
Multifaceted Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"The dude is phenomenal on a multitude of levels."
"Let's look at how much more you are than a skateboarder. You're a musician, dude."
"Being multifaceted is something that I think is very important."
"He's part bad-boy part rock star part movie star part character actor and part Cherokee but he's 100% Johnny Depp."
"Bravo, thank you, and especially thank you for, as Father Casey said, allowing it to have so many levels that it's not going to be a finished thing."
"Tupac Shakur was not just a rapper, poet, and actor, but a voice for the voiceless and a symbol of resilience."
"Pleasure is any form of attention, love, it could be sex also."
"Fantastic chapter with so much going on. A lot of great comedy, intense action, wonderful dialogue and a number of twists."
"He's kind of like a renaissance man and you don't even know it."
"Fanny Bryce was a once-in-a-lifetime talent who lived many lives."
"I'm multi-talented, I do different things. Not just one, I'm multifaceted."
"She was so much more than a moment in time; she was a friend, a colleague, a confidant, a wife, a daughter."
"This journey is very complex. It has many aspects. It's not just one way, one story, one journey."
"While many are focused on his appearance, it's clear that Baron Trump has more to him than just his physical appearance, showcasing his intelligence, charisma, and bilingual abilities."
"Mac Miller was a humble rock star he was a rappers rapper he was an actor a comedian a musical genius a heartthrob Mac Miller was a brother he was my friend."
"It's not like there's any one specific thing that makes it so bad. It's a combination."
"People are shocked by this multiac edness of you and how stable you are and how fun you are and how Charming you are and how much they enjoy your company."
"Alexander Hamilton was a man of many faces."
"Each generation of DuPont has imbued new facets to an already multifaceted legacy."
"An actor, a writer, a musician, a poet, and half of crystallized."
"We are not only our jobs, our friendships, our romantic relationships, our degrees and grades."
"To many people, Charlamagne the God may be better known as a comedian and radio host, but he's also acted."
"... it's part rock and roll, it's part sports, it's part stand-up comedy, it's part acting, it's part everything."
"It's not a this or that. It could be this and that."
"It's just so accountable, it's so self-reflecting, it's just so... it's just so many things."
"He comes from the same corner of hip-hop that we come from starting off as DJs and MCS he's multifaceted get that man a round of applause."
"...what's so cool about our sport like some people are just into the sport for the competition and the racing and whatever but you know I've always liked all of it."
"I adore how multifaceted the lyrics are."
"It's not just one thing. It's a little bit of everything."
"One decision doesn't always define a person."
"You're not just sweet; you're also spicy."
"It's important that you're showing the other things that you're involved in, so that folks know that you're multifaceted."
"To be a superstar, I believe it's more than just music."
"She was much more than that. She was a mother. She was a wife. She was an entertainer. She was a hostess. She was a dancer. But you don't get any of that in 'Deadwood.'"
"Though her acting and dancing skills earned her some shine, she was equally passionate about music."
"It's a project where there are so many wins, I'm not talking on the pitch only."
"Magic is only one aspect of who I am."
"She is so multifaceted, so talented, like a piece of beautiful artwork."
"It was a mixture of three things, I think. He was an engineer about the technical things, he was a merchant, and he was an intellectual. He had started at the university, and he knew that many people needed books."
"Here's a gentleman who's not only an accomplished author, investor, entrepreneur, and philanthropist."
"Michael was energetic, affirming, adventurous, faithful, loving, giving, forgiving, talented, joyous, creative, assertive, bold, determined, authoritative, passionate, hardworking, a risk-taker, and much more."
"A book which is a poem, a code of laws, a book of common prayers, and a Bible all in one, and is a reference to this day by a sixth of the whole human race as a miracle."
"This show feels like it's seven stories going on. It kind of is because it's seven different people's stories."
"She's my secretary, my best friend, my sister, my nail tech, my PR, everything."
"You can't separate Middle Earth from anything else in tolkien's in tolkien's life you can't separate it from his study of languages you can't study it from you can't separate it from his Catholicism you can't even separate it from the bedtime stories that he tells to his kids."
"We have a finite amount of energy and I think being multifaceted tricks us into thinking that we are some sort of superwoman."
"She's real, she's authentic, she supports me, she's a woman, she's a businesswoman, she's an actress, she's everything that she put out there."
