Jiraiya couldn't help but wonder about the kid's unlimited shinobi potential."
"You could pass with flying colors and still be poor for a shinobi just like you could have barely graduated by the skin of your teeth and wind up being the best there ever was."
"Thank you all. You've gone beyond what I paid for you! You are all extraordinary people and shinobi!"
"You are kind and compassionate, and you will be a fine shinobi."
"You know, putting your headband on is a testament to fighting on equal terms as a shinobi."
"Self-sacrifice... a nameless Shinobi who protects peace from within its shadow. That is the true mark of the Shinobi."
"He's not some hidden weapon for us to use as a deterrent to war. Oh yeah, he's a true shinobi and defender of the Leaf."
"I think the [__] has a lot of potential, if I can bring it out he may one day become a formidable shinobi."
"You may be merely Genin now, but you will in the future be the soldiers of your village."
"A true shinobi knows to follow their judgment."
"Many of this year's graduates are clan heirs and heiresses that have great potential to become strong shinobis and kunoichis of Kanoha."
"You showed great potential as a Kanoha shinobi."
"This mission has really helped him grow as a shinobi," Kakashi said, referring to Sasuke.
"You're one of the bravest shinobi I know."
"The most important thing any shinobi needs to know is themselves. No lies, no delusions, just the basic truth about themselves."
"I thought I knew what it meant to be a shinobi."
"Tsuki, I trust that you will become one of the strongest shinobis ever."
"Your father is the finest shinobi around."
"That's amazing. He's incredible, actually."
"He was named after the father of Lord Third, then was he? Yes, so he will grow up to be a strong, splendid shinobi."
"Where shinobi deception is our greatest weapon, there is no such thing as a fair fight; as such, there is no such thing as honor," commented Naruto.
"Exactly, this test was for me to determine if you are ready to be a shinobi."
"There is nothing better than determination, hard work; that is what a true Shinobi should aspire for."
"I want to be a Shinobi," she declared brightly.
"No shinobi is invincible; there will always be some weakness or mistake we will make."
"We are Shinobi; we are the ones who endure."
"Shinobi's life is not measured by how they live, but rather it's measured by what they manage to accomplish before their death."
"I'm going to become the strongest shinobi that has ever lived."
"This Village was known for it being hidden in a forest of trees, its strong Shinobi, and also the kindness of its people."
"It produced many great Shinobi such as the Senja brothers, Hasharama and Tobirama, who were the first and second Hokage respectively."
"Naruto... is a very special boy, a boy who I have no doubt has the potential to be the most gifted Shinobi ever produced by the hidden leaf."
"You are Uzumaki Naruto of Konoha!"
"Shinobi don't abandon our teammates."
"Do you think I can accomplish his dream of bringing peace to the Shinobi World?"
"There are no safe missions for a Shinobi, and anyone that would rather wait for the guarantee instead of taking the chance on the mission doesn't deserve to be a Chunin," Ibiki explained.
"I know that it doesn't seem right, but as a shinobi, this is what we do, Sakura."
"This is the life of a shinobi, and if you can't handle it, I won't force you down this path any farther."
"I hope he becomes a good shinobi one day."
"You see us leaf shinobi have something that you'll never have, that's the will of fire."
"It's the flame within every leaf shinobi, it is the will of fire."