
Strengthening Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Digital democracy actually strengthens democracy."
"Yes, I feel like this is like a strengthening connection."
"Now we have our mermaid tail, it's time to make our mermaid even stronger."
"It's a time of fellowship where you strengthen or undergird your relationship with the Lord."
"Having more fun will strengthen your relationship."
"The God of all Grace... will after you have suffered a while make you perfect, establish, settle, and strengthen you."
"Strengthening of this connection."
"Every time when you separate and reconnect... the connection will be stronger and stronger."
"I strive to put in the effort to strengthen my relationships."
"Emotional stability is returning to you, and your intuition is being strengthened."
"The hardest Seasons would build the deepest trust."
"Their bond was made stronger that night."
"...as they did strengthen their bond."
"...this would end up buffing him."
"Interactions with family members should strengthen relationships not weaken them."
"God never tempts us to destruction but He does tempt us to strengthening."
"Long distance time apart can strengthen a relationship 100%."
"It was the best thing that could ever have happened for the relationship between that person and I because now I feel as though the bond is stronger than ever."
"When you use a memory, your neurons get stronger."
"Manuka Honey and Yogurt Hydrate and Repair Protein Power Treatment by Shea Moisture: thick consistency, great for strengthening and reducing breakage."
"Strengthening a current love situation."
"As we strengthen the peace, we must also continue each year a steady strengthening of our society here at home."
"Absence did indeed make the heart grow stronger."
"Strengthening the barrel I don't see how removing material from a barrel can strengthen it it can't be stronger."
"Forgiveness is the bridge that leads to stronger friendships."
"This is going to bring the health back to your hair, it's going to make your hair shiny, it's going to bring back that texture that you've always had as well, and it's going to help strengthen and build your hair follicles back to what they used to be."
"It strengthens our communication."
"I find that when we go out and we socialize or I go out with my friends or you go out with your friends separately, we come back together stronger. Always, yes."
"The devil desires to sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you that you will not fall and when you have returned to me strengthen the Brethren."
"Paul's message after possibly going to heaven and coming back was to strengthen the souls of the disciples."
"If we want to get rid of big toe pain for good, we have to strengthen everything into our toes, our foot, ankle, and calf."
"I feel like our connection is even stronger now."
"By my learning the faith, I hope that your faith will be strengthened as well."
"If you feel that any areas need strengthening then just pick up your colors and just add them like this in the same way that you would use watercolor but of course the advantage being it won't lift off."
"After all of that, you'll be surprised to know that the bond between father and son grew stronger when Scott was a teenager."
"Focusing on foot strengthening is so crucial and has really helped me out."
"So, for example, one of my favorite things to do... someone who come in, 'Oh, you got really tight muscles, I'm going to press on them real quick, they feel a little better now, let me do some strengthening exercises...'"
"The struggle is over, and after you have suffered a while, I'll strengthen you."
"The New Testament also has this heavy category for strengthening existing churches."
"We would actually strengthen our core business."
"We stand ready to further strengthen our support for the affected areas of Ukraine."
"If you have weak core muscles, it puts more stress on the back, so let's strengthen the core muscles."
"Their main goal was to strengthen their bond."
"The main definition of bisque firing is primarily to strengthen the clay and secondarily to remove all the remaining water from the clay."
"This isn't just about stretching, it's about contracting your glutes and your back muscles, strengthening them."
"We are going to stretch out the body, we are going to strengthen the body."
"We'll find some space, open things up as well as strengthen some of the supporting muscle groups to find a little bit more balance in our bodies."
"Summoners have three skills: summoning, strengthening, and healing."
"I'm just really excited that this is a product that is protein strengthening."
"Help us in India to learn from what you're learning and make it a stronger partnership."
"We are strengthening the lungs and strengthening the body mind's connection."
"Defending, further developing, and strengthening it, that is our task as the United Nations."
"Increasing the number of dislocations can actually strengthen the metal, which is the idea behind cold working."
"Be alert and strengthen what remains, which is about to die."
"It strengthens and lengthens the muscle."
"The best way to make sure that our school communities are strengthened and secure is by investing in them."
"Let's strengthen that pelvic floor."
"Strengthen your brethren in all your conversations, in all your prayers, in all your exhortations, and in all your doings."
"Happiness is coming and bonds getting stronger."
"You're trying to strengthen a relationship, reinforce it because there's already an established foundation there."