
Neatness Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Perfect mix of having a lot of neat stuff to look at."
"That looks like a nice organized garage right there."
"These things are neat and they're a part of American history."
"Tank is all plumbed up and looking really neat."
"I'm actually quite pleased with that, I think it's quite neat."
"I like everything tucked in as well as possible."
"Just get that clutter put away, it'll make your house look so neat and nice."
"You want to look nice and neat and polished."
"You can resize these, make them look a little bit neater."
"Isn't math neat? You just solve a thing and then you trust the math and then it works."
"This camping organizer keeps everything neat and organized for peaceful rest."
"Just seeing that itself is so neat."
"It's a neat little piece of Hardware."
"...doing this neatly...is one of the tricks to doing a good job."
"Mustard are neat. I love that guy, he is super cool."
"Look at how organized and clean everything is."
"Clean up your shower bottles with refillable labeled bottles for your toiletries. It gives a hotel vibe to your shower, keeping it organized and neat."
"The machine has a bar that slips into this square-shaped spoon and then thoroughly stirs it and you get the spoon so they can minimize the mess during the process. Quite neat, wouldn't you say?"
"Wow, this is just neat, thank you."
"Simple yet effective, Ziploc bags when it comes to organizing your bolts and keeping track of everything, so vital and such an awesome way of keeping things neat."
"Everything looks really quite nice and tidy."
"It's a very neat and interesting design."
"I usually like to instead of having my capacitors just hanging off like this, I like them to be secured in some way."
"...being a good tradesperson is not just about like doing good safe work but it's about working neatly..."
"I love the way everything is kind of just nice and tidy."
"I just love how everything's so neat and compact."
"There's just something very clean about your appearance."
"Okay, so fans installed it all, he's done it all neatly along there."
"Everything from just little dents to scrapes, that's really neat."
"This is not a massive closet but look how it is well organized."
"Every project that I like to do, I like to make it really neat as possible."
"Try and make it really neat and lovely."
"They're the neatest thing I ever did see."
"the course is pretty neat it's very well kept."
"It all looks very neat and very orderly."
"Love how everything is nicely labeled."
"I think that looks a hell of a lot neater."
"And there we have it, guys, that looks nice and neat."
"That's what I like about it, is that it's ever so neat."
"I really like birds, I just think they're neat."
"It's very neat if you love a beach."
"So I'll just come through here and I'll just press everything kind of flat."
"I'm sure you can agree that's much neat a really nice way just to finish that off and make that edge look super neat."
"It's just a little bit neater, it's just a little bit cleaner, and the stitches sit a little bit more on top of each other."
"You want to just make sure that it's all nice, glaze, all nice and neat, everything is good."
"That's a nice, cleaner, neater look than alternating going back and forth and turning."
"It's virtually impossible for me to do it messy but what I'm trying to say is you need to get the plaster on the wall and it needs to just cover every bit of the wall."
"They've got literally hundreds of cars here and almost all of them are modified, very neat machines."
"It's very neat, I like that design."
"All the wiring is very nicely labeled and well done."
"I'm impressed by this building, it's just so neat."
"Richard is such a neat freak like it drives me crazy sometimes."
"It fits very, very neatly indeed."
"It's a really neat beginning honestly."
"Stay healthy, stay safe, and remember to keep it neat."
"Evolution is shockingly proven at this point neat."
"Nice and neat and now all that's left to do is to uh just tuck the hooks in to the bottom part."
"Wow, those are really clean, super clean."
"He would always unpack his clothes really neat."
"I like how everything's in the separate little compartment, it's so organized."
"All of her stuffed animals are neat and tidy."
"It was very fun to do that job but very neat."
"My books have never been perfect, they just look very neat."
"I use friction pens, keeps my planner neat and clean."
"He drives me insane. He is very particularly so neat."
"I can say it's a neat environment and I'm not trying to suck up or anything."
"Because those curves are clipped in there and there's this nice little line of edge stitching or under stitching here I can go ahead and just press my neckline all nice."
"It's a very clean transformation. Everything just goes somewhere, and that's really awesome."
"So yeah, this is probably the most neatest room in the whole house."
"A CV should be one to two pages long. You can see that I've gone for two full pages here. I don't think you should opt for one and a half pages. You should either commit to one whole page or two whole pages. It just looks neater."
"A nice clean square fold looks really professional."
"We're trying to make a nice smooth transition from where the grass is mowed, also a clean edge."
"Don't worry, Mom, I'm up on my feet, I'm washed and dressed, and I'm looking neat."
"Enjoy the summer, speak to you all soon, tidy."
"I'm a cuber; I have everything in cubes and bags. I just like things to be nice and neat."
"Anyone will make a good appearance if he's neat, no matter what his style of clothing."
"Wild root cream oil grooms the hair neatly and naturally."
"Thank you so much for making everything look neat; you've got an eye for detail."
"It's a kind of a whirlwind, but it is really neat."
"Very quick, very neat, very precise."
"This is always my favorite part of any job, seeing how neat the previous installers have left the board."
"This is probably one of the cleanest installations I've ever seen."
"I am so proud of myself; look how neat it is."
"It's neat, yeah, that is a good one."
"You have very nice handwriting by the way; it's very neat and legible."
"Look at that profile, okay, this thing is hella neat."
"Write as clearly and cleanly and neatly as you possibly can."
"How neat is this guys, like look at this, I mean it's just visually amazing."
"One thing I love about her, she loves writing and she's got the nicest, neatest writing."
"It's like when you first start a new book at school, isn't it? The first couple of pages are always super neat and tidy, and then you get to the end, and it's like a doctor's prescription."
