
Printing Press Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The printing press became a cornerstone of education, shaping the modern era by fostering literacy and influencing scientific and cultural advancements."
"The other major factor is the arrival of the printing press."
"The slightly more hands-on than I expected story of Johannes Gutenberg and his marvellous machine."
"Gutenberg's technology spread across Europe like a benign virus. It gave new ideas a ticket to ride and kick-started the Renaissance."
"Gutenberg's legacy, the spark that ignited the modern age."
"The impact is profound enough that in my opinion the screw, the very physical screw at the center of Gutenberg's press, is the most important individual screw ever made."
"The printing press had a big hand in reproducing knowledge largely lost in the west at the same time making a new industry of printers a ton of cash."
"Possibly more than any other invention, the printing press changed the world."
"In the 16th and 17th century, they had to contend with a new communication technology, the printing press, and it completely changed everything."
"...the spread of the printing press... caused this explosion in the proliferation of information."
"...the Protestant Reformation combined with the printing press led to sweeping political, social, and cultural and religious changes at this time."
"I feel connected to Gutenberg somehow just by doing this."
"Gutenberg's plan would only succeed if he could devise a system for mass producing individual, movable type."
"They made the crucial technical breakthrough which made Gutenberg's brilliant idea a practical reality."
"Now that is the key that unlocks the technology that changes the world: the punch."
"It's more than neat, it's revolutionary because now we can make as many 'e's as we want quickly and cheaply."
"This is the miracle: they are identical, each one of these wonderful pages, and that had never been seen before in the history of the world."
"I cannot begin to imagine a society anything like the one we have that doesn't have the printed word."
"The printing press made everyone a reader, the internet makes everyone a publisher."
"It was during the Renaissance, in 1450, when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press."
"For the first time in history, copies could be made of written works, which meant ideas could spread across the whole of Europe."
"Where would we be today if Johannes Gutenberg hadn't invented the printing press?"
"The internet has had about the same impact in our lifetimes as the printing press had over a more prolonged period."
"So, the printed word had the potential to shake everything up, from religion to government."
"Johan Gutenberg made this model throughout Europe, news books and news became more news."
"...the printing press is a way of replicating human thought and then being able to disperse it very very widely..."
"Technologies like the printing press spread ideas faster than pretty much anything before it."
"People act as if a printing press is our salvation, that somehow it's a get out of jail free card. 'Hey, you don't have to worry about buying treasuries because America has a printing press.' That's exactly why you have to worry."
"I'm holding a Bible that was printed in 1480, 25 years after the invention of the Gutenberg press with the movable-type that revolutionized knowledge in its proliferation as we know it."
"The printing press, which had been developed in 1440, meant that it was now much quicker to make books and much cheaper to buy them."
"The dawn of the Renaissance brings a wondrous new machine, the printing press. Now books and authors flourish as never before."
"The printing press: like the internet of its era, but with limited access and audience due to literacy rates."
"It was actually a Christian, Gutenberg, who invented the printing press so that we could even have published books."
"But around about the time of Gutenberg, we started to see the rise of a merchant class who really believed in investing the idea of their future on Earth, venture capitalists and such people were to prove very useful to Gutenberg."
"Thanks to the invention of the printing press during the Renaissance, written music can now be shared around."
"In five years, when a scribe with his quill could finish writing one book, Gutenberg in the same five years with his newer machine and his letters, he finished printing 180 Bibles."
"With a printing press, it's almost as if knowledge itself becomes democratic; anyone can share any ideas they like with anyone else."
"The printing press leads to a reading revolution as books are made widely available."
"Johannes Gutenberg invented mechanical movable type printing, and the book industry was born."
"Gutenberg's printing press was an absolute pivotal point in graphic design history and in the history of communication."
"The printing press was so important, they could do multiples at a much lower cost."
"It is impossible to imagine the success of the printing press without the Muslim discovery of paper."
"The printing press... spread throughout the German states of the Holy Roman Empire with incredible speed."
"Johannes Gutenberg's printing press is one of those things from unit one you definitely want to know."
"The internet is fundamentally like the printing press."
"The printing press revolutionized the world of literature, fundamentally changing the way that we communicate."
"The spread of the printing press... made available throughout the Muslim world."
"The printing press changed the world, we thank God for it."
"It was the invention of Gutenberg's press that really changed the history of the world."
"The printing press changed everything in the world."
"Gutenberg inventing the printing press, I think the most monumental invention in all of history."
"The invention of the printing press... inaugurated an intellectual awakening in the land of Britain."
"It's very similar to what happened when the Gutenberg press came out."
"With the arrival of the printing press in England, the language gets standardized, and there is no longer a confusion about which form to use."
"Gutenberg's printing press leads to the spreading of Renaissance and Reformation ideas."