
Character Reaction Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"He reacted in an insanely realistic way peppered in with his personality."
"Baby Yoda using the Force broke my heart, but then he's so exhausted he passes out. Adorable."
"Loki's reaction to the sheer insignificance of the infinity stones was fantastic."
"Holy crap, Robin's face here is... I think she's more pissed than Sanji is."
"When Luke saw Yoda do this, Luke said 'Oh my, I don't believe it.'"
"All of these characters are created in a way and their artificial intelligence is programmed in a way where they can react to anything."
"Ukiara in his final moments is visibly surprised by Ichigo refusing to finish him off."
"The shock on Paa and ML's faces is topnotch."
"Oh my god!" - Dipper accidentally stepping on Dippy Fresh's neck.
"They're not even married, oh my gosh, Amethyst, oh my gosh."
"You can just speedrun the game. This is insane, guys. Mommy Longlegs would be so mad."
"Draco is mortified. Wait till his father hears about this."
"Welcome your new Overlord, Kirby's just like you gotta be kidding me thank you."
"Together, damn that little girl from my heart was a little scary, huh?"
"Sarah's eyes widened as she looked at the breakfast."
"There was that weird moment in The Force Awakens when after Chewbacca shot him with his bowcaster, he smacked his wound."
"I'm betting next chapter you're gonna hear Armin screaming out to Eren."
"Reactive champs we can watch fire. Absolutely fire. We have one reactive so far I don't know if we're getting to a 74-year-old my back too."
"But since Jones betrayed us, now it's clear."
"God or not, this situation is pissing him off."
"As Adelaide kills Red, she lets out a primal animalistic scream."
"You shouldn't have made Wednesday Adams angry."
"There's an infinite number of realities. Morty was literally freaking out."
"It's really cool seeing that look of horror on Byakuya's face as the swords crumble and collapse behind him."
"Venom didn't know what to expect and I was bowled over."
"Oh boy, I'm so excited, oh toy Freddy, what?"
"Every time you say 'Nebby,' it just gets riled."
"Oh he's pissed oh he's angry and an angry baron is a mean old baron i need to think you stay here watch over fatma where are you going."
"Lex Luthor and his reaction to Cassandra's dying was phenomenal."
"This is fantastic and glorious and Hollis is definitely intimidated, I would say."
"I can't believe David could do this, to unleash this nightmare upon us," Russell thought.
"The heels didn't suffer too because the story wasn't them losing. It was what will Roman Reigns's reaction be to them losing."
"The big obtuse fantasy battle can be this massive scope, but what's unique about it is how the characters react."
"What makes it so much better is we rarely see characters react to death in an appropriate way or to a degree in the MCU."
"...directly in line with a character's reaction... characterization pushing things forward... good writing."
"Vader was just like, you are kidding me."
"Shout out to Natiri's performance of, like, heartbreak when she's, like, screaming and crying. I felt that when the son died. I think the characters behaved appropriately."
"This is going to be incredible because I know all of us have been so eager to see how the Kadri are going to react to King."
"This is unbelievable," Green said. "Diazol has never shown this kind of reckless behavior."
"If something dramatic or consequential happens in a scene, then your reader is going to expect to see the POV character's reactions."
"It's fun to watch them squirm, it's fun to see Benoit Blanc call Elon Musk an idiot."
"I thought the Chewbacca reaction to the death of Leia was one of the stronger parts of the movie."
"I really can't wait to see Caboose's reaction to Epsilon being back more than anything."
"Seeing all this happening to his pops triggers a Toriyama angry Gohan power boost."
"It created a reality again, I think many people viewing the movie could see themselves acting and reacting the same way that these two characters did."
"The look on Aizen's face when Ichigo blocks his strike is just plain priceless."
"I especially loved the scene of him reacting to Anya's move and thinking it's definitely gonna hit him."