
Driving Advice Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"If you look where you want to go and gently push the gas in the direction that you're looking, you've got a chance to steer out of the skid."
"Stopping distance isn't always going to be the best bet..."
"Learn to drive a manual folks, for goodness sakes!"
"Look where you want the vehicle to go. Find the landmarks that will help you align the vehicle."
"Every car is different, every driver is different, and there are always exceptions to the rule."
"Your observations are really good, just be careful like if there's no one around, there's no need to signal."
"Don't put a newbie behind the wheel driving a disease to have the outcome of scarring. Put somebody who is licensed—benzoyl peroxide."
"Always go for blind spot monitor, that's really important, you can save lives."
"This is a lesson for all our viewers: don't speed on mountain roads and get a roll cage."
"It's not all about speed, many times you'll need to slow down. So don't be afraid to use the brake."
"Drive safe, guys. Just pay attention when you're driving."
"Number one rule in your forward drive: don't do the CB track if it's raining, sucker."
"It's also important that you remain patient while driving because being patient is the number one thing you can do."
"When you see standing water, do not drive in it."
"Buckle up and start double clutching like you should. This is a fun one, are you ready cause I am, let's go!"
"Defensive driving always account for the idiots."
"One of the worst things you can do is take your brand new high horsepower car out and just go romp On It Go floor it uh hit hit the thing off the reev limiter all that kind of stuff."
"Extra care should be taken in wet weather; your stopping distance could be double that in dry conditions."
"Remember, if it's safe, you shouldn't be stopping. If it's safe, you should be going."
"Avoid driving through flooded roads if possible."
"You don't look at the hazard, don't stare here, stare where you wanna go. Stare where you want to go, okay?"
"Try not to look at the curb, try not to look at the middle, try and look at the halfway point."
"Straight on doesn't always mean the second exit."
"Don't outrun your headlights and just go as fast as your body will allow you to go and as much as you're in control."
"Drive normally, take slightly more care, pay slightly more attention to the road, but just have fun."
"If you're not sure, don't go. You'd rather get a minor for hesitation than go when it's not safe."
"Remember what we spoke about: smoothness, letting it flow, letting it close."
"Practice good observation in all directions before you emerge or make a turn."
"Keep the vehicle moving, that's number one objective."
"When you see a flashing yellow light, it means you should be cautious and continue through the intersection safely."
"In severe weather, do stay in the center lane to avoid rain and ice that collects at the curbside."
"Roundabouts do not have to be scary; they're there to serve a purpose, and as long as you learn to navigate them properly, you'll be absolutely fine."
"Always be cautious on snowy roads."
"Translation is hit the gas, do not slow down and expect the highway to deal with you, use your right foot."
"Safety first, always put your seat belt on."
"Drive like you normally do on your driving lessons, and not drive like a granny."
"The secret to passing your driving test is planning ahead."
"Look where you want to go, don't look at the cones. Your peripheral vision will pick up the cones."
"It's like I told my last wife, I says, 'Honey, I never drive faster than I can see. Besides that, it's all in the reflexes.'"
"For the acceleration, I'll give it all the gas, maybe not around a turn."
"When you're driving through extreme cold weather conditions and dealing with snow, the best thing to do is just to slow down."
"Select a low gear and use the brakes carefully when driving down a steep hill."
"Look ahead and slow down; avoid steering suddenly; take note of the outside temperature."
"Do not drive if you feel tired. Pull over a nap if you've already started driving."
"It's vitally important that you plan for the second roundabout before you reach the first one."
"Always be ready to stop in the distance you see is clear."
"You should just consider that overtaking, unless you're on a two-lane or four-lane road that's going in the same direction, you should not consider trying to overtake anyone."
"Don't be too hesitant because that's why I got my minors for being hesitant."
"Intersections aren't the place to gain time, intersections are the place to be prepped and ready for a hazardous situation."
"Drive slowly, don't be afraid at all."