
Offspring Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Drake and Sophie bro's relationship may have been brief yet it has eternally bound them through their son Adonis."
"The father's and the mother's diet and lifestyle have a huge impact on the quality of the egg and the sperm."
"True love is seeing your offspring resemble you. You don't even find your own complexion worthy enough to pass it down."
"Good-looking husband, beautiful wife, equals good-looking babies."
"Just don't hurt her. No, no. I need her. I'm gonna breed myself an heir."
"The unnatural offspring what were the Nephilim then?"
"To generate the good within the beautiful means to find a beautiful partner and together generate offspring with that person."
"A species is when two organisms are able to produce fertile offspring."
"He basically walked up to his offspring, lay down on his head, and went just delightful."
"For reproduction, you need to take into account how many offspring they're having... and also like how many times they reproduce."
"An offspring receives one allele for a particular trait from each parent."
"Allah does not have any offspring."
"Leave behind something that will benefit you and your offspring."
"The fruit of a parent is their children."
"Wow, all the babies made it, that is awesome."
"It's important for me for these to go on when my son grows up."
"The most righteous men are what makes you the most righteous is leaving something for your offspring."
"The maid loved Bael so dearly she bore him a son."
"We're going to get more, I hope next time when we visit all of them they have babies."
"All the families of the earth shall be blessed in you and in your offspring."
"It's exactly what I was hoping for, three babies in the nest."
"Through your offspring, all the nations of the earth be blessed."
"For at the time when thou didst pray before the Lord for children, why did thou not pray on my account that the Lord should give me seed from thee?"
"Honestly, as long as they're healthy babies, I will be happy."
"There is a parental responsibility to meet the basic needs of one's offspring."
"Do you know that demons can take the lives of their offspring and absorb their magic to become even more powerful?"
"They send carbon, nitrogen, and water to the seedlings that are coming up underneath them, their offspring basically."
"Thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great, and thine offspring as the grass of the earth."
"Pedigrees can be useful to make predictions about future offspring by studying what's happened in the past."
"Protect your offspring through your righteousness."
"That's Jimmy Jr., named after his father, a brave little egg with a sense of adventure."
"The farther away from your tribe that you mate, the better for the kid."
"We officially have more Mangrove babies, very excited."
"Your sons and your daughters, they're going to prophesy."
"We ask Allah to bless every single one of us and to bless our offspring those who come up to the end."
"The cold calculus of natural selection: all that matters is how many offspring you have who survive and reproduce."
"They make you proud of your offspring, very proud of your children."
"Women are incredibly choosy about their partners... she's choosing somebody who would help her raise an offspring."
"The babies that they produce are out of this world."
"High ranking females or females in good physiological condition should have male biased litters or clutches."
"That is just a beautiful clutch of babies."
"The weirdest thing about emergence is that we've never seen nor heard of the Enterprise D's offspring since it flew the nest."
"Every single baby in this clutch looks perfect."
"Wow, those babies are absolutely incredible."
"Oh my gosh, look how adorable these babies are."
"Reproduction is the production of offspring by an organism."
"I hope they get married and have the most beautiful babies in the whole world."
"From our spouses and our offspring, give us the gift."
"They always love their offspring dearly and would go to extraordinary lengths to try and help them out of a difficult situation."
"Elephants are very protective over their young; they will put their own life at risk to protect their offspring."
"This leads to a more successful upbringing of the offspring so they are more likely to survive."
"The more offspring that you produce, the greater the chances that one or more will survive to reproductive age."
"We love 100% of our offspring that we know that we have."
"At the end of the day, it's the only thing that matters in this moment and that will matter until the day you die is the relationship that you have with your offspring."
"I will also establish the son of the slave to be a great nation because he is your offspring."
"We've spotted some wonderful little baby Egyptian geese."
"The babies are absolutely breathtaking."
"I couldn't be more happier with how these babies look, they're absolutely gorgeous."
"She's gonna have the prettiest babies ever."
"Great will be the peace of my children."
"Actually, our children ride in our pouch right after they're born."
"It's so cool to see the babies, they are absolutely a miniature version of the parents."
"God's gonna hold it back... for your children."
"The mothers have a very, very, very strong bond with their offspring."