
Solo Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"His solo really fits the mood and extends. It does what a solo is supposed to do."
"I solo hike across mountaintops that most people wouldn't dare go."
"There is nothing more gratifying than when you accomplish your first solo flight."
"I really want to inspire others to let them know that you can do this solo."
"Luffy states that he is going to rescue Ace on his own."
"It just helps you cut through on a solo or something like that."
"The kind of racing I do is entirely solo racing."
"Lisbon is the destination for solo traveling whether you're a first-time Solo Traveler or an experienced Solo Traveler."
"In terms of dining if you're kind of shy about getting a table for one what you shouldn't because it's very common and nobody actually is paying that much attention to you."
"Solo hiking can be intimidating for anybody, whether you're a man or a woman."
"Solo proves to be a one and done kind of Star Wars story."
"Club solo room, yeah, I'm traveling on my own tonight."
"...but yeah, it's still probably like quite a singly song."
"...that was one of the most fun like solo hunts I've had by myself really just it's pretty intense."
"I started this trip thinking that I'd be riding solo. In fact, I really thought that I wanted it this way. Somehow in this equation of proving something to myself, doing it alone was a key ingredient."
"Travel by yourself, do it, I promise you it will change your life."
"I feel like you should always travel once by yourself in your entire life."
"Now that's something I really appreciate, they've got solo games or you can come with your friends and just have an absolute blast."
"...I was the only one to fish solo out of the 43 boats so I was super jacked about how it went."
"come on man it's a diss it's a very nice and remaining absolutely me respectable did yes a date yes it is maybe it's just solo oh no"
"...this is one of my favorite types of solo, because it feels so closely connected to the rest of the music."
"She carries this whole film. She's always been a great actress even when she was a little girl. She carries this whole film, and keep in mind, she carries this whole film not only mostly by herself with no dialogue. And that's harder than you think."
"If you're worried about a solo trip, don't be."
"Comfortably Numb solo is one of David's all-time best. It's second only to time in my eyes."
"The greatest violin solo ever by Mr. Johnson."
"What an incredible solo record. What a way to start off a solo career."
"Is Busan a solo travel-friendly place? Yes, I think it is."
"It's a pretty intense song, it could be a crazy solo but it's not because this kind of solo serves the music better."
"When guitar players solo, they tend to try and emulate vocalists."
"A great rhythm guitar player is the difference between a mediocre solo and a memorable one."
"Jesse's gone solo and she's here to slay. Can we talk? Let's just do this. Intro's way too long."
"Nightfly is another just your kind of your breakout solo record, wasn't it?"
"We're the same. I played solo all my life and had nowhere to fit in."
"He was the star he was the talent and he should ditch Marcus and become a solo act."
"It's another David Gilmore solo that can stand with the best."
"Peasy was actually the first to go solo in 2014. He released his album 'Mud Music'."
"I'm solo. I'm doing over three thousand dollars worth of work. I got a shake and bake, baby."
"Solo day is the best kind of day because guess what? You get to do whatever you want to do."
"...I enjoyed solo more than I enjoyed the sequels."
"Solo is like a patriot act like post 9/11 vigilante. He's like [ __ ] terrorism."
"Solo is likely to give us our first look at a number of legendary Star Wars involving the Millennium Falcon."
"The guitar solo is just incredible."
"Here are 10 incredible stories of warriors who took on the enemy all alone."
"Solo hunting can be very productive."
"I hope you guys are excited for my solo Vlogs where it's only me from now on with nobody else"
"I decided to step aside and go solo."
"But for my solo songs, everything is BamBam, which makes it easier."
"You can play it by yourself. It works on electric or acoustic guitar, obviously, I think it sounds better on acoustic guitar."
"There's no shame in going alone to a show."
"There is absolutely nothing that is more healing than a beautiful, gorgeous David Gilmore solo."
"When you're doing this by yourself and you get the jebus scared out of it, there's a release when you get to the other side of it."
"He was pretty successful as a solo artist."
"It's also just a really memorable solo in my mind."
"I actually think that if you're thinking about doing solo travel, I totally do it."
"It supports guided play, co-op, and solo mode."
"It's my body of work, it's like my baby, so it was just necessary to have no features and properly introduce myself."
"Solo Expedition trip coming at you right now."
"I've been traveling solo for 9 years, so this year we make 10 years."
"Solo traveling... it's only really, I think, my second time solo traveling in my life."
