
GraphQL Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"GraphQL provides an amazing developer experience."
"Graph QL eliminates the need for versioning."
"The ability to nest any related data we need into a single query instead of making multiple queries is one of the really good things about using GraphQL."
"GraphQL allows us to specify exactly what data and what fields we need back from the server."
"Another example could be that my initial entry point to the graph would be a specific game with a certain ID."
"GraphQL is self-documenting. So built into the schema is this documentation."
"This is actually a very important concept in GraphQL and it involves relationships between entities."
"GraphQL lets me have as much or as little of my data as I want."
"The reason that graph QL can do this is because graph QL starts with a strongly typed schema so this is a description of all the queries that you can possibly make in the graph QL API and all the types that they return."
"GraphQL allows clients to request the exact data they need in a single request using a flexible query language."
"And with GraphQL, the nice thing is you only pull back the data that you need."
"So, basically what we've just done there is we have created a GraphQL implementation of an existing interface, and all we needed to do in the program class was swap it out from the REST API that we'd been using."
"We've got a working GraphQL server that supports a schema that you can now request data from and also add data to dynamically. It's really pretty exciting."
"Graph QL allows you to get exactly what you need, improving efficiency."
"Overall, Graph QL offers flexibility and efficiency in data fetching."
"With GraphQL, you get exactly the data you need, nothing more, nothing less. That's what the query language allows you to have."
"AWS AppSync is a managed GraphQL service that allows you to configure serverless GraphQL endpoints that you can use right away in your application."
"More than a GraphQL API service, there's a ton of functionality and features that you can implement using AWS AppSync."
"The goal here is to lower the friction between the TypeScript side and the GraphQL side."
"This is not the default GraphQL experience. This is so much better than what you would normally expect in VS Code."
"The overall win here is massive, and I don't want to downplay that when I express minor frustrations with how GraphQL makes everything nullable."
"So another really important feature from GraphQL."
"With GraphQL, you can query for only the fields that you want."
"Using GraphQL in combination with TypeScript makes your entire code base pretty much bulletproof from a type safety perspective."
"A GraphQL schema represents the structure of our GraphQL API and that it is made up of type definitions and resolvers."
"Fast forward to late spring 2019, I decided I wanted to consolidate everything I had learned about building complex GraphQL APIs over the years into a book."
"Apollo Federation is a set of tools that allow us to compose multiple GraphQL schemas declaratively into a single data graph."
"One of the most compelling reasons to create a GraphQL API in the first place is that it allows us to expose one data graph potentially with multiple data sources behind it."
"A GraphQL entity really defines a collection of entities, right? A hierarchy of relationships."
"It's almost like a menu; you have all the different types that are available, all the queries, all the mutations."
"I'm a big fan of GraphQL; I really am excited about the stuff that I'm working on."
"Practical GraphQL hacking: I'm going to show you how to get started with the tools, how to write queries and mutations."
"GraphQL is an API, it's kind of like a way of designing APIs."
"GraphQL API is quite fast and flexible compared to REST API."
"In GraphQL, it's the client who decides what data it needs from the server."
"Learning the syntax for queries and also mutations is actually really simple, especially if you're a JavaScript developer."
"That's the big difference between GraphQL and a REST API, I can get only the data that I want."
"GraphQL is a query language for your API that's entirely unlike anything that you've ever used before."
"The query language here is absolutely unreal for getting the right data you want very quickly."
"GraphQL is built on a strong type system, making it very predictable to use the API from a consumer perspective."
"GraphQL is best on top of your application layer."
"GraphQL is running the internet companies of the current age."
"Okay, so hopefully, you've learned a lot in how to get data, this time using GraphQL."
"With GraphQL... you can just specify that you want to show followers in this one request."
"Real production-grade GraphQL service."
"One of the nice things with Graph QL is that you only get what you want to get."
"We learned how to put together a GraphQL API that talks to the database using Prisma."
