
Inhibition Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Fear of rejection is the biggest inhibitor to living the best life that you can."
"In some ways, well, again, interesting that so often classical players are terribly inhibited by their training."
"Mars Neptune inherently avoids any overt expression of the will because of Neptune's longing for Fusion."
"It's the only thing holding me back from going to therapy."
"When you're lubricated, you've got a couple of whiskies under your belt, you go out there and you just don't give a [ __ ]."
"Fear stops you from doing things you enjoy because you're worried about what other people think."
"Perfectionism is the satin lined casket of creativity and originality."
"Something that holds a lot of us back from doing the things we want to do is the fear of being judged."
"Catalytic inhibitors are really a fantastic way to shut down proteins of interest."
"It's like if I'm told not to laugh my brain is like come on guys come on guys what they're saying let's go ahead and let's go ahead and start the laughing gears bro let's start it up."
"Why are we afraid to express ourselves?"
"Yeah, there's heartache here, the three of swords. They're heartbroken because they feel like they can't do what it is that they really want to do."
"Every time a character starts having fun, she's like 'we don't need to do that, do we?'"
"It's a beautiful thing in movies when people don't hold back."
"Fear holds us back more than anything else because if you're absolutely guaranteed a success, you'd be unstoppable."
"To be able to persist toward the future one must be able to resist distractions along the way, that is a problem with inhibition, not perception."
"No more holding back, let yourself shine."
"They want to express themselves to you, but guilt and fear hold them back."
"My pride and ego has been holding me back from expressing my feelings to you... everything is not necessarily as it seems."
"It's fear that stops most people doing what they want in all areas of their life."
"You can't strengthen an inhibited muscle."
"Most people smother their abilities behind the personality."
"Social anxiety disorder occurs when the fear of judgment inhibits our life in some way."
"Fear held us back, paralyzing us with its icy grip"
"'It's fear that stops us from really living.'"
"None of us were drunk or inhibited in any way, unless you count how wired we were from Monster energy drinks."
"The thing that has kept me from living... is also going to be the thing that keeps you from living."
"...the minute we try to go there our programs say that you're being bad you shouldn't do that."
"They don't want to look stupid. They're holding themselves back from doing that, but they carry on flirting with you."
"Fear stops people from doing a lot."
"Violence, physical or emotional, is all forms of fear."
"Fear can hold you back. It can hold you back from your wildest dreams."
"Internal and external sensors can suppress divergent thinking, hindering creativity."
"You may have felt recently like choking, like you want to say things but you can't say it. You're trying to filter, maybe even what you're saying, or you're not fully speaking your truth."
"Don't let any inhibitions prevent you from accepting the gift that the universe gives to you."
"Fear is the biggest inhibitor of fruitful mental activity."
"All of us are so-called geniuses. We have high-powering minds. The reason a lot of the time why we're not geniuses is fear, inhibition, and neglect of our own deepest impulses."
"I think there's something to be said about having some alcoholic drinks and communing with your neighbors because it lowers your inhibitions."
"We let fear stop us from going after our dreams."
"The only thing that's stopping you is fear."
"...that [__] had energy though, could black I be stopping myself, squeezing out the [__] in front of people."
"...there was always something holding me back..."
"It's a good way to get rid of one's inhibitions. Sort of a frightening hobby, I think."
"...you do things you'd never dream of doing in your ordinary mind."
"Your person tends to hold themselves back a lot."
"When you stop yourself from being you, you stop other people from having the opportunity of meeting you."
"I think one of the biggest blocks for creativity is the lack of trusting that you know what is good."
"If you're already thinking about it that way, you're not going to be fun in bed. Let go of your inhibitions, have a good time!"
"It was actually a neurological inhibition."
"You have to stop being so self-conscious."
"Normally I'm stood up with the mic I'm not normally sat down because I feel like sitting down does inhibit your performance."
"Their heart is telling them, 'You're attracted, so why are you holding yourself back?'"
"Anything that gave a positive reflection of me had to be stopped."
"Fear shuts things down. Joy moves things forward."
"Fear with wearing dresses with learning new skills creativity I think it's fear that like stops you from actually doing it."
