
Materiality Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Putting those two together I'm thinking it's extremely important for us to study the Scrolls."
"If a UFO actually crashed then it had to be something that is solid material."
"You don't get to decide what's material and what's exculpatory."
"Matter is a word that does mean something to us, but how can that be possible unless it distinguishes from immaterial reality?"
"The realm of materiality is a realm where things come to be and pass away."
"The intangible, the subtle, the invisible soul spiritual world is as essential as this material, physical, tangible world."
"It's one of those parts of making a guitar I hope never ever changes, just that making them of wood."
"Presence in your material realm where you are allowing yourself to be fully present."
"I definitely recommend looking at some other options, whether those are stone or wood or natural materials to use in your space in your home for cooking."
"Consciousness comes first. Materiality is an illusion."
"The very material that Unity Temple is constructed from seems unsuitable for a place of worship."
"It favors Mobility over materiality."
"Luminous beings are we, Luke, not this crude matter."
"I handled those plates... They were a material substance, yes, as material as anything can be." - John Whitmer
"Materiality is a bedrock of our disclosure regimes and that's in the context of what basically as the court says a reasonable investor would find significant in making their investment decisions."
"It's patterns that are being generated with all the physicality, and I don't think it's more immaterial than this computer that I have in front of me."
"Through materiality, lighting elements, and custom millwork we were able to achieve the design goals and thus creating a beautiful modern home for this growing family."
"Paper... there's something gratifying about it to me."
"The human world would be a world of ghostly presence if it were not for the material existence of things."
"Mentality arises depending on materiality."
"The definition of materiality is a misstatement that would affect the decision-making of the users of the financial statements."
"One of the core principles... is the materiality concept."
"ESG is really elements related to environmental and social and governance that many people believe material to operations."
"It's not trying to fake something; it's trying to just take the material for what it is and really create something that's really beautiful."
"I'm pleasantly surprised... for the sake of some material upgrades, it has made a huge difference to the experience."
"Human beings are asked to join the finite in material with the eternal and the spiritual in their souls and within society."
"When materiality is observed and named through social norms, there is no easy way to de-link the material body from its social formation."
"By taking a look at what is actually material to everybody, you're really honing in on what the disclosures you should be focused on."
"The materiality of things looked at closely disappear under the gaze, all of that is very beautiful."
"You need to understand the client, you need to find the risk, you need to determine materiality."
"A misstatement would be material if it affects the economic decisions of the users."
"Time exists only in a place of material; when there is no material, time works in a different dimension."
"The divine presence has taken material form from the beginning to the end of creation."
"Everything becomes music and everything becomes material."
"The choice of methods should be based on issues such as materiality, consistency, and industry practice."
"Financially material, decision useful for investors, cost-effective for companies to disclose."
"Just to feel it and to appreciate this beautiful paper and this beautiful opportunity."
"Doris addresses political violence through sculpture and installations by creating a material presence that evokes the unnamed victims of oppression and civil conflict."
"I need hard, concrete, physical evidence about whether the accounts are materially misstated or not."
"Materiality is something which would reasonably influence the decisions of an addressee, the ordinary shareholder."
"The body is made of food material which is only a corpse in the absence of prana."
"What does materiality mean in the context of an audit?"
"What are we then if not just fleeting shapes taken by a few specks of material for a brief moment in cosmic history on the surface of one planet out of so many?"
"You can enjoy it, you can use your nice things, you can connect to people."
"Materiality... is where something becomes material."
"There's no such thing as financial materiality being triggered by risks and opportunities onto the enterprise value completely separated from impacts from the entity on its wider environment."
"Double materiality is not just the addition of a financial materiality approach like that of SASB or ISSB plus GRI which is impact materiality."
"Nothing's perfect in real life, right? All our materials have some kind of stuff, that little wear and tear is what makes it look good."
"Materiality is information becomes material if omitting it or misting it could influence the decision that users make."
"Materiality is stated as what would change the decision or make a difference in the decision that the user of the financial statement would normally make."
"When it comes to getting your hands on the solid goods, the real deal, it can only be heavy metal."
"Materiality refers to any information that would have an impact on the sorts of decisions that you would make."
"The aggregate misstatements total $260,000, which is material to the statement of comprehensive income."
"Pentacles represent abundance, success."