"I really, really love the guitar solo."
"I felt extremely safe here as a solo female traveler."
"My focus really needs to be Chloe and her solo."
"A break is a bluegrass word for a solo or an improvisation."
"There's nothing random about that solo; it's all very real."
"Using a flat 5 during the riff around measure 60, he sets us up for a superb guitar solo in E Minor."
"That's getting closer to the sound that I would like to solo with."
"I'm traveling by myself for the very first time in all of my life, which is scary but exciting."
"The solo that I've come up with features four licks in the style of Clapton."
"It gives you a sort of movement in the sound that when you're playing on your own, it's really satisfying."
"Ray Fisher basically got his own Cyborg solo movie within the Snyder Cut."
"As soon as you step on this, it feels like you just kicked your solo into another gear because it's giving you that filtering."
"It's a very nice one person boat as a solo gentleman's boat."
"...I wanted to show that women can go to those places can have a great time because look at this girl she's having an awesome time doing it."
"Traveling solo is so powerful if you can make it work."
"First person in history to cross the entire continent solo, unsupported."
"A solo can be three or four notes just spaced out and tastefully within an instrumental passage."
"If you're doing a solo, it's nice to have a little bit of that texture in the background."
"It's my first time too, and raising the baby alone is hard work."
"Solo traveling is freaking liberating."
"Inner Child is a solo song by V about the story of reflection to his inner self."
"Moon, a solo song by Jin, uses the Moon and the Earth as metaphors for BTS and ARMY."
"Compare a song like 'Flood' which I think has arguably one of the best solos of all time for Pantera."
"It's a beautifully constructed blues solo."
"As a solo female traveler, I do have to be mindful of my safety."
"It's the catchiest solo that I've ever listened to."
"It's really hard to run a business especially when you're a one-man show."
"I'm going on a little solo adventure which I'm very much looking forward to."
"This BTS solo project was successfully recognized by its desired audience."
"You get a feeling when you travel somewhere, especially solo."
"Remember, join us next time on solo."
"That's what it sounds like by itself."
"I'll be climbing the mountain solo; I've climbed most of the major volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest."
"In the realm of music, March 2023 marked a significant milestone for Jimin as he ventured into solo territory with the launch of his studio album, 'FACE.'"
"The guitar solo... launches the entire solo underneath this E which bends and wavers and cries and sometimes it nearly falls and then somehow it finds the strength to carry on a little longer."
"This is a great area for solo travelers to come hang out, there's games, books, just peace and quiet time in here, you can come in here and maybe meet other fellow solo travelers."
"All the Twice solos have been really impressive, all of them, really awesome stuff."
"I highly highly suggest doing a solo trip to a new city, you learn a lot about yourself."
"It's those dynamics that really give a solo energy."
"Good morning, guys. So today is going to be the start of my very first solo week in my life."
"Maintaining your pace solo with no yardstick or anything is quite difficult."
"He had cleared almost the entire dungeon by himself."
"Good morning! I am on a solo mission this morning."
"Congratulations, you have now made Solo Mission."
"We're going to be going over all of the parts, all of the chords, including the solo."
"It's just gonna be me today, but hopefully we can still get some interesting things talked about and done."
"My best landing ever was my very first solo. It's kind of weird how that works, eh?"
"That was a huge wow, just unbelievable what he was able to pull off by himself."
"This is Ghost Dimension flying solo."
"All right, so that is one of my favorite solos from this whole era."
"You've got a handful of chords and then you throw in some fill licks and you basically have your own little jam session by yourself."
"I am going solo and stand on my own."
"There's a lot of things to like about Solo that people don't give it credit for."
"I'm gonna be solo with the kids while Joe's like doing conference stuff, so wish me luck."
"It's almost like a bass solo there, but there's vocals over the top of it, some really lovely fills and playing there, again great tone."
"Jin's voice for me improved a hell of a lot over the years and you can particularly see his vocal qualities and strengths when he sings more solo songs."
"Welcome back to another solo, now today we're going to be working on my latest Nomi pattern design."
"I'm so excited, I never thought that we would be getting a Joy solo."
"I'm going back to a very haunted hotel, and at this point in time, I'm going alone."
"You can play a twenty-minute solo with these six notes."
"It's really nice to work into a solo."
"This is just really, really damn entertaining, just on its own."
"I took a solo trip and had just the most beautiful time."