
Girls Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Having girls in common for girls empowers other girls and brings them a powerful voice."
"Be a good role model to our girls, for Christ's sake."
"I could just see this movie being super enjoyable for girls and young girls."
"These girls look at their handiwork and call the readiest soldiers pitiful."
"This fight scene is crazy. The girls are really fighting. Those are my girls."
"Just goes to show that girls can win. Girl power!"
"This legislation is not needed. Girls are doing just fine competing in various sports without it."
"There's a good chance this is these are the girls the walls are named after."
"Are you having unnatural thoughts about girls?"
"Now it's time for the girls to get serious because the real competition is about to start."
"Girls, she said, were always careless with their jewelry."
"The nail polishes underneath the girls' stuff, it's just for fun."
"...girls can do anything boys can do and never let anyone tell you otherwise...girls can accomplish anything they put their mind to..."
"This Manata is a rescue center to rescue other girls. I have already rescued 300 girls."
"He was the only one who can help these types of girls."
"Empower girls one dress at a time."
"It was a really nice experience for a first sleepover with loads of girls."
"Almost all girls have the same result: the love story of the mermaid and the Unicorn."
"I feel like every girl needs one of these in their wardrobe."
"That's adorable. Little girls are interested in football because Taylor Swift is there. It's very cute and how do you say no to that? That's amazing. What's wrong with that?"
"Women like Sherry are such a threat to girls like Lorelei."
"Girls can have the most intense fights with each other using only well-worded compliments and stares."
"I think most girls deal with the same issues, actually, as they're developing with their confidence."
"Girls want multimedia games with a good story, believable characters, and challenging environments."
"Fantasy is important for girls because that is their constructive play."
"Girls who enjoy traditionally girly things deserve to have their interests catered to."
"Baby girls, let me hear you say bye."
"We're just girls that want everybody to love us, right?"
"Hayao Miyazaki... in his films he empowered girls he made the young girls independent strong gave them stories that developed their characters to be confident in themselves."
"Girls of that age are very emotional."
"The story of Little Red Riding Hood isn't the story of one little girl. It's the story of thousands of young girls from all around the world, each facing their own dark woods full of mysterious predators."
"He encouraged caring for girls, promising immense reward for those who do so."
"Weddings are really for girls. I kind of agree."
"The food court was a great place to meet girls."
"I like girls who are more expressive."
"Even kind of popular with the girls."
"Girls weren't willing to drop their panties whenever he smiled."
"Well, I feel exhilarated, absolutely incredible, look at these girls."
"What we need to realize is that our girls are being bombarded with a performance narrative about what path they should take in life."
"We need to address the challenges our girls are facing now."
"Clever girls. I'm proud of all of you."
"Wow, this is like something I've never seen before, this is like a Wonderland for girls."
"Let's go ahead and get all three for the girls. They are going to love these."
"It's for the girlies and it's going to be great."
"I want girls who are growing up today to know that they can achieve anything they want."
"The win cannot be more surreal and more sweet for me as it is for the girls."
"Every girl loves a good makeover."
"Exclusive girls with the energy always it going up."
"Girls do skate, girls see it and say, 'I can skate too.'"
"Seeing girls skate made me feel like I could do that."
"I want to see the girls have fair opportunities."
"We've seen some amazing talent coming out of girls on skateboards."
"Girls want to skate, and it's out there."
"Girls can be anything they want, right?"
"Wonder Egg Priority attempts to tell a story about empowering young girls."
"All of this requires really a protection for the girls themselves."
"I want girls to be like that. I want girls to be...like they believe in themselves first and then everything else follows, you know what I mean?"
"Girls can grow up to be anything they want to be, especially scientists."
"Girls can do anything, you can be anything."
"I think people forget how smart girls are."
"What we hope is to have girls believe in themselves and kind of set them up for success, that generation after us."
"I want to use my own experience with low self-esteem to empower girls around the world to love themselves."
"Finally, the girls became friends."
"I'm tired of little girls being shamed for every single interest that they have."
"It's gonna be fantastic; there's a bunch of girls coming over, and it's gonna be tons of fun."
"We have had various programs that specifically help girls whose parents aren't that educated, to actually send them to school."
"I think it is an extremely powerful and needed message that we send out to little girls, all little girls."
"There's nothing better than girls' time."
"Water immediately begins to educate, specifically girls' education the most."
"When young girls have access to education, everyone wins and everyone succeeds."
"The importance of girls' education to help climate change is absolutely critical."
"We need to ensure that girls do not miss out on their education, they do not drop out, and that they are able to return safely to school."
"Girls should be allowed to be happy."
"It's important for girls to think of themselves as subjects, you're just not an object that someone says 'oh I like you, I don't like you, change your behaviour for me'."
"There is a wilderness in little girls."
"I think some girls would love it."
"To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams."
"This is an extra special one because it was built by girls for girls."
"Being a role model for the girls I think that's a motivator."
"Empowering girls and instilling leadership skills through sport."
"The girls are like the best; they have such a great relationship."
"We want to train up girls in the way in which they should go."
"Both of my girls will be raised in a way where girls can do anything because girls can do anything."
"For now, unless we hear otherwise, the girls seem to be enjoying themselves throughout this journey."
"Hello girls, is any of you hungry today?"
"Barbie world showed girls how they could be anything."
"Happy New Year to all the girls. I hope it’s gonna be an amazing year for you."
"We've taught little girls you can be anything, you know Disney Princesses can be astronauts and the next female president."
"We support underserved girls through scholarships and programs."
"It's really inspiring to hear what you're doing for them."
"It's important to let the girls know at this age that they need to start being aware of who they are and their ability with following to evoke change and to do something in this world."
"Our goal is for girls to say goodbye to a series of difficulties and become strong and independent women."
"The Ladybird Scouts were formed to teach girls empowerment and leadership."
"You guys are just such wonderful girls."
"We are a family of six... all girls if you're new here."
"These are things that we're going to remember for the rest of our lives, especially girls making memories."
"What little girl or big girl for that matter would not want this?"
"This is the girls' Christmas gift guide."