
Directions Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Always remember that there's always more than one way home, all you have to do is get there. So get there, people, get there."
"You wanna buy what's right, just one night to do that's a good point, they're going in different directions."
"Every single time without fail. Don't move, stay right there in position. And... action! Get back to work!"
"What are you waiting for? Check it in the description box."
"Keep all the left, just if he keeps going left a little bit."
"Here's here it is but here are the rails that it can go."
"Read the signs on the walls... they tell you where to go."
"Just head through the double doors and follow the hallway to your left to the various anachit. It will be there to present your prize directly." - Festus
"What's the best way to cross? Probably right here."
"Imagine if you will, a time when you actually had to write down directions to where you were going and you couldn't just look it up on Google."
"...it's more of a Choose Your Own Adventure... but as long as you're going straight up through the middle there to the highest point you should be okay..."
"Like the thing is, in this area, lots of the roads don't have names."
"You're going to hit a couple left, you're going to hit a couple right."
"...take a three left and four right, and you go backwards, in the forwards. They're going to be like, 'you are best American. I understand everything, everything. This way, right? Yeah.'"
"This gives you left, this gives you right, and then when you want to cancel, you press it in the center."
"You know when you go around to a friend's house for the first time and they say to you did you find it okay what do you meant to say no I'm still lost."
"...and you can basically turn on and off the directions."
"Show you exactly where to go... showing you exactly where to go."
"Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the set of Tank Girl?"
"we've made our way to this second seller which is up on that hill up there"
"It's so easy so you've got one landing zone you've got another landing zone another land oh no this is the wrong six"
"They asked if they could see the area and I took them back and showed them to them."
"Step on a driver, that airport is still a mile away."
"Stop sign, thank you! Turn around, doing horseshoe turtle."
"For those of you arriving via train to Venice this is the train station's location and very close to where we're starting our self-guided Grand Canal tour."
"I'm not mad at driving I'm like if I'm at home I'm fine like when I drive with him I'm fine but the thing is when I'm reading directions bro I can't do it bro my brain doesn't work like that"
"It's about an hour southbound from the St Augustine bues to the Daytona bues."
"Can you give us directions so we don't get lost for 40 years?"
"Over on this right-hand side, I'm going to come this is already her shoulder."
"So anyway I said chief second door on the right go and see him he he'll sort you out."
"Signs with a brown background give directions to places of interest."
"Everyone just so casual like, 'oh hang a right that's where we're going'."
"Turn left instead just in front of that thing."
"Excuse me, do you know where the house from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is?"
"I intend to illustrate this fact with the M20 heading west from Dover towards the M25."
"The directions paddy had given mitch and lemmy and which jet and I now followed seemed simple enough."
"Welcome to Tanga Village, the shopping center is only a few meters ahead."
"...just remember it'll fit in one of these routes..."
"This guy simply did not care and told us in no uncertain terms to just be at the head office."
"Monuments are used to mark where we start, end, and make turns."
"She's nice though, she gave this [__] directions even though you stink. A stink girl walk up to me asking for directions, 'Oh, yeah, the bathroom is that way?'"
"So go ahead and click directions."
"So now we have your route from San Antonio to Austin."
"We're looking for entrance eight, parking lot eight."
"Um, there's none in proper Dupont Circle, but if you walk 15 minutes, there's a Trader Joe's and a Safeway."
"Seven left, three right, and all the way past zero to the right to four, and then eleven to the left, Scarlett."
"The traffic was quieter now just groups of noise instead of a constant rule I turned right then right again I was on Bald Street."
"The quiz so clever that it tells the best way to get to Leicester Square."
"Yeah, it's crazy anyway so yes you go up the coast and you get some water working."
"Let's go poop your heads in number five, flesh-eating Beetle room."
"How do I know if it's a drive-through? Oh, there's this one, I can just tell you where it was. I remember this one. Go down the same street you were, and then it's on the right side. So, this one, I ate, bro."
"The key to success on the performance test is your ability to follow directions."
"That's a cracker. We're all done. We're all done. Provisional, no, no. He can't find it. He's lost. I'll find that, don't worry. See, you just stood on it. Yeah, he's got to go that way. It's just the nearest. I'm playing it. I'm playing it. I'm playing it fine."
"There's the front, this is the left side, over there's the right side."
"Everybody knows the old saying, 'Righty tighty, lefty loosey.'"
"So we passed the dog park I'm gonna go into this neighborhood and do a U-turn because I don't know how to actually get to the dog park."
"If it's between 611 and 850, if some of it will be fling to your right, so then it's not..."
"But see now that's great for downstairs but we got to go up."
"The art gallery is next to the Capri main dining room."
"C3, huh? Yeah, we're looking for C3, apparently in the middle of uh Park."
"Is the route as easy as following the train? And number two, is that giant fried chicken place still there? If so, where do I go to get it?"
"Bottom row is backwards charlie, question mark, star."
"Before we go into the Aquadome we'll walk over here really quick."
"They want directions to somewhere that no one's ever heard of and want to use a phone since they have no service."
"Don't let your emotions dictate your directions."
"Modeling requires hard work, determination, and the ability to follow directions quickly and efficiently."
"We're Lane four, and that is the cruise terminal right there."
"I do love cooking it because I'm a bad cook and I like directions."
"There's two ways to get on the roof."
