
Council Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Your every action will reflect upon the council's reputation, remember that always."
"Under pressure from a powerful faction, King Harold of Norway has agreed to increase the power of the council."
"Imagine a council of human elected elders working in the best interest for humanity as a new type of government."
"If there is suspicion of heresy, a general counsel must be gathered together"
"Shakti was revered as one of the strongest members of the High Council."
"The White Council, a gathering of the wise elves and wizards of Middle Earth formed to resist the shadow."
"Following the holy fathers is the beginning of every Orthodox great council."
"The council may have the upper hand, but we have something they don't, the knowledge and wisdom of The Architects themselves."
"We have to warn the council," Zephyr said at last, "we have to Rally the races of the Galaxy."
"If it is the will of this council, we shall send the ring west over the seas for the Valar to decide its fate," Elrond conceded.
"A council was formed to think of ways they could do that."
"They have shown that they still fight among their own and show no sense of unity," one council member argued.
"Vatican II is one of the 21 ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church."
"The owner being the head of the local Council and banning her from all local-owned stores. Talk about Instant Karma."
"Are we having a town council meeting or a town hall meeting?"
"There was no special deal for Surrey that was not available to other councils."
"It was the pope who repeatedly defended and upheld the decision of the council, not the council itself."
"If he dies again, he would appreciate if the council did not bloody their hands at least while he is absent."
"Everybody on the quiet Council, they are sinister."
"The council fathers are saying don't tie people up with superstitious legends."
"...the council of Nicaea simply wound up codifying the position of one side of the argument."
"By the right of the council, by the will of the force, Kanan Jarrus, rise."
"They all meet together in Pisa and have a council. The council now starts to build on these kind of emerging ideas that are going to be influential."
"Pope John XXIII convened the council with intentions to cultivate genuine dialogue and develop greater unity."
"The council fathers worked to strengthen ecumenical ties and promote inter-religious dialogue."
"We might not have saved the crash, but we've shown the council they can't just do what they want to."
"Even among convinced Catholics, tension at the council was palpable."
"Every session, they would pass two degrees: one on dogma, another on reform."
"Don't you want to know why I've returned from London? My work with the worldwide Supreme vampiric Council was so, and I gave it all up. I had to."
"So in 649, Pope Martin the First in Rome convened a council and they condemned the typos."
"It's kind of like a good Samurai Council versus evil Samurai Council. That'd be pretty cool."
"Green's win first ever Council outright."
"I propose that a new chair be brought forth, and that House Talis be elevated to this council."
"Master Katarn would weather the challenges of the upcoming year with his fellow council members."
"All who sat in the council, looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as the face of an angel."
"Now behold, there was a man named Joseph, a council member, a good and just man."
"Let's get this over with, shall we?" nodding, the four made their way to the council chamber.
"All who were sitting in the Council saw his face like the face of an angel."
"The simultaneous presence of most members from the National Security Council and special crisis groups in Washington might signal the continuity of government planning was in full effect."
"Ending the story with a great council does seem appropriate."
"The Council was meant to be and hopes to be a Council of reconciliation with the Reformers."
"Majesty, I say it is time for the High Council to reconvene for the appointment of a new Warlord."
"Before the High Council, I acknowledge friendship between the Kehotara and the Acoma."
"We speak for the assembly. Our Council has met and determined that Mara of the Acoma has acted for the good of the empire."
"The High Council was greatly impressed by their outstanding performance."
"This is the council of flashes, a place where flashes all across the multiverse can collaborate and seek advice."
"They end up here in the Council of eight with these praying mantises that are like 8 ft tall."
"This was the craziest tribal council in the history of the show."
"The spiritual reality of the House of Justice is evoked in its council chamber."
"I am here to deliver your sentence as decreed by the high council."
"He is also one of the best-dressed members of the Grand Council, with his beautiful silver coat and wings brocaded with his family's sigil."
"The Holy Spirit inspired the Council of Nicaea."
"Sir, you've come to seek advice from the council, we're here to provide such."
"Unanimously, the council voted to leave it in Oklahoma to be used in the eventual Oklahoma History Center."
"By the right of the council, by the will of the force, you may rise."
"I stand quietly in front of the council, my hands shivering, not from the presence of the grand Council but rather from my findings."
"One of my favorite parts of this game is the Gaelic council."
"A shift in the Galactic Council as the iridescent light from the luminous stars strained through the arched windows."
"The Council of Nicaea was the most important ecumenical council of the church."
"He's on the council now, and that's the doing of Palpatine."
"The attitude of the church clearly in the councils is to extend as much grace as possible."
"Need I remind you all this is the summer solstice? I expect you all to pay attention when a member of this council is speaking."
"This will show you the most common expenses for travel under Council business and can be done in less than 10 minutes."
"He shouted at the ethereals in a public council openly questioning their judgment in a heretofore unheard-of act of defiance."
"This is the Council of Friendship, that's what you're all doing here."
"Our role in the council is to settle differences between Imams and religious scholars in the country."
"The council was guided by the Holy Spirit."
"There's only one object in the council, and that is to arrive at the truth of the matter and to let fairness and justice prevail."
"If the Sixth Ecumenical Council had it in their mind as a gathered ecumenical council that they could declare a pope a heretic, then they did not have the attitude of Vatican One that the pope was infallible."
"The church did not die in 1962 with the opening of the Second Vatican Council; there are great things that have come out, we should be talking about those and relishing them."
"These elements again play out in a lot of these scenes where God is prosecutor and judge, some cases even jury; divine council members play different roles."
"They surround the head of the council as attendants; they praise and adore the head of the council."
"The Mesa, table in Spanish, was a body of five to seven members who acted like a council."
"Strong council, strong community."
"Thank you very much Emma Council."
"The authority of an ecumenical council comes from the Holy Spirit."
"Your High Council of Jedi Knights are people who you really, really identify with."