"Dr. Dre can be described as many things, a catalyst, a stupendous businessman."
"Castor oil's magic lies in its multifaceted approach to hair health."
"I'm an entertainment attorney, I'm an author, I'm an artist, and I'm here in the Blue Mountains at the School of Vision."
"Greg is so multi-faceted, so talented, so warm, so giving."
"I'm not just a fighter, I'm a businessman, and I will do what's best for business."
"We can be lovers, business partners, and friends all at the same time."
"You're just opening people's eyes to how multifaceted performance enhancement actually is."
"What does it mean for something to have value—monetary or emotional or political value?"
"You're not only basketball players, you know, we got other talents and other dreams and aspirations."
"God reveals himself in events, in words, and in persons."
"It's so great for so many reasons."
"My solution is to offer healing in all forms: physically, emotionally, and spiritually."
"She wasn't only a mother, she was a best friend; she was a sister."
"Tina Fey because she's just... she's a great author, she's a director, she kills it, and she's not afraid to say what she wants."
"Jane has introduced herself to the world through a variety of means: as an activist, as a writer, as a champion of new talent, as an actress."
"Eden is an experience that is so multi-faceted and innovative, you won’t be able resist falling in love with this venue."
"There's always another side to every story."
"Elvis Presley was many things to many people."
"I'm an actress and artist and a climate Justice organizer."
"We see a very multifaceted view of this character both as an individual, as a lover, as a mother."
"It's amazing, and I'm just so impressed with these main two actors because they're singing, they're dancing, they're doing the action."
"Your purpose isn't just one thing, mine is many things as I go through life."
"He was their father, leader, tactician, and agony aunt all rolled into one."
"It's so much more than that in so many ways and I really, really [expletive] enjoyed this."
"Characters, they're complex; a good character is deep, they're complex, they're all multifaceted."
"Food is yes, it's about health, but it's so much more than that; it's about politics, it's about the economy, it's about the environment, it's about climate change."
"I was living like two or three lives, and I think it helped me with my writing terrifically."
"He's wearing a fisherman sweater, maybe he's got some paint on his hands because actually, he's an artist as well as a fisherman."
"We are the center of peace, we are a lot of things, and you can do it in a way that it's not wearing you out."
"He was a very multifaceted person."
"I'm acting in it, doing the score, doing the soundtrack."
"It's an astonishing debut for a lot of reasons."
"Roald Dahl was not just an author, he was a fighter pilot, spy, and even a chocolate tester."
"My Airman just wanted me to be who I was, right? Like I'm a mom, I'm a wife, I'm a fighter pilot, I'm a leader, I'm all of these things."
"Bards were entertainers, educators, and news reporters all at once."
"He was a speaker, a writer, runaway slave, an advisor, a person who was a great author, and a man around town."
"Her work to free hundreds, actually, of slaves. And take them to freedom. But, she did a lot of other work, too. During the Civil War she was a cook, a nurse, and a spy."
"In a romantic partnership, your partner is not just your lover but they often take many different roles."
"History is incredibly interesting and multifaceted and something that we should learn from and study."
"He's a realtor, he's a chef, he is what we call friend now."
"She was something else, in more ways than one."
"We need to change the parameters that we're studying or the practices that we want to use on our farming operation from an individual single focus to a multi-factor focus."
"David Hockney is very well known as a painter, but is also a draftsman, a printmaker, a stage designer, and a photographer."
"Professional boxer, author, speaker, entrepreneur, anime head, former alcoholic, reformed man now."
"My dad is sometimes scary and nice and funny all at the same time; he's a big goofball."
"Our traditions are at once religious traditions, cultural traditions, and scientific traditions."
"Stress is not just emotional; it's also physical, environmental, and chemical."
"I'm a comedian, I'm a rapper, I'm a singer, I'm an actor. I'm a father first, and I show y'all that."
"I'm a model and an actress and a student. That's my passion."
"People are multifaceted and you don't have to just do one thing."
"It has the feel of like a magazine, a life coach, a planner, a journal, a wellness check-in, and a guided journal all in one."
"I am a philosopher, novelist, sociologist, statesman, dramatist, and theologian... an Irishman, a vegetarian, a fanatic, and a fluent liar."
"Olivia Owen was once a loving daughter, student, and athlete."