"...that means no hindrances when you want to get crazy."
"I just think you've got to let your inhibitions go."
"Fear will cause you to be stuck at ten rather than risk going to eleven."
"If you're constantly concerned about being right, it's going to inhibit you."
"What's stopping you from being all of you?"
"We live in the time of increasing specialization. I hate it. It's very inhibited. I think it also makes people more remote from each other."
"I'm amazed at the things we don't do because we have this little tiny bit of fear."
"What's holding them back isn't so much that they haven't listened enough or they haven't read enough it's just they're afraid and they have this fear inside that's kind of holding them back."
"What is holding you back? Fear, fear, fear."
"Don't be afraid to let go of your inhibitions because isn't that what alcohol does? It encourages you to let go of your inhibitions."
"Embarrassment is the dumbest [ __ ] emotion cuz how can I sit here and be fully capable fully willing fully wanting fully yearning for something to befall me and yet the only thing stopping me is that I'm embarrassed or I think I'll look silly like that is [ __ ] insane."
"It's like you overcome a fear or an inhibition or a block... it's a double whammy in the best possible way."
"Free writing often referred to as stream of Consciousness writing is a form of deep listening where you let your thoughts flow out onto paper in real time you're not worried about the quality of the writing your only goal is to write without inhibitions."
"Fear stops everybody from doing a lot of things."
"The solution to the problem was in your mind all the time but for some reason it was inhibited by competing ideas."
"One hemisphere is inhibiting a comparable group of cells in the opposite hemisphere."
"Don't hold back, no barriers on yourself."
"Fear really is behind all frustration, stress, and strain because man believes he is being blocked and inhibited by external forces, therefore he can't realize his desire."
"There was no room for inhibitions or a lack of self-belief."
"Shame gets in the way of so much."
"Alcohol does just make people let their guards down. Things are just more fun."
"Lies either prompt action or inhibit actions."
"But he liked it secretly he liked the way it felt and he wanted to tap back into it but he just couldn't."
"Algae will not be able to grow nearly as quickly."
"Dreaming is related to our creative expression, and if we're sitting on our heart's passion because we're not good enough or we're too young or too old or Sarah was better or whatever, it makes us a little bit mad."
"You can't sing, but you won't give her the mic."
"They hold back the feelings they have for you."
"They're afraid to let themselves feel that way for somebody."
"Don't hold back because listen the devil ain't holding back so why are you holding back?"
"Dance like no one is watching. Just because someone is watching doesn't mean you can't dance like someone isn't. Come on, ignore me, pretend like I'm not even here."
"There wasn't a single inhibition in the whole crowd. Maybe they have something in their way of life."
"Children are generally uninhibited. They are not afraid to take risks, try new things, and express themselves creatively without fear of judgment."
"Fear holding us back is one of the saddest things."
"Am I actually making my personality better by drinking or am I just not noticing how awkward I am because I'm drinking."
"So, what is left one to remember is sympathetic nervous system also inhibits, secreting, yes inhibits, and gastric inhibiting peptide, GIP, also inhibits."
"Another potential cause of failing to pace is something that we call crosstalk inhibition."
"It's just confidence. I think also like a lot of people feel like they're better at speaking languages for instance if they've drunk a little bit it's just like removing these barriers."
"Heymann and glucose are both inhibitors of ALA-S1 enzyme, so it leads to an inhibited ALA-S1 activity."
"Chronic inhibition of mTOR complex 1 with rapamycin can lead to inhibition of mTOR complex 2 in the long term."
"Organophosphod compounds are irreversible compounds. Once they bind there they're really inhibited for very long time."
"The main three things that held me back from coming out were my sports, my faith, and me wanting to be a dad."
"Everyone has their own Gremlins, the little voices inside our heads which hold us back."
"Being drunk really helped with my fear of being shy on camera."
"I don't think you can grow when you're stifled. I don't think you can grow when things aren't checked off the list."
"Fear is holding you back. You know what you want to do. The only reason you're not doing it is 'cause you're scared of doing what you actually want to do, right?"
"You're letting worksheets stop you from being creatively awesome."
