
Press Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Gorbachev softened censorship and therefore increased the freedom of the press this was a giant step towards a free media and the free flow of information."
"There's a big difference between the way the press works in Britain and the way it works in the United States."
"The reason it's a great country is because it's almost impossible to get away with lies for very long, thanks to a hostile press." - Big Mike
"Freedom of thought, and a free communication of opinions by speech or through the medium of the press, are the safeguards of our Liberties."
"The freedom of the press is one of the most important things we the people can do as a collective."
"I have a First Amendment right because I'm press."
"The job of the media, the press, is to keep power in check."
"I'm only using my First Amendment liberty as a member of the press to do my business."
"So at that point the press was still protective of a politician's privacy but that would change very rapidly."
"It made me laugh when I read the press release about it."
"We're going to head to press, which is my favorite coffee shop in town."
"Like many concept reveals, Citroën were at pains to tell the press this was just a concept and that they didn’t plan on producing it, whilst secretly harbouring hopes the press would love it."
"The press loved the smooth ride on the highway given by the hydropneumatic suspension, like the car was flying through the air."
"The British musical press loved nothing more than to destroy anybody it thought it had created. What was difficult for them about Led Zeppelin was they hadn't created Led Zeppelin."
"One of the curious things about this president is that while he's clearly very hostile about the press, calls us fake news... he literally makes an exception for them."
"We really should be trying hard to get people off of the PPIs and I think this is kind of got a lot of press when some of these studies came out three to five years ago."
"I'm actually here to do some business and now, very rude man over there is trying to impede my ability as press to be here doing press things."
"I think artists want unique and different ways of doing press. It doesn't have to be a serious interview all the time."
"Absolutely, point taken. Um, did you by any chance receive the press cuttings about the poor old Gwilym Hopkins?"
"All you gotta do is press this remote and it is so cool."
"A free press is a cornerstone of a free democracy and so is an attack on the press and that constant are an attack on democracy."
"The press is not our enemy, the press is our salvation."
"I didn't want to have any sort of paparazzi or press conferences in the movie, but to capture what it kind of feels like from an experiential point."
"That last one is the most recent one where he was doing press for Andor and they asked him like are you so why are you so obsessed at the top of that and he tried to deny it sir yes sir we have receipts and you're you're clearly on the record here."
"The importance of a free press to a vibrant democracy."
"Some people say any press is good press, well, I don't agree with that."
"everything should be questioned that's the purpose of the press to hold the powers that be to account"
"The black press had been founded to defend blacks against assaults on their dignity and humanity, especially in newspapers during the Reconstruction and post-Reconstruction periods."
"Primarily to our members of the press and um please make sure that you do not take any photos or any the camera is not visible any of our jurors."
"Well, may we agree we must leave all this to you, discretion, and above all, keep the press out where you can."
"...the United States Constitution specifically enjoins Congress from making any law to restrict the freedom of the press or freedom of speech or freedom of expression."
"She let go of her sleeve. 'What do I tell the press? Do we have a stock answer to give them while the case is on hold?'"
"I had to bat them off on my way in and on my way out," he grunted about the press.
"In the Press Hearst's enemies attacked him as an all-controlling media Baron and assailed the powerful columnist who had become his eyes and ears in Hollywood, Luella Parsons is Hearst's Hollywood stooge."
"Oh, the article, yes, in the bottom sofa, oh yes, I'll tell them Jenny, quick, run, tell Tom and Barbara that we are in the quality press, The Observer, divine."
"Alright, then let's press space and see what we got."
"Most of the stuff that was in the Press I have to fess up was lots of it was to Get Hype you know to get the people to come out to the drags."
"A democracy is a very healthy thing as long as the press focuses on the issues that really matter."
"Did you have to learn the difference between good press and bad press?"
"The public were fantastic because what the public did was, 'Okay, that's happened now. If there's anything in it, then we'll make a judgment later.' What the press did was, 'We'll make a judgment now and then we'll worry about what happens later.'"
"Never underestimate the power of a woman or the power of the press."
"If you can't speak and you can't talk, you can't practice your faith, you can't share your faith, you can't petition your government, and you don't have a free press."
"It'd be like if Tim Burton didn't even bother to do press junkets for Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas."
