
Tomatoes Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Nature Sweet Tomatoes. They taste homegrown because they ripen on the vine."
"The entire point of the trial was to prove once and for all that tomatoes could be eaten as ordinary food."
"Tomatoes contain lycopene and lutein, studied for their health benefits."
"Guys, I'm not a tomato person but I have fallen in love with tomatoes because of all those sweet little ones."
"Tomatoes are really important for us because Cody gets sick if he has to eat grocery store sauces."
"You want to have lots of airflow in your tomatoes."
"Making your pasta sauce from a cherry tomato is actually a lot faster and easier than any other sauce."
"Tomatoes really are the taste of the summer."
"Ultimately, the tomatoes are the star of the show, so I don't want to drown them out with a bunch of other flavors."
"...you may pick the biggest most beautiful most delicious tomato you've ever had in your life off of an heirloom plant."
"Terrifically tasty tomatoes encapsulate the pure joy of Summer in a sweet and juicy package."
"I'm a fussy eater but for some reason if I cook mushrooms or tomatoes in a hella fresh meal they've managed to get me to like mushrooms in some contexts."
"Diversity take tomatoes for example you go to the grocery store and there may be 10 or more different types of tomatoes Cherry Vine beef Roma that's diversity."
"Tomatoes contain the chemical lycopene which restricts blood vessel growth."
"Determinate tomatoes ripen their fruits over about a four to six week period."
"Lycopene in tomatoes is anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic, so it can slow cancer cell growth."
"He saw that the tomatoes he grew were called the Everlasting Tomatoes."
"They are just unbelievable they don't taste like a grape like the super sweet 100s they are like a cross between a very mild tomato and a mandarin orange or a clementine."
"I just feel so fantastic knowing that all of these tomatoes are trellis and supported and they are pruned and they are just ready to grow."
"Antioxidants in tomatoes, including vitamin C, are good free radical scavengers."
"This is a great way to use up Tomatoes if you have some extras to use up."
"We're going to get on the ride through my world of tomatoes."
"These tomatoes are great on sandwiches."
"The Tomato aspect was pretty wild."
"I've never met someone who expresses exactly how I feel about onions and chives, and tomatoes for that matter, until now."
"Next year what I'm gonna do is I am going to start probably almost all my tomatoes in soil blocks."
"They have a lot more foliage or leaves to their fruit ratio... you have a very high potential for delicious tomatoes."
"The beauty of a dwarf tomato... they're really easy to support... a single steak system will actually work for a dwarf tomato... another great reason to grow dwarf tomatoes in containers."
"...achieve crunchy tomatoes, there's only one direction to go, and that is fried green tomatoes..."
"Storing tomatoes upside down will make them last longer."
"Now you know and you'll never put your tomatoes away the same way again."
"Anyone else comment down below if you're a tomato lover like me, like I could just eat tomatoes literally off the spoon."
"The tomato, the world's most favorite gardening vegetable, offers endless varieties and possibilities for growers."
"Tomatoes are super rich in nutrients, an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants like lycopene."
"Mmm, fresh tomatoes. I hope this guide was helpful and that you grow some of your own."
"The garden gem tomatoes and more marigolds around the exterior, you can see we've got some tomatoes forming in there."
"It's the best tomato that I think I've tasted in years."
"The floor being mopped can wait but tomatoes on my counter that are covering my entire surface of my counter those need to be preserved, those cannot wait."
"The first ever commercially produced tomato GM crops were a type of tomato called 'Flavr Savr' tomato, and they didn't go squishy on the shelves after you'd picked them."
"Frozen tomatoes, that's happening."
"Somewhere in a strange land, people thought tomatoes were poisonous because they ate them off lead plates."
"I found out that somewhere in a strange land, people thought tomatoes were poisonous."
"I have about 20 pounds of tomatoes, all different varieties."
"All an heirloom tomato is, is an open pollinated tomato variety that has been saved and you can trace that lineage back for at least 50 years."
"That wonderful tomato scent, that is the essential oils that the tomatoes are producing along the leaves."
"Wow, I can barely even believe it, I cannot believe what beautiful perfect tomatoes these are."
"I can eat cherry tomatoes like they're candy."
"Tomatoes have a lot of vitamins, especially lycopene, which makes them red and helps your heart stay healthy."
"This is an entire bucket of green tomatoes that I'm going to lay out on my grow light shelves in the basement and we'll ripen those up."