"We get to see Batman as a crime fighter, a detective, a chemist, a savior, and a hero all throughout."
"She's a scientist, a seductress, and a spy."
"Wonder Woman is just one of the many faces of Lynda Carter."
"Reconstruction is really three things: it's political, it's economic, and it's social."
"Our 2023 fashion icon went to Miss Kelly Roland, who is an entertainer, an actress, a mother, a businesswoman, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist... and can I go on and on and on?"
"Consider Benjamin Franklin: a writer, a publisher, a philosopher, a diplomat, an inventor, a scientist, and according to the French, a formidable lover."
"It is an economic, political, and psychological struggle."
"What is it about fencing? Well, in my mind, the short answer is it's a sport, it's an art, and it's a science."
"It's brilliant, she's great on so many levels."
"He was a really interesting guy as well... he directed and wrote."
"It's like going to the gym, acting class, church, and a meeting all at once."
"It's kind of everything all in one."
"Protection can be all the above: physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually."
"I'm a fan, I'm a journalist, I'm an artist too. I love the art of it."
"She was a teacher and nurse practitioner by trade, but Rene Pagal was much more than just her titles."
"I'm still an author, I'm a youth mentor, and I'm also a film producer."
"The real Anne Margaret was a multifaceted individual, a talented performer, a compassionate humanitarian, and a woman of substance."
"It's about him as a person, it's about him politically, it's about him as a scientist."
"Security is a thing that we have to approach from many different angles, and auditing is just one thing that must be done, but it's not the only one."
"Thank you for being my career's advisor, my friend, my knight in shining armor, my counselor, my guiding light, and most importantly, thank you for being my mum."
"Her presence will never be forgotten thanks to the multi-faceted woman she was both on and off screen."
"This is a person who writes books, teaches, has kids, is a social activist."
"You're like my brother, you're like my best friend, you're my lover, you're everything."
"I love these concepts that he's a doctor and that he's also really good at video games."
"I thought it was very important on a lot of different levels."
"She's got a lot going for her, more ways than one."
"I love you Mommy and thank you for being my best friend, my teacher, my doctor, my nutritionist, my chef, my shoulder to cry on, my cheerleader, my comedian, my favorite toy, and above all, my loving caretaker."
"Paul Newman was a multifaceted individual who left an indelible mark on American Cinema and culture."
"Your deed hit me on three levels: as a teacher, as an uncle, and as a human."
"I'm proud of you as a family man, as the entrepreneur, as the businessman, you know, as the coach; you're doing a lot."
"Winston Churchill was a journalist, he was a soldier, he was a politician, he was a painter, and he was also a bricklayer."
"This connection is going to be healing in a lot more ways than one."
"Tretinoin might help fight hair loss on multiple angles."
"I don't know how a film manages to be scary, funny, sad, and downright epic all at once."
"Author, philanthropist, entertainer, YouTuber, entrepreneur... these are the words that come to my mind."
"He was more than that; he was more about his music, his art, the character of a man."
"I love my guy Murray because he's so many things to me."
"She's so beautiful, she's so smart, she gives great advice, she's a businesswoman, like she's everything."
"Is it best economically, socially, culturally, politically?"
"Art has to be disturbing, has to ask questions, has to be spiritual, have healing, be political, be social, and have to predict future."
"A hero, an icon, a savior, but also a son, a cousin, and a friend."
"It seems that this amazing woman has lived several lives."
"Beyonce is not just the Entertainer but she's also a behind the scenes person."
"He's been an actor, a freedom fighter, and a wrestler."
"He was simultaneously prince, prophet, healer, musician, and guardian of ecstatic mysteries."
"She was enormously talented, not just a remote viewer but as an artist."
"You want someone who has common sense, is emotionally intelligent, and is multifaceted."
"I couldn't have wished for a better friend, mom, or dad."
"I'm a man of truth, a God-fearing man, a family man, a businessman, an entrepreneur, a creator, a musician."
"I'm a surgery nurse... I also do like a lot of other stuff like I sing, I dance, I do movies and like TV and music production."
"You're the best boss, the best roommate and the best landlord in the whole world."
"This is a divinely guided connection, business, love, passion, it's all the things."
"Your ability to adapt and change and be multifaceted is something that people find to be well definitely they want to move towards you."