"He's around back of me. Double back around, Mark."
"I come from Australia. It's just a little bit past New Zealand, then up, and then you turn left."
"A lot of people are smelling and asking me where the bath is, so if you guys want to wash, the toilets are over here."
"Section 1 is located at the top right."
"You do know where the library is, don't you?"
"Heathrow is Northeast, Hearn is East, and Luchar is West."
"Just to remind you, the address is right there. Boom!"
"If you are taking your time to give somebody really good directions that means you do want to be a contribution."
"If you want to see it up close, there's a Trailhead at the end of the parking lot."
"The driver immediately ran out onto the platform, where another intending passenger pointed in the direction of the city and said: 'It's over there.'"
"Once I get up to Swindon, I take the 419 and the 417 across to the M5."
"We should now be taken to our create route."
"When you're driving in a car, you might turn right at the grocery store and then turn left at the vacant lot."
"In most cities, people will name the streets, number of blocks, even the number of stoplights or stop signs."
"I love when people ask me for directions."
"Know where you're going for the exam."
"That's how you can get the directions and then use the directions renderer to draw the route from your origin to your destination."
"N-E-S-W, north east south west, that's right. Oh, cool!"
"Straight across pedestrian crossing."
"I just wanted to show you guys the parking options."
"I'm gonna give you this map so you don't get lost in case you, you want to meet me here at one PM. It's 11:48 AM right now, 1 PM is our lunchtime. So, you meet me down here at the concierge. I will literally hold your hand if I have to, to get you there safely, okay?"
"So, once you leave the hotel and you go the road, you go towards your pizza, but instead, you stop at that first Mall. You take that diagonal road and you keep walking straight, like 10 minutes until you reach the boat. It's very straightforward, okay?"
"The reason it takes a billion sperm to fertilize one egg is they will not stop and ask for directions."
"So if you guys ever want to do this hike the easiest way to get here is to go to Kailua Beach and if you're lost just ask the locals there because it's only two minutes away from Kailua Beach Road."
"Well, head brings us out to the Old Sugarlands trail, so we just got to go this direction to get to Rainbow Falls trail to hike back to our car."
"I'm pretty sure you got to get home."
"This law requires all products to have adequate direction for use unless they contain federal legend caution."
"...you just head out one of these doors here which will take you to the arrivals pickup area for those in cars who want to pick you up."
"Sir, do you need help finding the exit? Because it's literally everywhere."
"This one is so much farther right than you think. And I came to find out today that the more you hug that right side, the better it's going to be."
"I think you go in two directions."
"Nonetheless, it's directions to this shooting range."
"Just like those maps, map directions."
"No, he answered before cracking a toothy grin a few seconds later. Dude, can you just look? We got directions and they led us here. Can you please just let us in?"
"The directions Anna gave me said that her house was the large one on top of a hill in town."
"Straight on doesn't always mean the second exit."
"On the click of 'Get Direction', you can directly jump on the Google Map with all directions ready."
"Lots of curves, you bet. Even more when you get to the junction."
"On your driving test, you can't fail for going the wrong way as long as everything stays safe and consistent."
"One eye can look one way, the other eye could look the other way; a chameleon can look in all different directions all at the same time."
"From the four cardinal directions of the compass, you have different attractions."
"You're from the South if you know where over yonder is."
"When you see yellow lines on the road, it means that the lanes are separating traffic moving in opposite directions."
"Translate can you give me directions to the store in French."
"You can make the world a better place for all of us by saving us from the tyranny of having to ask directions from strangers."
"If you want to learn directions, get lost."
"The interesting thing in Chinese is they don't say North, South, East, West; they say 'Dong, Nan, Xi, Bei'."
"It's really an interesting conversation because you can go in so many different directions."
"Excuse me, how can I get to the train station?"
"You never eat soggy waffles; that's how you remember North, South, East, West."
"Which character gives the direction 'Second to the right and straight on till morning'? Peter Pan."
"No requesting, no naming, no labeling, nothing. Just listening and then completing the request or following the directions."
"Northeast, south, southwest, Kanye West."
"Naughty elephants squirt water, that's north, east, south, west."
"It's very nice to give someone directions if someone is lost."
"Always check your directions with more than one person."
"The best way to get to Rockaway, best way to get the beach, is A and S, I agree."
"Good luck, here are the directions to the bank," he said as he placed the key and a piece of paper in my hands.
"I want everyone to know that Mike is not like a stereotype; he will immediately ask for directions."
"How do you get to Buckingham Palace from here? You go through that arch right there behind me."
"I kept thinking to myself how odd it was that he gave us directions in steps, not yards or miles."
"I speak to the east, I speak to the west, I speak to the north, and speak to the south, that we produce your help."
"And I believe that asking for directions will be the most fun trip you will ever make."
"The almighty gods of the eight directions follow my commands."
"So like let's say it's coffee, if the user is looking for coffee, they have to be able to type in coffee and they have to get directions."
"If all goes well, which I'm hoping that it did, then we should be able to see a blue line on our map showing us how to get there."
"To find a bearing, you start from the north line and you keep going clockwise."
"North points up, and south points down. West points left, and east points right."
"God uses dreams and visions to give us directions."
"I was in Manhattan with a few friends trying to find CBGB's... she rolled her eyes and in the most deadpan delivery gave him full walking instructions."
"When all else fails, follow directions."