"GraphQL was originally built by Facebook to solve their problem with data fetching."
"GraphQL gives the client the power to ask for exactly what they want and nothing more."
"The schema in GraphQL is basically the full API, summarizing the queries, the objects, everything."
"Your schema is the central asset of your whole GraphQL thing, that's your description of all your organization's data."
"GraphQL schema contains only two pieces of information: a query and a mutation."
"In GraphQL, there are two types of requests: a query and a mutation."
"A mutation incorporates everything related to mutating the data, to changing the data."
"WunderGraph can talk to one or more of many data sources... and it creates from that one GraphQL schema."
"GraphQL presents your database objects as a graph structure."
"One of the benefits potentially of using GraphQL is that there's only really one entry point into the server."
"This allows us to basically integrate TypeScript and GraphQL together on our back-end."
"We're going to create mutations and queries, these are just routes in GraphQL."
"We're going to set up the GraphQL server and TypeGraphQL and TypeORM."
"GraphQL itself is a very powerful query tool."
"With GraphQL, you can basically target specifically what fields that you want."
"It's really helpful to start understanding how GraphQL works and to see how the data in your account is structured."
"We have coded our first mutation using GraphQL Admin API, which is pretty cool."
"So what's the point of using GraphQL variables? Well, with variables, you can reuse a query with different inputs without having to do any sort of string concatenation."
"For every GraphQL query tree like this, GraphQL generates just one database query and it avoids the N+1 problem."
"GraphQL is a backend technology that allows you to send a query through the HTTP protocol to ask exactly for what you want from the backend."
"The app.module is what we'll use to instantiate a GraphQL server."
"In this tutorial, I'm going to be showing you the code-first approach for setting up a GraphQL server using NestJS."
"So now we're ready to set up our first resolver."
"We manage four different full stack apps, and we use GraphQL for all of them, and it is great."
"This is another really cool thing about GraphQL that makes it super powerful."
"We've successfully went from Next.js frontend to our Content Hub instance and we pulled in our data via GraphQL."
"We created a brand new Next.js application, we made our very first request to our GraphQL endpoint using GraphQL request client."
"GraphQL allows you to execute queries however you want and just get the information that you want."
"Build times are faster, and you get the benefits of GraphQL as well."
"GraphQL started about two years ago to solve some problems we had."
"The idea of GraphQL is you need to create some schema with your types."
"GraphQL is a query language that queries your REST API and provides you with the data that you need."
"That's how beautiful it is when you start or you work with the GraphQL."
"This GraphQL request will help us to make a request to our backend; it's very easy to use."
"Graph QL is a query language for your application layer."
"Graph QL also helps us solve what we commonly call the n plus 1 problem."
"We have a concept called a fragment, it's sort of a primitive for composition."
"The terminology is a bit different with GraphQL, so there's things such as mutations and also just query."
"We're the first major public GraphQL API."
"We're super excited about what we've built so far but still feel like it's really just the beginning for GraphQL."
"I hope that it's inspired you to try out these principles to build your GraphQL schema atop your own infrastructure, atop your own data layer, to expose your universität through GraphQL."
"I'm really into distributed file systems, caching, linear network codes... but now I'm really into GraphQL because I think that it can revolutionize the way that we do back-end and front-end development."
"GraphQL is inherently based on this idea of schemas... you define these objects... and then the clients can actually fire queries against these schemas."
"GraphQL and caching are a match made in heaven because the client knows exactly what information will be fetched."
"GraphQL is a declarative data query language that lets clients specify exactly the data that they need."
"The tight server integration between Relay and GraphQL enables intelligent caching, optimistic updates, and minimal fetching."
"Everything in GraphQL is conceptualized as fields."
"GraphQL allows you to call one endpoint that can give you an aggregation or an amalgamation of data."
"You basically ask for what fields you want and GraphQL will return that."
"That is one of the strongest advantages to using GraphQL."