
Herbalism Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Herbs do work, the chemicals constituents are there, they do what they say they're going to do, you just need to know which herb is going to work best for you."
"Spells and charms are cooked up on this earth using the element of fire to heat magical blends of herbs and spices."
"Herbs have to be picked at the right time. The pores of the plant will open up in the mornings, and then in the evening, as the sun is going down, it goes down at the sun as well."
"I'm a master herbalist, a biochemist, been doing this for many years, we know what we talking about."
"Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Plant lavender for luck and fall in love whenever you can."
"Every time that you formulate for a patient is an opportunity to just expand your herbal repertoire to learn more to dig a little deeper into plants."
"Start learning herbalism with 'Folk Medicine: A Collection.'"
"Where do you get started into herbalism, like how do you get started?"
"Most of the things that they call weeds are really things that are very medicinal."
"You should smoke it and it'll clear it out. It's an herb, it doesn't get you messed up or anything, but it's fine."
"Whenever I’m in practice and people come to me and people say, 'well, herbs don’t work,' it’s either because they’re taking an herb that’s actually not well suited for their constitution, or they haven’t been taking it long enough."
"If you're looking for a stronger, more medicinal brew, you can actually take your herbs and put them in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours to really give that water time to extract as much as of the water-soluble chemicals from that plant material as possible."
"Echinacea has reclaimed its status as a staple in the herbal medicine world."
"What type of medicinal herbal oil to make? You really can use any herb that you want for whatever purpose you're trying to achieve from that particular oil."
"Now when you strain out the herbs and you have your medicinal herbal oil already and just separated from the herbs by itself, then herbalists say that's when you start the clock in terms of what the shelf life should be for your medicinal herbal oil."
"Each page is a portal to the ancient wisdom of herbalism and Alchemy."
"Virtually our entire corpus of medical remedies today are based on plants."
"I absolutely love chamomile. It's beautifully therapeutic."
"Wild lettuce is another one you might have heard a lot about."
"Thirteen pathways of occult herbalism circumscribes the metaparadigm of herbal magical practice, providing useful examples of its manifestation as well as demonstrating its time-honored roots of antiquity."
"So heal all or self-heal got its name because a long time ago it was believed that this plant was sent by god to heal everything because as I said, like think of all the amazing applications that this plant has."
"As with every other time I use herb, it's important that you tell the herb what you want it to do."
"Learning how to craft medicinal teas is essential to practicing herbal medicine. It is one of the most widely accessible, versatile, and well functional ways of taking medicine internally."
"Tea is just one of the most valued and accessible medicines on the planet and having an understanding of how to craft it and work with herbs in this way is incredibly valuable."
"Probably my most recommended herbal book of all time is this one: Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Now I love this book so much mainly because Scott Cunningham was a magical practitioner in his own right."
"Another way in which these spell oils really help is through the use of making some salves or balms."
"The vast majority of the role of the witch was due to her role as an herbalist."
"We had all intentions on foraging for uh some Cleavers uh which is a really beautiful lymphatic herb."
"The flowers and leaves are anti-inflammatory anti-spasmodic astringent antiseptic they are an aphrodisiac."
"Her knowledge of roots and herbs helped heal many a sick soldier."
"Biden's pelosa is a wonderful herb, especially for staff infections like bumblefoot."
"...plantain is such a wonderful that was another one I was going to bring up later but while we're talking about it um plantain is great to use for bumblefoot because it's such a great drawing agent..."
"...it just is going to save you so much headach and yeah plantain is such a wonderful that was another one I was going to bring up later but while we're talking about it um plantain is great to use for bumblefoot because it's such a great drawing agent..."
"Echinacea, of course, is known for its amazing immune-boosting properties. It blooms pretty much the entire summer."
"You can eat the leaves, make tea, or smoke it."
"I love supporting an imamundi herbals which is my favorite Apothecary that carries organic wild crafted and ethically grown Botanicals from Elderberry syrup and adaptogenic mushrooms to spirulina chocolate protein teas and collagen booster powders."
"Passion flower makes the top of this list because of its ability to Halt anxiety in its tracks."
"If you are experiencing any symptoms of anxiety... take a dose of passion flower about every 15 to 20 minutes until the symptoms subside."
"We're going to go real quick through making an herbal infusion."
"Mugwort alleviates symptoms of high blood pressure."
"Chamomile tea... it is such a calming herb."
"Red raspberry leaf tea... is so amazing for women's health."
"This particular herb is probably one of the most powerful herbs I've ever encountered."
"Don't make your herbal apothecary complicated because it doesn't have to be complicated."
"It really has a huge, huge effect. These herbs and supplements actually do. They're just common sense that have and I've seen this firsthand with all the patients have a huge impact on how you actually feel."
"Plants can be used as medicine in certain ways so ingesting them is honestly a good idea."
"You can make awesome homemade teas and tinctures with it."
"It can be refreshing, it can be a tea time type of herb, it can be something to help kind of ground you and make you sleepy."
"This channel is affiliated with our online platform herbnerd.com, an online school for herbalism and natural product development where we are bridging the traditions, intuition, and science of herbal studies for the modern healer and apothecary."
