
Gardening Advice Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"One tip I would give any new gardener is do more of less."
"An oscillating fan makes seedlings stronger and cuts down on fungal issues."
"You can buy all the survival seed vaults if you have never gardened before again I am so glad that my early gardening years when I made all the mistakes was when the grocery store was fully stocked."
"Producing more strawberries like this is really simple to do and Incredibly satisfying."
"However, if you do want to take preventive measures and making sure that they don't get any pests in the future, you know, spray them with a natural insecticide at least once a month."
"Your plants gonna tell you whether or not it's working, you'll know by the health and that's really it."
"By removing the brown leaves, you're taking away an environment for pests and fungus to develop."
"Roots will find their way throughout the soil mixture, no need to chop them up."
"Hydroponic versus growing in soil, go with the ones in soil."
"Start making your own compost, even if it's in a pile in a corner."
"Humidity: promoting a more humid environment at the base can help with root production."
"Just don't have fear of your plants, if you feel like you're not sure, just try it anyway."
"One of the most important things you need to know when you're harvesting your herbs is you want to do it in the cool of the morning before the sun has begun to hit them and just as the dew is beginning to dry off of them."
"Buying a proper ph and ppm pin, just do it. You don't want to be constantly messing with stuff wondering if it's right or not."
"Disturbed soil needs to be packed... save yourself a whole step."
"Just keep in mind that these are my preferred methods for propagating these kinds of houseplants."
"The fifth and final terrible piece of gardening advice often given to new gardeners that they should ignore is to keep researching before you plant anything."
"There's no bad plant, just bad plant placement."
"Most herbs will grow in a windowsill pretty nicely."
"Great way to check if your plant has enough moisture is just to dig back the soil about an inch."
"It's never not a good idea to grow some of your own food."
"Don't put chemical fertilizers or fish emulsion on leaves if you're eating the plants soon."
"The healthier the soil is, the stronger and healthier your plants will be."
"You can choose varieties, you can choose vegetables that's going to work best in those spaces."
"Peppers really do have very tropical notes very fruity flavors even if they are hot peppers but you really need to let them ripen to get the fullness of that."
"I honestly believe that the whole idea of sewing and compost has been overcomplicated over the last however many years."
"Ruth Stout's books feel like you're having tea with your grandmother."
"If you're seeing potato beetles, consider offering the potatoes a nitrogen source."
"Do you only grow what you love? That's not true... You should definitely grow the things that you're actually going to use."
"Make sure that your bagged soil isn't waterlogged, as waterlogged soil lacks oxygen, which can hurt your plant's roots."
"You put a one dollar plant in a ten dollar hole and it's more about the hole sometimes than it is about the specimen itself."
"Choose things that have different heights, textures, bloom times."
"Underwatering is better than overwatering. Underwatering is better than overwatering."
"Knowing your frost dates is more important than your zone. It's not black and white. You know, the future doesn't call and tell us when the frost is going to come."
"Sometimes it takes a long time to focus on things, plus my lens looks perma dirty all the time."
"I hope that it helps you and I hope that you feel empowered to save your seeds you absolutely can."
"Don't be afraid to chop, you know? Sometimes your plant will come out bushier."
"It's a rule of thumb. It'll probably keep you from grossly over watering whatever you're growing."
"If you want to maximize the health and fertility of your garden, if you want to get as much nutrients into your garden, why are you amending with fertilizers when literally all you need to do is plant more plants?"
"You could start these in the fall and grow them into spring and they still survive."
"Managing pests and diseases is about reducing them greatly, not eradicating them completely."
"One of the big things that new plant parents or even experienced plant parents struggle with is identifying whether or not they're overwatering their plant."
"And if you have any questions at all about my garden or questions about your garden, ask them in the comments below."
"The native soil is what you want the roots to eventually move into."
"The only other time you may want to consider pruning your tomato plants is if they come down with a lot of diseased leaves."
"Some of the best advice I've ever received is to plant what you're actually going to eat."
"Stick to these varieties that I'm going to give you guys, use them as a foundation, use them as kind of a building block as a gardener, and then grow from there."
"If you're not prepared to cut, then your progress in bonsai will be very slow."
"There's often no hard and fast rules in this, but what I've always looking through is to give you these indications."
"House plants that everyone should be growing."
"Star fruit are prolific here they're one of the top five tropicals that I recommend for Arizona."
"If you've never grown zinnias before, please do."
"Another tip I have for you guys is when you are watering and you are planting things in pots or on your balcony, you're gonna want to make sure the soil is extremely rich in nutrients to help your plants grow over time."
"It's such an easy read with all kind of vegetables in here, talking to you about how to plant, what the plant loves, what the plant hates."
"I'm gonna try to give some gardening tips."
"You can bring a plant home, but you can't make it grow; you got to give it what it wants."
"A great way to incorporate growing more food in your raised beds or your flower beds."
"The one thing you can do for your entire garden that's better than almost anything else would be to put down a woody mulch."
"I highly recommend that you harvest the really dark red ones for the sweetest flavor."
"Early to bed, early to rise, plant like hell and fertilize."
"If it's too dry and it's hot outside, then you know you need to water it."
"Make sure you start with good quality soil; you'll thank me later."
"Don't overthink things too much; sometimes you just have to take action, experiment in your garden, see what works and what doesn't."
"Plants that you will quickly regret planting in your garden."
"Think of the soil in your garden like a big sponge."
"Thank you very much for watching me today. If you want some more information on growing your own chiles, I really recommend the Red Hot Chili Grower book from the RHS."
"Every single professional and expert that I've interviewed has always mulched their garden."
"Be patient, that's the most important thing. Be patient with your strawberry plants."
"I wake up every day and think, instead of thinking what can I talk about today that I can make a percentage off of Amazon, I think about what can I do today to show you guys how to have something where you have seasonal color year-round and honestly do it on a budget."
"Make sure you get outdoors and get nature at some point, and if you've got any space, even room for a pot plant, something that you're able to eat from, you won't regret it, super satisfying."
"Happy fall, those of you that are trying to grow succulents outdoors, remember most of them do not like to freeze."
"I would recommend growing asparagus in containers because it's a plant that's very underappreciated."
"I really do recommend seed starting; it's so worth it."
"The main thing about Colocasia: they're either clumpers like clusters or they're runners."
"I think it would have been easier if I just did a video which is what not to sow in April because everything basically, sow it all."
"You should be repotting your plant every two to three years."
"For the herbs, definitely overseed. I've been doing this for years, they grow really well."
"How to get free plants from plants you already have."
"You can't go wrong with zucchini and squash, you all."
"Definitely grow your strawberries, guys. They are super easy to grow."
"If you can put your plants in the ground, absolutely do it."
"This is not a weed killer, okay? It's a weed preventer."
"Be patient but absolutely trust me that when they do get going, these plants will get going really fast."
"For me to tell you to use cal-mag, that's helpful information, it'll help you grow."
"If you want to try to grow papaya, and they grow quick, it's amazing."