
Fortification Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Whatever it was that got them so spooked, it was so bad that Mycenae and nearby Tiryns took the extra step of fortifying the cisterns."
"In the thousand years that Riverrun has stood, not once has it been taken by force."
"This is the last stand. Fort Bourlemont was the product of evolving military technology during 1,000 years of constant bloody strife in Europe."
"The Edinburgh Castle is one of the oldest fortified places in all Europe."
"A fortress to which the royal family owes its name."
"The purpose of fortification is not to be an impregnable defense, but to make it more costly for an enemy to project power."
"Let's go ahead and finish these guys off and then start fortifying."
"The walls, being an impressive 15 meters high and 4 meters thick, would have presented a serious challenge to any incoming attacker without proper siege equipment."
"The fort is considered almost impregnable, and the British anticipate that taking it will be one of the major battles of the campaign."
"The major Meenan citadels and palaces served as administrative and redistribution centers, heavily fortified."
"The English fortified the town at the end of the 12th century after Eleanor of Aquitane's marriage brought this land firmly under their control."
"This mirror will be a place of encouragement, a place of fortification, and a reminder of your goodness."
"Spiritual fortification is important. Because, if you ask me, any person or not, spiritual fortification is important."
"A foothold can turn into a stronghold. A foothold in your life can turn into a stronghold."
"Heavily fortified new Naval stations and orbital defense platforms gave Armageddon a level of protection bettered only by Terror and a few others in the Hall of the Imperium."
"We built up that wall like a boss."
"A castle essentially is a fortified private residence, but it's that fortification part with the tower it helps achieve."
"Cheers! I need much needed fortification for what is to come."
"I got a hundred to make myself a fort, to make myself so camouflaged, so in disguise that no one will ever find me, ever."
"It's like the whole structure I've built to fortify this belief are gone."
"Moreover, Azariah built towers in Jerusalem at the corner gate and at the valley gate and did the turning of the war and fortified them."
"We are almost finished with our visit to this beautiful town of Kinsale, but there is one more major sight to see on the hill just outside town, where we find a massive fortification."
"Their efforts were strategically aimed at fortifying the group's preparedness."
"This place is a goddamn fortress."
"Even the strongest among us need to have their faith fortified."
"This fortification never falls to the British."
"The reality is, everything that we speak of in our masjids is meant to fortify the Muslim family upon iman and Islam."
"Tarawa was one of the most heavily fortified positions in Japan's outer defense ring; the 76-hour battle for that atoll assumed epic proportions."
"It was at this time that Barad-Dur and the Black Gate in the region of Mordor were raised"
"Lots of supplies today, we are going to beef the fort right up."
"Comfort means to provide excelling strength, to fortify."
"...the city is Walled around the front and around the sides."
"...the city is Walled in and also walled in by the mountain."
"Estera Edo Barrier 365 Cream: deep replenishing, fortifying your skin barrier."
"Masada was one of three fortified fortresses that King Herod had built."
"...a series of psychological barriers along this road which made it more impregnable than a steel wall..."
"The extensive fortifications of the citadel and the lowest city were very unique to the area and were surprisingly similar to the archaic Greek settlements."
"The fortress has three different zones, the most impressive is that which encompasses the magnificent zigzag fortifications on three levels."
"They didn't just conquer new lands, they brought them into the Imperium permanently, fortifying their new conquests."
"Our true ancestors are the people who built these vast, imposing hill forts on land which had been sacred for thousands of years."
"Storm's End is not a fortification designed to stop humans; it's a fortification designed to stop the forces of nature."
"The city on the Bosphorus stood defiantly, protected by the mighty Theodosian walls."
"By 122, the Romans gave up and built Hadrian's Wall and then Antonine's Wall to protect their southern colonies from the fierce northerners."
"It's very cool, it's got like five towers and an outer wall as well."
"By the end of the 14th century, Gyanse Zhong was a huge and mysterious fortified city and one of the most powerful places in all of Tibet."
"Hills and crags the Romans feared, the Britons fortified."
"The early Bronze Age in Canaan also saw the development of stronger and more effective defensive structures such as city walls."
"Fort that can roll on tracks is fantastic."
"The château is like a fortified medieval castle."
"No one expected the limitan to stop anything of substance coming across the border, but they were expected to raise the alarm and hold key fortifications until help arrived."
"Constantinople is this amazing fortified city surrounded by water, having fast amazing walls."
"Caesar's arrival had basically set up what were known as oppida, a fortified center that the tribe would use as a gathering place and also as a trading place."
"The safest house in America... has a 15,000 square foot command center underground bunker fortified with thick reinforced concrete walls."
"Following the Norman Conquest, Shrewsbury soon developed into a highly fortified town."
"Most cow's milk sold in the United States is fortified with vitamin D."
"Surrounding the entire Old Town here, there's two layers of walls for the old fortified city."
"In the face of mounting casualties, Vandegrift would finally halt the offensive on November 23, ordering the forces on the front to dig in along a line stretching from Hill 66 to Point Cruz."
"The fort has been used for a variety of purposes over its long life."
"These are the most heavily guarded places on Earth."
"The walls of Constantinople proved to be more or less impregnable."
"In medieval times you would have had to pass through another protective wall to get in."
"You have to build walls up around your heart, around your soul, around everything that matters to you, and live in a shell outside of all of that to survive."
"The Gustav line seemed almost impregnable."
"The medieval castle was the epitome of security."
"It is our responsibility to fortify and protect them."
"Theodosian walls were built as a series of fortifications outside Constantinople, the capital city of the Byzantine Empire."
"That will be the ultimate fortification, that's going to make your heart strong."
"The walls of the fortification cover an area about half a square mile."
"The DMZ, the most fortified border in the world."
"It's a massive investment of manpower to build this thing."
"You strengthen and fortify through your daily encounters."
"Once again, you see the brilliance of Caesar, constantly using engineers and using fortifications."
"The Soviet efforts to fortify Moscow in the face of their massive losses over the summer were nothing short of amazing."
"The combination of the particular grapes involved, all of them high acid whites, along with fortification... had a salubrious effect on the wines."
"Fortification of foods and flour with folic acid is feasible, economical, safe, and effective."
"Aggressive efforts will be necessary to implement global fortification of food staples."
"Fortification of flour with folic acid has been a huge public health success story in improving both blood folate concentrations and reducing neural tube defects."
"Additional fortification of foods with folic acid may reduce the disparities in the remainder of the existing neural tube defects that are folic acid-susceptible."
"These stone walls are the best preserved Roman defenses you'll find in Britain."
"It's a legendary fortress with high walls that are many meters thick."
"The four winds meet to form a fortification, and the four winds meet again in the shape of a trigram, making it so that there is wind everywhere, nowhere."