
First Attempt Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"For Sony's first outing in - it was a it was a strong attempt it was it was a solid try."
"This is a first attempt, and I think it's okay."
"Living the dream with my palm tree and an umbrella, first try!"
"Thank you very much for watching; this was my first attempt at a review instead of an analysis."
"I think suun may have first try victored the Elite 4."
"For the first creation, I got to say I'm pretty damn happy with it."
"I made ramen for the first time in my life... so so delicious."
"BM a three star on his very first hit was that was an excellent attack."
"This is my first time making cake that wasn't a box cake."
"Oh, we made it! That was my first time ever trying that and we made it!"
"At the end of the day this is my first try and nobody really gets it on their first try."
"Reggie Miller with his first field goal attempt."
"It's never a good thing to catch one on the First cast."
"Unfreaking believable first cast let's try to do it again."
"It's great when things work the first time; that's the best."
"Hey everyone, this is my first try trying to make something like this."
"I hope you've enjoyed watching this overview, it's my first shot at doing one of these videos."
"There's really nothing super important about your first competition being the most successful competition you've had because it's really your first try."
"How do you drop into a place like this and catch one on the first cast?"
"You come to a route that you've never climbed before, you start climbing and placing protection, you reach the top of the climb without resting or falling, what is the term for this type of climb? That's an on-sight."
"Guys, for the first try, I think it looks awesome."
"We're not looking for perfection; this is the first time you've done it."
"Sight reading is being able to do all of that just at first sight on the first go."
"This is what I'm talking about, this is a perfect first photo."
"We have to get it right the first time."
"Honestly, this is the first time I've ever made Rice Krispies."
"I actually think it turned out alright, considering a lot of the things I did in this video were first times."
"Aside from the distance, this mission will be extra challenging because it's the first time I've ever tried something like this in ocean water."
"For a first attempt at something realistic, it does seem to capture the prototype reasonably nicely."
"For my first brisket ever, I would say, you know, that pit boss did a fantastic job."
"Holy cow, man, what a first throw."
"I must say those cookies turned out pretty good, and I'm impressed because I have never made a pinwheel cookie before."
"Fantastic job on your first play."
"Honestly, for his first time, 9 out of 10, solid form, pretty good."
"It's my first time making banana bread, and it turned out really good."
"The Sea Ray was Cobra's first attempt at a submersible."
"Look at that, first try man, I am smoking today."
"Considering this was GE's first ever attempt at making a Sonic plush, I'd say they captured Sonic's likeness very well."
"Dude, that was first try. This kid's a natural."
"This is the first time I've actually attempted to do music professionally."
"It'd be good if I do it my first go, to be honest."
"This was my first ever attempt at breeding African cichlids, and it turned out great."
"That first cast always seems to like the highest percentage."
"Considering, it's your first dalma, it's very good then!"
"First shot looks great, first shot, look at that."
"Even the first try it looks amazing."
"It's an incredible achievement that in this first try, they were doing better than they wanted to do."
"It's a very nice piece for a first bowl."
"Oh, I'm pretty happy with how this came out, not bad for a first attempt."
"I made paneer for the first time just for this."
"That's pretty good for the very first call."
"For a first try, this is astounding."
"This is going to be my very first time trying to recreate these hairstyles while also giving you guys a tutorial on how to do them."
"Extremely happy with how this first build went."
"You guys picked a good one. That is not bad, not a bad pull on the first pack."
"There's really no reason why you can't capture all the details of this impression in your very first attempt if you pay attention to the details and the technique that I've just described."
"Hey, we got it to work. Beautiful, I'll let you know this one actually worked on the first try which is I think the first time I've ever had this succeed."
"But we did a great job for the first time."
"The first time is the best time to get it correct and to get it right."
"Actually, I did it on my very first try to be quite honest with you."
"I've never done a cake like this before; I've never decorated a cake particularly."
"Sometimes your first gut try at something is often the best."
"I'm pretty stoked that it actually started pretty much first try."
"You can win on your first try, just be resourceful."
"Just amazing. Dragonflies are so difficult to catch, and you did it on the first day."