"If you judge yourself, yeah, you're going to run into a lot of creative blocks. But if you treat yourself like a dumb little kid in a candy store and you just want to have all the candy in the store, then like it's hard to be creatively blocked."
"Does trying to be a perfectionist kill your fluency? Definitely."
"organized religion destroys Who We Are by inhibiting our actions by inhibiting our decisions"
"When you're shy, you can't get what you want."
"The fear that I have about being seen has kept me from doing things."
"It's a waste if you're holding yourself back."
"You just get to be yourself without any inhibition with each other and let that child play."
"The way this model goes is that there's increased inhibition from the intact hemisphere due to its increased activity to the injured Hemisphere."
"Your style of writing shouldn't stop you from being able to do it."
"Once you eliminate the doubt, then you speak. There's nothing else stopping you at that point."
"When you're living with the fear of man... you get caught in the snare and trapped from flying and soaring to be who God's made you to be."
"...you stopped dancing, you stopped singing, you stopped drawing..."
"Survival instincts, hesitation, doubt—all of these things hold us back."
"I immediately took it down and I didn't write another song Until I was like 20."
"Destroy doubt. If you have doubt about anything, that's what's stopping you from speaking."
"A lot of times we stop ourselves because we're scared of failure."
"I think nudity completely strips away your inhibitions."
"Pre-emergence inhibits growth. It stops cell replication or inhibits it."
"It's more about stopping you from doing anything right like it's like it's this thing where it's like if you leave and do something you're gonna be at risk for something"
"People with PTSD have a deficiency of inhibition in this medial prefrontal region."
"You know that they want to say these things, you know that they want to tell you how they feel but their stubborn nature is not allowing them to do so."
"Fear narrows your reactions; it slows down everything you do."
"A luren who is not only competent but also capable of overcoming his own inhibitions."
"... if you never risk it then you never know if it's holding you back."
"Shame will make us shut down and not want to look at something that might actually help our personal growth."
"That's what makes him a good actor is that he is willing to just put it all out there to have no inhibitions to take whatever the role is."
"The life of the meaning of life in the aim of life is gratification of all senses and that people suffer from a lot from inhibitions of that."
"Am I going to be so scared of what other people think that I'm not even gonna try?"
"Tequila makes her clothes fall off."
"Comparison is creative kryptonite."
"This person has very much has the feelings for you or always has but there's a feeling of them blocking them out or not really letting themselves express that to people."
"Some are just too afraid to show it."
"...but that fear holds you back from so many amazing opportunities."
"It removes all the inhibitions, I wouldn't normally have sex with your fat nasty ass, but that's how they got them young bros back then."
"It's just constantly pumping the brakes."
"They wanted to say so much more. They were kind of tongue-tied."
"I'd rather find out than regret it; never try now, I won't let inhibitions take control."
"So often in these communities we are discouraged from asking questions we're discouraged from exploring these things that don't make sense and so a lot of times when we start asking these questions we kind of internally put a stop to it because of fear or guilt."
"So, first of all, I just want to note that inhibition does a lot more than just stopping the brain from killing neurons and seizing all the time."
"Fear is about yourself, preventing you from doing your best work. Fears about others prevent you from doing your own work."
"The undefensive lover lowers the inhibitions of his or her Target, a critical part of Seduction."
"Competitive Inhibitors bind onto the enzyme at a position other than the active site and we call that the allosteric sites."
"Fear is the mind killer. Fear leads to anger. Fear hasn't just made me useless in battle, it's prevented me from doing something else I've wanted to do for quite some time."
"Shyness is a preventative factor that stops you from doing what is evil."
"Don't let your head get in the way."
"I always want a computer that doesn't inhibit me from creativity."
"I just need to get rid of my inhibitions oh so just become one of them release your inhibition feel on your no one else can do it for you only you can let it in no one else no one else"
"How drunk do you need to get before you snog someone?"
"Sometimes, our fear can even get in the way of making something for somebody. But just get over yourself!"
"It's so hard to let go and let loose, especially when you're learning something new, but it's so fun to do it."
"Creativity can't thrive when there's so much fear, when there's this feeling of 'I will never be able to do this again.'"