"Orange Jazz, still my all-time favorite for a big non-red beefsteak type tomato."
"This is probably the healthiest tomato plant I've ever grown."
"These are sun gold tomatoes, if you've never had these, they taste kind of like a grape, they're very sweet."
"Tomatoes are chock full of what is called lycopene and it's actually been shown that lycopene can physically prevent skin damage from the Sun."
"Don't put your tomatoes in the refrigerator, they will taste better, they will just age better, keep them out at room temperature."
"Homegrown tomatoes are a whole another ball game."
"Salt and pepper awakens the Tomato; it makes it taste so succulent."
"Tomatoes are relatively easy... for the first half of its life, it wants to thrive."
"In the world of tomato varieties, there is simply no reason to settle for descriptors like fine and good and okay."
"I'm excited, okay, and so these are growing lovely, more tomatoes."
"Nothing beats the taste of heirloom tomatoes."
"It's said that tomatoes are full of vitamin C."
"The smell of these roasted tomatoes is just amazing, guys."
"Tomatoes can be very easy to grow in the garden, that's one reason why they're the favorite of so many gardeners."
"Indeterminate tomatoes... grow some more, set more flowers, set more fruit, and grow some more, so you get a continual harvest."
"Indigo rose cherry tomatoes... these cocktail-sized tomatoes have purple skin where they're touched by the Sun."
"Tomatoes are very popular in European dishes, but where did they originally come from?"
"I love these little roma tomatoes because they cut up so nice without producing juice."
"I love tomatoes with a sour lemon or vinegar dressing and a sprinkling of black pepper."
"You can't beat lovely homegrown tomatoes."
"I'm usually happy with my tomatoes."
"San Marzano tomatoes are the best."
"There is nothing better than having a tomato season that lasts the better part of six months."
"These determinate hybrid tomatoes are the easiest to grow."
"I love a Mexican, I love tomatoes, it's so good."
"The good news is that my plan did work, and I still have some tomatoes."
"Tomatoes, everybody's favorite plant to plant in the garden, they're the quintessential garden plant."
"Why do they breed tomatoes to be flavorless? That's a huge mistake."
"I carefully slice the tomatoes with an exceptionally sharp knife so I don't rupture the cell structure."
"You cannot beat homegrown tomatoes, especially in the middle of summer."
"This Sun Gold changed her life. She was eating grocery store tomatoes."
"Campari tomato is a type of hybrid tomato noted for juiciness, high sugar level, low acidity, and lack of mealiness."
"I grew my own tomatoes and I'm so proud."
"Cherokee purple... it is a really meaty tomato with a really deep flavor."
"Tomatoes and mozzarella can stand alone, but together, magical combo."
"Tomatoes lose their flavor and start becoming mushy when stored inside the fridge."
"This plant is absolutely loaded with tomatoes."
"Last year I was able to grow a year's worth of tomato products for Josh and I."
"If you've been interested in doing some of those big juicy tomato plants, this is actually the time that we want to start them."
"We've had the best luck with this kind of tomato here in Central Florida."
"We are quickly filling up this crate here and look at these tomatoes, they're beautiful and the plants are so loaded down."
"This has got to be a personal record, I don't think I've ever grown this many Romas on a plant."
"There's no secret about it at this point, we all know I love to grow tomatoes."
"Tomatoes are amazing about growing roots."
"You can use this in your spaghetti, just whatever you use tomatoes for."
"Heirloom bi-color tomato Marvel Stripe, I've never grown those, they look fabulous."
"I finally got some tomatoes, guys. Look at them, there's a couple right here that are growing."
"You can never go wrong with roasted cherry tomatoes on the vine; they're so sweet and juicy."
"Tomatoes give you versatility in a lot of different food."
"The juice and the moisture that will come out of the tomatoes when they're baking will soak up the stock cube and it just gives everything even more flavor."
"Look at this tomato plant, isn't that gorgeous?"
"Look, we've got tomatoes already."
"I'm blown away with how productive these tomato plants were for us this year."
"All right, tomato heaven, there's over 70 tomato plants in here."
"These teeny tiny tomatoes are the cutest packaging but also the most delicious like pop in your mouth sweet tomatoes."
"These tomatoes are gonna definitely be the best thing of 2023."
"Sun gold cherry tomatoes are super sweet; they taste like candy."