"Raccoons can live for 20 years domesticated. They are very neat creatures."
"And here is my finished shirt, all done up, buttoned completely up, and tucked in for the most prim of looks."
"After sewing it on, the piping tape and raw edges are tucked inward so all you see is a neat line of piping."
"Pretty neat, pretty cool, pretty simple."
"It's really neat because it's sized for your finger."
"This is looking really cool; it needs a little bit of a press, but it is looking very neat."
"This is so neat and tidy, it's stunning, isn't it?"
"That is like so pretty; something about when you get them all trimmed, they just look so nice."
"I start yarning under for the rest of the body of the octopus. It makes the stitches a lot neater and tighter."
"Baskets are fantastic; they're great for storage, they're great for keeping things neat and tidy and out of the way."
"It's pretty neat how that works out, isn't that just cool?"
"It really makes my sheets look nice and crisp, and it leaves it with no wrinkles."
"The half-belt on the back was used to keep this extra material buttoned up neat and tidy."
"It looks so much neater just having things nicely labeled like this."
"I like to do this a certain way, and a lot of it has to do with just keeping it neat and organized."
"I'm quite impressed with that, it looks quite neat too."
"I've never trusted neatness. Neatness is always the result of deliberate planning."
"I'm really impressed with that actually, everything's just really neat and tidy, very high quality."
"It's all about working very, very neat, it's going to be about working efficiently and laying everything out properly."
"That's impressive, that's really, really neat."
"It's just more neat, you know, it looks more professionally done."
"This place is neat; it's got a lot of shade and all kinds of clever stairs and architecture."
"You should be as neat as possible; it just shows that you're professional."
"I stumbled upon this thing and I was immediately impressed because this is a neat design to say the least."
"They don't have to be twins, honey, but you want to make sure everything is equal and everything is crisp and neat."
"I like things to be neat and organized and have a dedicated space to store each item in a way that makes sense."
"That was awesome, that was neat, that was super."
"The key to making your cross stitch neat is making all your crosses go one way."
"How neat is that in there? I love that."
"Look how sparkly they are, aren't they neat?"
"That is why everything looks so neat and peaceful, which is great."
"That looks so good, that's so neat."
"I like things to be very neat and I like things to be very organized."
"There you have a nice neat row of top stitching which really gives it a nice finished look."
"It's got a really nice profile, it's really neat."
"It's much better to have closed cabinets."
"The end result of your work will look so neat and so professional."
"...her mother's meticulous attention to detail; how doing everything neatly had always been her mother's way."
"And it's really neat and you'll see what you just created is going to be magical."
"I feel like I did a pretty neat job."
"It looks really freaking clean, man."
"That's going to make sure your wrap gets nice and neat."
"It's perfect, oh it looks funny like neat and tidy in there again, well done."
"Everything is very neatly done, a very professional-looking job here."
"Everything is organized quite nicely in here."
"I like short cable runs and keeping things tied up neat and clean."
"I like it, I think it's neat, and I got a lot of compliments that day."
"That's what we wanted, right? That looks pretty neat."
"It's a beautiful thing, very neat, absolutely original."
"There's no giant hole in my wall anymore, it's pretty neat."
"It took so long because I wanted to make it really, really neat."
"Right over left, left over right makes a knot neat and tidy and tight."
"I don't think you could get that any neater than that, I'm really pleased with it."
"It's beautiful, it's pretty cool, and it's super neat."
"It's so clever, it's really, really neat."
"It's a really neat thing to watch."
"If you're like me, you want everything the same and perfectly neat."
"Is that pretty neat? I think that is pretty neat."
"Just his smile and then his work outfit was just so clean and you know his shirt tucked in and his hat on."
"It's a very very different experience but also it's very neat."
"That's pretty neat, I would say it's a cool snowmobile."
"It's kind of cool, no that was pretty neat."
"It's a little vibe, like it's not too much, it just looks really cute, really put together, very neat, very classy."
"That's a Volvo 240 DL, very neat."
"Neatness in the preparation of your resume and application will indicate that you are a painstaking person."
"It's going to be looking very neat and perfect on the inside and also on the outside."
"It's actually really fantastic, all his stuff is very neat."
"It just comes together in such a nice, neat little package."
"It's a really impressive build, man. It's nice and neat, nice and tidy."
"Everything is just very neat and very well organized."
"We are getting this thing put together, don't you like how neat this is?"
"You can only do your best to make it neat for the customer."
"It was really neat and really fun."
"The true sign of a neat person is not the packing, it's what you do after you get to the hotel."
"My secret to lettering and writing is the low speed as that makes it easy to keep your letters nice and neat."
"Welcome to my living room, the little corner of my house that is neat."
"Make sure that your drawing is nice and neat."
"It's much neater than something I could build myself."
"It looks super neat; what do you think?"
"Wow, this is really, really neat."
"It keeps the environment neat and clean."
"The stitches were neat and expertly placed, with a great sense of rhythm and order."
"I just love how tight and clean this integration is."
"The Savannah sparrow has very fine streaking, giving the bird a very clean, neat, and tidy look."
"It's a very, very neat ant colony simulation."
"It's just like neat and organized."
"That's a really tidy looking bike."
"It's very neat, the community they have there, it's really, really cool."
"I'm a big fan of this guitar, I think it's super neat."
"Your stitches are going to lay much nicer and give you better coverage."
"Look at the mirror. Isn't it neat?"
"There is no better feeling than having a space that's neat, tidy, and organized."
"This basket is gonna go in our hallway and it will make everything look so much neater."
"I love organizing, I love everywhere being neat in my drawers."
"I'm really stoked for this; this is actually really, really neat."