"A drunk mind speaks sober thoughts."
"Those beeps don't stop the waggle dance, they are an inhibition."
"Our friendship is everything to me, to the point it has stopped me, stopped us, from saying how I really feel."
"If they skate anything else, it inhibits them from doing whatever trick it was they were thinking about."
"Fear stops us from doing, and fear opens the door to being intimidated and it destroys boldness."
"Alcohol frees a person to act without thinking clearly or without feeling appropriately. It makes us brave when we should be cautious, it makes you loud when you should be quiet."
"The fear that most stops people is the fear of other people's judgments."
"Inhibition is creative; the negative is there in order to make things happen, not just to stop them happening."
"It's part inspiration and part just excitement and part you getting your [expletive] brain out of the way of the experience of playing."
"A competitive inhibitor is the same shape or very similar in shape to the substrate... it prevents the substrate from binding and therefore lowers the rate of reaction."
"The skill of inhibition is the ability to experience life upsets, sadness, irritation, frustration, but without my sympathetic nervous system activated."
"Shigella produces a toxin known as Shiga toxin which inhibits the 60s ribosomal subunit."
"Methylene blue actually inhibited this Tau phosphorylization which actually prevented these neural microtubule tangles from forming."
"Somatostatin inhibits everything, it even inhibits its own secretion."
"Somatostatin is the universal inhibitor, it inhibits everything."
"The number one thing that holds you back, and 99% of other people back in life, is they care too much about what other people think of them."
"There's something inside of you that stops you."
"Fear paralyzes and typically fear of what someone's thinking of you will hold you back."
"A lot of the reasons why people get held back is because they worry too much about what other people think."
"Consciousness usually locks up competitors, but you want to reach that place which taps the post-conscious manifestation or version of being inhibition-less."
"Anonymity is like alcohol; it doesn't make you do anything that you didn't have the desire to do, it only removes the inhibitions."
"When we lower our inhibitions, we don't have that go-no-go system in place."
"I'm just like getting rid of all my inhibitions; I'm not looking at this critically, I'm just enjoying what I'm seeing."
"The people with a low IQ score are far more creative than the people with a higher IQ score provided their inhibitions are low."
"Inhibition is the ability not to react to stimuli from within and from without, emotional stimuli, upsetting stimuli, and to be able to have them and to hold them and to embrace them without reaction."
"The nerve also inhibits the muscle. How come? The nerve secretes acetylcholine to stimulate the muscle, moreover, the nerve will also destroy the acetylcholine, inhibiting the muscle contraction."
"The mechanism of action for how Arbutin leads to skin whitening is through reversible inhibition of the rate-limiting step for pigment production, which is tyrosinase."
"Stress is the number one thing that pushes on that brake pedal."
"You can be foolish, let your inhibitions go."
"What's preventing you from giving yourself permission to be loud?"
"Fear held me back like a lanyard."
"One of the really cool things we see with this research is that sort of an inhibition effect... it's not necessarily only a local response, we see that it has more of a global effect as well."
"Release any kind of inhibitions, be confident yet humble, Libra."
"Shame ultimately becomes something that we hide, it causes us to shut down, to become less creative, less innovative, to become less who we are here to be."
"How many of us are stopped from the things we'd really like to do in life by that demon of fear?"
"They operate by disrupting the growth of these cells and even inducing cell death in some instances."
"It's really sad to know that there are people that could be living their best life but instead they're so focused on what other people think about them that it's holding themselves back."
"Children generally are better painters than adults because they're less inhibited usually."
"Oxygen is something that inhibits the curing."
"Aspirin does block thromboxane A2 synthesis in platelets by irreversibly inhibiting the COX-1 enzyme."
"It also inhibits angiogenesis in cancers."
"When you put the mask on, you can let the inner spirit out because you're not so worried about inhibitions."
"Remember that inhibiting an inhibitor has an enhancing effect."
"GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in balancing neural excitability."
"CTP synthetase. This enzyme is inhibited by CTP."
"Methotrexate binds to dihydrofolate reductase and inhibits it."
"NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin synthase; they stop the process from happening."
"Fear of failure is often what stops us from trying new things."