"I know many people who rub their hands or their knees or whatever arthritic part of their body in nettles to help work with it."
"Whether we're stinging ourselves to get embodied or whether we're drinking it as a tea or taking it as a tincture, it's a great one to just nutrify any of those depressed tissues."
"Even as I talk here, I'm starting to feel the effects of the nettles. I'm feeling alive, I'm feeling hydrated, connected and ready to just dive into spring and hang out with the nettles."
"If you are serious, really serious about diving into herbalism, these books are a must-have."
"You don't need a thousand herbalism books in order to learn herbalism well."
"Herbalism to me is 'let's heal the entire body, not necessarily the symptom if that makes any sense' is what I'm kind of been what I've gathered from it."
"Cleavers stimulates lymphatic flow, reducing swelling and aiding in detoxification."
"Herbalism offers so many ways to support your body and improve your overall Wellness."
"Brew your infusion before bed and drink it the following morning or throughout the week."
"Many times the most poisonous plants make the best and strongest medicines if you know how to use them."
"So now I'm gonna take another sage type plant, it's a little bit of a different color, and I'm going to add this to it too."
"Elderberry tincture is incredibly easy to make and it's also frugal too, it only takes two ingredients."
"Plantain leaves make a healing tea, especially for addressing GI inflammation."
"Plantain leaf seems to modulate an excessive histamine response."
"Herbalism is so fun; plant medicine is amazing."
"Dosage is a difficult thing to measure when you're picking things from the wild to make your own tinctures or teas or remedies."
"Just because somebody who's not educated took an herb that was inappropriate for them, even if let's say it was ashwagandha, does not mean that ashwagandha is inappropriate for all people with TSW."
"Meadow Sweet is wonderful but I also added it in here because it eases nausea."
"Elderberry made a huge impact in 2009 during the H1N1 outbreaks."
"Comfrey is most known for its wound healing abilities."
"They're what many would consider a granny woman, living off the land, knowing again that every plant had a purpose."
"The grannies knew exactly which plant, herb, root, or bark would heal each injury or ailment."
"Stinging nettles, it's a supreme blood builder."
"And finally, begin learning about the medicine of herbs alongside the magical uses of them."
"To make this first one, all you'll need are three herbs of your choosing, plus some thread."
"You come from a lineage of powerful healers. Working with herbs and natural remedies is deeply ingrained in your bloodline."
"Mugwort tea is amazing when it comes to dream work and psychic powers."
"Every herb has its unique benefits and perks."
"We're gonna make some mint and then we'll probably even put in some lemon balm and lemongrass."
"I find that the herbs are sometimes vastly more useful tools than pharmaceuticals."
"Herbs can do things that drugs can't do."
"Storytelling is such an important part of herbalism... it's magic, it's nuanced."
"Community herbalism has been kind of a driving force of how we do herbalism."
"Chickweed is an excellent medicinal and nutritious food for clearing up skin issues."
"Your complete guide to the natural magic of herbs, flowers, essential oils, and more."
"The Hawthorne has been used for many ailments throughout history, most commonly for strengthening and healing the heart."
"I want to say herbs are for the healing of the nation."
"My God, my savior has given me the idea to use His herbs to heal His people."
"I have grown familiar with many healing herbs."
"I created this YouTube channel to share trusted herbal wisdom so that you can get the best results when relying on herbs for your health."
"I'm really excited to share about growing medicinal herbs; it's definitely something that I'm most passionate about."
"So much of herbalism is in not like the big claims of 'this does that' or 'this is that,' it's finding sort of like the nuance of 'oh, this works best like this for this presentation and this kind of person.'"
"I've been practicing herbalism for a little over 10 years now and I am a tea expert, a tea sommelier."
"My opinion is that milk thistle is the best remedy that grows against all melancholy diseases."
"Milk thistle seed is one of the great cleansing herbs and is specific for its stimulating and rejuvenating effects on the liver."
"Milk thistle benefits the body with virtually no side effects from regular use and is relatively gentle in comparison to other liver herbs or supplements."
"Brushing with herbs is great for killing off the bad bacteria that can build up in our mouths."
"I've always been a believer that herbs can heal, food is my medicine."
"And if you're new to herbs, I highly recommend any book you can find by a woman named Rosemary Gladstar."
"Tinctures are typically made with a higher proof alcohol such as vodka or Everclear."
"Extracts tend to be more concentrated than tinctures."
"The plants tell me what they can do."
"I'll be talking about some immune boosting herbs, antiviral herbs, herbs that are just generally good for their health."
"Sei starts using herbs and magic to make cosmetics for herself, which improves her skin's condition and appearance."
"We have been using plants, humans here on Earth, for a very, very long time."
"Tinctures simultaneously extract these constituents that we want for medicine and preserve it at the same time."
"Tinctures are highly concentrated in their medicinal medicine that's within them."
"Lavender is an important relaxing herb and it has medicinal properties."
"Preserving herbs by freeze drying will not only maintain as much of the nutritional property as well as the medicinal properties of the plant matter, but the shelf life... could last up to 25 years if stored properly."
