
Audience Expectation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Nice, come on, I have to try hard. It's what the people want to see, it's what the people want to see, man."
"I'm guaranteeing you it's going to end in a knockout. That's what the fans want to see, that's what they paid their hard-earned money for."
"Tarantino creates the expectation that we're witnessing a historical recreation."
"And Chris Pratt is as wonderful as expected so, who knows. Maybe you'll love it."
"We are not here to tell you what you want to hear, we are here to provide an objective assessment."
"Never too dark, just as strange as we were all hoping it would be."
"Every time we make a film, it is with the expectation of delivering on a promise."
"I want this show to be good, guys. I want it to be."
"I often talk about how artists and creators don't owe the audience anything. But in this situation... the audience deserves their best effort." - Discussion
"I thought for one video I wouldn't have to get it out but I'm gonna have to get Amblynn."
"It set the tone for the channel, right? Yeah, because when the first video came out, people didn't know what the hell it was gonna be."
"This album is going to give you guys exactly what you want out of a Gunna record... your bangers... really dope beats... great collaborations."
"I hope you got some more deviations in store for us."
"Don't just say what you think people want to hear."
"End well and it doesn't leave you walking out of the theater satisfied that's too bad all right it's really well made but it listen it needs to be."
"All I want by the end of this stream is to have a still image of Jake Paul flat on the canvas."
"How can a so-called news organization ignore a massive news story that is on the minds of its own audience?"
"We just did what we thought was right and made music that we liked and hoped other people would too."
"I always feel a lot of pressure to hopefully give people what they want."
"Are you genuinely upset that you haven't pleased the majority of the WWE audience?"
"The essence of any good story is the ability to subvert the expectations of the audience. It doesn't matter how competently it's told if it follows a predictable path, and a predictable path is exactly what Far Cry 4 treads."
"Avengers should be liked by millions more than it is currently. Like, come on, guys."
"And as I said at the beginning, for the next few days, content is going to be weird. So stay tuned, I hope you enjoyed whatever happens to me."
"The rumble is the rumble. People aren't watching the rumble because it's the Royal Rumble."
"It's called a teaser trailer because they told you they're going to tease you, like they literally said this trailer is a teaser, so you're not gonna give away anything."
"People want to see a knockout. People want to see you close the deal." - Paul Pierce
"But is this really the end of the series? Of course not."
"Please, please manipulate me. Thrill me, scare me, dazzle me. My only caveat is don't bore me."
"What changed in the story to cause this? What was the reason? What was the audience expecting, and why did they react so strongly to it?"
"Triple H gave the audience what they came for."
"At this point in time, you guys deserve a little bit better quality."
"There's a big question in filmmaking of what the audience is going to accept, you know, leaning more toward realism or more toward the interpretation of it."
"You need to evolve your content, especially if you're growing that fast. Your content needs to evolve to match what your audience expects."
"I think knowing what your audience expects doesn't mean that you write to that. A lot of times it means, 'Okay, I know what they expect and I don't want them to be completely satisfied or have their plot ideas come to fruition. I want to keep them on their toes.'"
"I always tell myself, 'You don't be negative. These people are here because they want you to do well.' But in the UK, you would be just as happy to watch me die in flames."
"I'm going to give it a try because I know you guys want to see it."
"Be confident in who you are. And entertain us."
"When my name goes up on a marquee, I want people to see it and want to come and know that this dude is going to deliver; it's an experience."
"The most interesting part of the video is their whole premise that battles need to make sense or else they're blatantly fooling their audience."
"This show knows exactly what it is and what the viewer wants from it."
"The ending to a good show is supposed to seal the deal, to give the audience what it wants while preserving the integrity of the story, giving it a truly deserving ending."
"Artists are not obliged to giving the audience what they want; otherwise, it's a business, not art."
"I think everyone would like to see their favorite creators be more honest."
"That's truthfully what people were there for, that is the big sell of this pay-per-view."
"This is what the fans are going to want to see."
"If your output is consistent and good, then fans won't care."
"I think people wanted to see if they do a more mature concept and they got what they wanted."
"You can set the expectation early in the show by doing something really creative."
"You need to be willing to surprise people and subvert the medium."
"It's all about the win, and the crowd is of course wanting action, but what they want is a W."