
Like-minded Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Seek out people that are like-minded, I think is a really big important thing."
"To me, it shows you that people are hungry for things that connect them to like-minded people."
"Find people who have a similar mindset to you... and create something amazing."
"Surrounding yourself with people that are like-minded is the best thing to do."
"You're also interacting, attracting, and engaging with people who have the same mindset."
"It's a chance to meet like-minded people."
"A growing community of like-minded individuals."
"Like Minds going to flock together, you damn right they're going to flock to each other. You're damn right."
"Challenging myself and surrounded by like-minded people in beautiful surroundings like there's nothing better."
"It is so fun to be around like-minded people who want to pull the best out of themselves, that want to test the limits of what they're capable of. It's very encouraging and very inspiring to be around."
"If you liked Monty Python, you had something on everybody. It was like, 'Oh, we are like-minded.'"
"Getting together with like-minded people."
"How cool would it be to have a community of like-minded women to be inspired by?"
"It's just so nice being with like-minded people who are just as excited for this weekend."
"The high places of life have likeminded people."
"For me, it was about putting together a team of like-minded guys like myself."
"Companionship with like-minded souls is vital for spiritual growth."
"It's just such a great community to be a part of. Everybody's like-minded and loves their neighbor and we're all the same team, you know?"
"You deserve like-minded individuals... that love seeing things in a different way, maybe in a more spiritual way, or in a more emotional way."
"It's refreshing, the great thing about moving abroad is that you meet other like-minded people so it's definitely easier to connect with them."
"...it's so cool to see such a community of like-minded people and to see your thoughts on the things that I'm saying..."
"A community of supportive, like-minded people, is probably more valuable than anything else."
"We're all just like such a close community so it's so much funner being able to do it with people that are like-minded, absolutely."
"It's beautiful knowing others who are also on the frequency."
"You attract like-minded people or you attract people who are very much like you so a lot of people who are attracted to you kind of see themselves in you."
"But friendship is always a great thing on top of that because you guys both seem like you're like-minded individuals."
"That's the coolest thing about reaching the size that we have - we've gathered thousands of people who are like-minded."
"We are building such a beautiful community of like-minded people."
"I just try to be around people that's like-minded."
"If you're into that like groovy community scene and you want to live next to like-minded folks, this would be super cool for you."
"This reclusive community was founded by like-minded people searching for a simpler way of life."
"The reason why I love traveling is meeting people out here who have the same vibe as me."
"Being around people so like-minded really helped with this process of healing."
"It's very important to get with like-minded codified people."
"Making amazing friendships with different people around you... together you form this amazing community of people who are like-minded."
"Surrounding yourself with like-minded people is super important."
"Joining a community of like-minded individuals is always helpful."
"It's good to get to come here and just meet like-minded individuals."
"We should be surrounding ourselves with like-minded people."
"He was right at home among like minds."
"It's neat how like-minded individuals try to find each other."
"Expand your horizons and connect with people who see things the way you do."
"You have to connect with like-minded people. You have to surround yourself with people who aren't necessarily doing the same things that you're doing but they have the same attitudes or the same mindset at least."
"You're going to find like-minded people who are going to collaborate with you."
"You're going to be surrounded by like-minded people."
"Seek out deeper connections with like-minded people."
"You're going to attract the people that think like you, that want to be with you."
"This wonderful community is all about meeting like-minded people and supporting each other."
"We join with people who are like-minded and share the same values that we do and we move out of our isolation and we move on with our lives."
"It's nice to have people around you who are like-minded."