"It's an amazing antiseptic herb, and so we use it a lot for staph infections, for weird rashes and stings, and fungus it's been effective for."
"When used safely, comfrey is hands down the most healing plant for wounds, burns, injuries, and even musculoskeletal pain."
"The fresh young green leafy shoots are viewed by many herbalists as the most medicinal part of the plant."
"Comfrey is a powerful wound healer; I've seen it work many times with my own eyes."
"Herbal medicine is still the most widely practiced system of healing."
"Herbalism is considered to be the most universal system but also the oldest system of healing on the planet."
"The best of what herbalism is has been distilled and has passed down for us to use now."
"Herbalism integrates so well with all of our modern systems."
"One of the most beautiful things about American herbalism is that it's very eclectic... it's using Ayurvedic and Chinese and sometimes from Africa... there's a lot of integration."
"Shaga mushroom has played a significant role in Russian herbalism and Siberian folk medicine for hundreds if not thousands of years."
"Acknowledged by the Chinese monk Shen Nong in his book The Shen Nong Ben Chao Jing written in 100 BC, it was described as the king of herbs and a precious gift of nature."
"It's cough and cold season, so thyme is always very important in soups, stews, or curries not only for the medicinal benefits but it adds loads of flavor as well."
"Sugar sweetness, things are sweet, water cleansing, herbal kitchen alchemist, rose romance."
"Before you throw away this weed, let me tell you all about this phenomenal plant of cersei or bitter gourd."
"Magical herb to share with you, one that has been used throughout history with lots of folklore and medicinal uses."
"Use herbs and spices like medicine."
"Bayberry root is good for luck, prosperity, good fortune, healing, and stress relief."
"Pennyroyal is for peace, tranquility, purification, cleansing, protection from negative energies, physical strength, success to business."
"There's always a time and a place for modern medicine, but I think herbalism is something that everyone should know something about."
"Elderberry has really increased in popularity, and I believe primarily for the medicinal benefits."
"The fluid condenser is a magically charged infusion, one of the most effective methods of capturing, concentrating, and storing the innate powers of herbs."
"Plant medicine accounts for somewhere between 40 to 60 percent depending on the research you look at are derived from plants."
"A tincture of her is fantastic as a diuretic."
"Herbs can do wonderful things to support the natural processes our body already has in place for health and healing."
"St. John's Wort is valued by many practitioners as a vulnerary."
"Thanks for joining me on this video about St. John's Wort."
"Without herbs, you don't have a complete system of medicine."
"We're putting herbs together, looking at the synergy between different plants."
"I am so proud of the young black women herbalists that I encountered who said Elderberry and sea moss, these are the herbs that are protecting us, that are helping us."
"They taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants."
"I'm starting to get back into my herbalism now that I have found some peace within myself."
"Calendula has so many different healing properties, medicinal properties, and also magical properties."
"There's always a herb and a potion for everything."
"Sarah teach me to be midwife and she teach me to heal with herbs."
"Herbs are not a quick fix; they become a lifestyle."
"Oh I love them! I actually love to press flowers and I use some of them for medicine!"
"We've almost had like this thousand-million-year experiment of people just trying different plants."
"Always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can."
"Planting with the waning moon, understanding herbal medicines, all of this stuff is still part of a heritage that's living today."
"They are considered to be the powerful herbalist, the powerful spiritualist, the powerful healers."
"Herbal medicine is the mother of all medicines."
"We're going to the hills to look for vervain, but I've been there before and I've seen the abundance of amazing, wonderful Jamaican herbs."
"Botanical medicine is a much more fuzzy kind of slow medicine and it does require a lot of time."
"We love harvesting white sage; it's such a beneficial plant and it's actually very soothing, calming, helps with any type of stress anxiety."
"Herbalism and natural remedies shouldn't make you reject science/medicine."
"Herbalism and holistic health is not a quick fix."
"Over generations, the Aztecs accumulated a vast knowledge of the herbs in the world around them and the medicinal properties of each one."
"The power of garlic is one of the world's oldest cultivated herbs."
"Calendula is fantastic for skin irritations as well as period problems."
"We are talking about the ancient herb Tianyang, collected during a deadly expedition."
"You can learn about herbs and how they've been used over the centuries."
"Herbs are one of my absolute favorite things to grow here on the homestead."
"Lavender is actually my favorite herb of all time."
"Lavender is one of those just phenomenal skin herbs."
"I actually keep an herb journal. This is where I keep all my recipes."
"I have a real interest in learning more about medicinal herbs and culinary herbs."
"Herbal medicine doesn't keep you from getting sick; it builds your immune system."
"Having a shelf full of herbs and tea is probably the coolest thing ever."
"It's got this amazing mixture of medicinal herbs, culinary herbs, food plants, cut flowers, herbs for cosmetics."
"Tinctures are herbs that are infused in alcohol 80 proof or higher for at least six weeks."
"Herbs are getting very popular, which is a good thing. People are taking back control."
"Never let somebody tell you that just because you're not a registered herbalist or a naturopath that you can't learn this stuff and be able to treat your family at home."
"I love making salves of my herbs because they're so medicinal and they're just good for so many things."