
Freelance Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"One of the best, if not the best... starting a freelance business."
"You could be a freelance guest writer and make $50+ per article."
"Spec work is your way of being able to flex your creative muscles and really show people what you can do."
"Just remember, you're going to be getting a lot of value out of this freelance developer guide."
"Three apps in your portfolio guarantee you an amazing position or freelance contract."
"Freelance copywriters with five or more years of experience have the potential to earn $75 to $125 per hour."
"I've gone from making about twenty dollars per hour to over 400 US dollars per hour when I do freelance and Consulting work."
"I'm still nevertheless a freelance and I own the originals and I own the copyright so I can also put drawings out for newspapers which is why they do appear in the papers quite regularly."
"For example, birthday cards, retirement cards, anniversaries, get well cards, general thank you cards... and you might have guessed it, yes, you can become a writer of these cards for Oatmeal Studios."
"...learning to freelance seems something unattainable, something that we can't achieve."
"An audience powering two massive companies, a network of Allstars, and the freedom to work when, where, and how I want."
"And until you get a job, try to do some freelance stuff, set up web servers for people, get them up and running so they can have a domain, help them set up backups for their environment."
"Freelance industry was on the rise and continues to be on the rise to this day."
"Building a freelance career for yourself is not an overnight goal."
"Moving to freelance has given me more time freedom."
"Narrate audiobooks. People will pay you to read books."
"The solution is to find a job that pays a higher wage or to be more precise, not hourly wage, but a job, a freelance job that is not based on hours at all."
"Words do matter. I don't have any judgment. Like if you're a freelancer, I'm a freelancer. I go into an agency as a freelance copywriter, art director. Done that, pay me hourly. It's all good. Here's my time sheet. I'm good with that."
"It's a dream come true, but I'm used to a freelance lifestyle where it's very... you get paid a lot of money and then you kind of float for a bit, and then... but he works a corporate job, so his is much more stable."
"I was blessed to fall into freelancing, just work with myself and a client."
"This company called Change, the world's first randomized freelance boss with Change, you sign up, put in your information, and you will be given a new different job every single day, completely randomized."
"I'm a freelance makeup artist so a lot of the makeup that I keep, I just keep in case a client requests a look as well as for myself to experiment and try different brands out."
"I feel like I don't know if anyone has watched my freelance plan video that I made when I quit my job, but I am not following my freelance plan at all."
"MI5 only came here at all because you took it on yourself to freelance, to get revenge on your father."
"Imagine this: starting with zero clients, you can build a freelance portfolio that earns up to ten thousand dollars a month."
"Building a high-earning portfolio website is within reach - start now and watch your freelance business soar."
"If you are working as a social media manager for a freelance client, and you'll do that for them on a monthly basis."
"You can offer a freelance consultant."
"No jobs, freelance. Best thing in the world for a kid your age."
"As a freelancer, you can offer your programming services to clients around the world."
"I've never met somebody who regretted trying to freelance."
"Freelance writing is the best business beginners can start online."
"'You are not just a freelancer, you are an entrepreneur, you are a business owner.'"
"How do we Market ourselves as editors and explore the editing economy?"
"Negotiations are a part of the deal. And if you really want this gig, then you have the leeway to be able to move it up and down. Just remember not to go under that base rate."
"So I guess that's typically what I tend to do for freelance, it's very random, it's just whatever comes around and I really like how it's kind of all over the place."
"I gotta look freelance that I judge"
"This one pays $500 fixed price, which is a pretty good price."
"You can literally make hundreds of dollars every single day by doing thumbnails for other people."
"There's a really nice thing that happens where once you've got a big enough portfolio and the quality of your work has got to a certain level people will just assume that you do charge because they assume that you're a professional."
"Now, let's get one thing straight. I'm freelance, that means you pay my expense account on whatever it is you want me to do."
"I just turned 27 hence the confusion I work parttime as a travel agent so I work 3 days a week and then the other two days I work for myself or really like four the four other days of the week I work for myself doing my social media content creation."
"I was actually making more money as a freelance web designer."
"Good luck because your girl's freelance and I'm really talented."
"I've always enjoyed the experience of playing with as many people, you know as I can that I enjoy playing with the variety of being a freelance musician."
"I'm a freelance writer of children's fiction and teenage fiction."
"A freelance worker works for other people but not permanently."
"She's a well-known and very popular freelance writer."
"I'm a freelance tech writer, so I can live where I want to, so I do."
"I've been a freelance makeup artist for about five years now, specializing in bridal, and I just absolutely love it."
"If you really want to make it in the world of freelance copywriting, choose one type of copywriting, get really good at it, and then start adding other types."
"I had my first ever $5,000 month as a freelance writer."
"That was my first ever five thousand dollar month as a freelance writer."
"This is my video studio, my photography studio, it's where I do all the prep for my freelance television demonstration stuff."
"I wanted to live on the road and just do that full time and kind of commit myself to traveling and freelance work."
"Freelance writing can be extremely profitable for you."
"I'm a freelance creative director giving people tools to better tell their stories."
"Freelance is awesome because it's freedom, right? You are the boss."
"This is a fictitious design; I went freelance on this, and I love the pannier look."
"I'm a freelance 3D artist, and I like to make bright, colorful pictures."
"Good luck getting that first hundred dollars as a freelance copywriter."
"I'm about to hit a year of being completely freelance."
"Freelancers typically gather more varied experience than their in-house counterparts."
"If you're new here, my name is Caleb, and I've been doing freelance video production since 2012."
"I'm a freelance translator and I speak five languages fluently."
"Freelance platforms like Upwork can be used to see which markets are hot, where demand is growing, and where the money is."
"I'm available for freelance work."
"Finding licensing work isn't necessarily more difficult than finding freelance client work."
"As a freelance growth copywriter, you are paid for what result you actually bring in."
"If you stick with it, you can make really good money as a freelance writer."
"I'm a freelance writer. I don't make a lot of money, but I make enough to get by."
"Like I said, being a freelance photographer has its moments. It's fun, sometimes money, but always people."
"It definitely feels like the culmination of a lot of things that I've been working towards with my freelance career."
"We're both very lucky that we were in positions to go freelance."
"Freelance is an incredible opportunity, but I love working in a studio because it's a really great way to learn to grow."
"I pretty much work as a freelance photographer, videographer, and editor."