"One of the police officers finds something called The handleless Hatchet or it becomes known as the hoodoo Hatchet in the Press."
"The group addressed the eviction allegations at the time and confirmed that they were not evicted from their home as stated in the Press."
"I think it's ridiculous that's close press I think it's ridiculous that all these monopolists are all here to tell Senators how to shape the regulatory framework so they can make the maximum amount of money."
"Ingrid Bergman's decision to leave her marriage and embark on a relationship nearly sent the press into meltdown."
"Freedom of press, US Constitution, ma'am."
"But Obama started this ganging up on any press leaks."
"It gets a lot of press that it's the most profound thing since swiss cheese, and some days it may well be. In the end, it's going to depend on what the consequences of it are for future physics."
"All Megan Markle wanted was some freedom away from the press."
"The press give you a bit of a bad time quickly, don't they, really?"
"They believed in absolute freedom of press and absolute freedom of speech."
"You should probably look at it as a situation where if you're going to get a lot of bad press, it isn't worth it. Why not wait?"
"The crew kept this pretty well hidden from the press."
"All press is good press and I thoroughly believe that."
"I guarantee the positive press you'll get from doing it will be absolutely worth it, like win-win."
"We condemn in no uncertain terms any repression of a free press."
"Courts will need to interpret this and they'll need to decide what is speech, what is the press, what is freedom of speech."
"We need to defend press freedom right now more than ever before."
"Freedom of press is one of the most important factors in how free a country is."
"The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen."
"The destruction of institutions, the curbs on the press, this pogrom against the Sikhs... that's the other reason to say the Congress should just go."
"College campuses are the most important place for free press, free speech."
"Democracy is more than just elections. Democracy is also a free press. Democracy is also freedom of religion."
"The press plays a vital role in our democracy."
"Our country is judged globally by the state of our press and our government, both of which I believe are at rock bottom."
"Democracy fails when your press fails to scrutinize and hold the government accountable."
"A properly functioning free press fulfills its purpose by holding those in power to account."
"I'm conducting a First Amendment protected activity under freedom of the press."
"Secure your press coverage. A good PR campaign in the run-up to release day can help attract more momentum and reach an audience that otherwise it would never see."
"The US Constitution and the First Amendment to it guarantees a free press."
"For one night, their pictures were amongst the most valuable press photographs ever taken."
"I truly support freedom of press. I think it's one of the things that makes our country so great."
"Never before in Indie Car history have so many press members been accredited for this race."
"The newly left-leaning legislative councils then proceeded to reinstate freedom of the press."
"Every member of the public has freedom of the press."
"You may very well be contributing to the problems that begin to develop in a society that develops a censored press."
"Freedom of the press, so everybody has the right to run a camera in publicly accessible spaces."
"It's standing room only, not only in the press box but directly upstairs above it, the auxiliary press box full of writers from all over the United States."
"Press work is one of those things that your imagination is the only thing that limits you."
"It's the soldier not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press."
"You can print our relief prints with a press, which works beautifully, or you can also print them by hand."
"We have a free and open democracy and a free and open press here."
"I'm the Press, Mr. Glover. That still means something."
"We're just here to bring awareness on freedom of the press."
"This is to show the Men's Wear press that these suits are more beautiful than what they're saying on this runway."
"The First Amendment covers freedom of the press, and you don't need press credentials to be press."
"Freedom of press is part of the Constitution."
"Here we cherish our freedom of the press to protect our integrity from government interference."
"This is going to be a huge press, what a ride by Cancellara!"
"Our Liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press."
"First Amendment freedom of the press."
"New York's promise to its citizens of freedom of speech and freedom of press are far greater than the First Amendment provides."
"We fight to the last stitch for the freedom of the press."
"The Daily Press will not be intimidated. Justice will prevail."
"The real heroes will be our judiciary and the Free Press."
"It's a very good thing for people to do interviews with the press because they voluntarily tell a story or a lie and give us more leads and more evidence to go on."
"Love that, so this is the Asia press card for Super One, love the background and love the aesthetic."
"Freedom of the press is one of the things worth fighting for."
"He tells the press meditation helped all of them through."
"No democracy can long survive without a free press."
"Eva is the most talked about model in the press; she's a star."
"Right to freedom of expression and press."