
Success Factor Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"You got to be determined without determination there's nothing."
"You have to make it entertaining and enjoyable for it to succeed."
"But there's one thing that can ensure success, and that's getting up every single time you fall down."
"In war, in baseball, and especially politics, timing is everything."
"There is absolutely no substitute for hard work."
"Confidence is the real answer. The big C factor is confidence."
"Mentality is everything and confidence can often be the deciding factor."
"The creators who understand the viewer the best win."
"Sometimes games just need a simple fun idea to be successful."
"That togetherness sees the best teams through."
"Trade less. The most successful traders are patient."
"Sometimes the only thing that separates those who become successful is just the ability to hold on a little bit longer."
"Burning passion for what you do, there's no other way around."
"Consistency is the most important thing in life."
"Timing is everything though. Yeah, perfect timing."
"You won't go far without accepting criticism."
"Positioning is the number one factor in winning fights."
"Having a good attitude is one of the most important things you can have."
"Passion is requisite to be successful, but what is passion?"
"You don't need talent, you don't need skill, you don't even need luck. All you need is perseverance."
"Empathy and looking a man in the eye and actually caring about what you're doing is what really will make you successful."
"Persistence is one of the most important factors."
"You have to be humble otherwise you don't get far."
"Consistency is key. The ones that really outshine and do well are the ones that are consistent, they persevere."
"Persistence is the number one quality in life."
"The single biggest reason behind their breakout success is delivery."
"Being able to program is the best way to actually be successful."
"Part of my success was from including cardio exercises such as rucking."
"How you talk to yourself is a big factor that determines your success."
"This is what is going to make or break you, I believe, in your career."
"Understanding the art of friendship is the key to our success."
"Your ability to set the appointment is going to be critical to your success in sales."
"Having the right team around you is like 99% of the battle."
"The music alone is one of the biggest things that made the original Jurassic Park the well-renowned success it was."
"There's truly a part of emotional intelligence that is key in determining success."
"Fandom is so critical to the success of this stuff, and this is well worth praising and celebrating."
"Mindset or taking action for entrepreneurs is the most important thing that you can do to be successful."
"Confidence is the secret of your career."
"It's not about the percentage... overwhelmingly, it's your mentality."
"Accountability is the key to success."
"I think 99% of the reason for certain shows is timing."
"Only one thing makes that happen, which is word of mouth."
"Proper form is essential to your success."
"It's not one single person that makes the difference, it's a whole team that does the job."
"Discipline is what separates the good from the great."
"What trumps everything else is growth."
"Momentum is definitely a thing. The confidence of a group is probably the biggest key to any team."
"The ability to tell a story... what separates the successful ones from the unsuccessful ones."
"We know how important keeping your production running is to your success."
"Home care is probably the most important factor in a successful skincare program."
"The ability to think critically in a team environment is paramount to our success."
"The secret for many people of success at that level, indeed at any level, is your life's partner."
"Ninety-seven and a half percent of the success we achieve in life is a result of attitude."
"Chemistry matters to the fullest extent; if you don't have chemistry in the locker room, you're not going to win a championship."
"What the biggest underrated thing is to success, it's knowing thyself."
"Behind every successful man there's a strong woman supporting him."
"It's essential to get timing right."
"Communication is the key to your success."