
Allocation Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Money is a form of energy, and where you want to put that energy is really up to you."
"It ended up being the case that the seven million dollars would be split between the ACLU and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles."
"It's the percentage you allocate that's completely depending on where you are in life."
"They ran out of money because y'all got the money before we did."
"Who should get the best flutes? The best flute player, because that's to be played well, that's the point."
"It would make so much more sense to take half of that money that is being spent in the last year or two of a person's life and spend it in the earlier part of their life."
"Almost every state allocates their lottery revenue to fund social services such as schools or veteran services."
"About 5% of our defense budget is the idea that this is a this is a poor use of money is um just just absolutely not not a not a legitimate argument."
"All things being equal I like to see 15% stock option pools so that would mean 600,000 in a stock option pool and 3.4 million divided by the founding or the founders in terms of their starting equity."
"If you said here's 50 bucks, go do that, you're sort of like, okay."
"I don't know what it went toward or not."
"You will be allotted three of the good doctor's Namo two Alpha Series and the Omega series."
"When you have our network address allocated, we can start adding host bits to it."
"So he's gonna take three and I'm gonna take three."
"Cash envelopes or cash budgeting is a method of budgeting where you allocate a budget amount to every single category that matters to you."
"So it's not the numbers as much as it's the allocation that you got to be comfortable with."
"The free market system is the single best way that we know to allocate the time of our citizens and the capital of our country to solve problems."
"If we're born with love, then life is about choosing the right place to put it."
"We need to put another 20 million into make sure what happened."
"Allocating the space can definitely be an issue."
"A 3K budget for each becomes more challenging."
"When we change even the smallest allocation to our investments, it has a consequence on our long-term success probability."
"Where the funding is being allocated and what it's being allocated to, and I'm not saying that things like endangered species and whatnot are not worthy of that, but there's an observant amount of money spent in places that we don't see."
"The number of people who are now reachable to get an allocation to Bitcoin is probably at least a couple of orders of magnitude larger than it was beforehand."
"This is legit, now we know where the budget went."
"With this year's money for myself."
"We're only getting one for this trip."
"That's why she gave each one of y'all one."
"But I mean, in general, it looks like no one really has a model of figuring out where money should go and where it could have the maximum marginal benefits."
"Understanding what portion of all these sort of like overhead general expenses really need to be allocated to a given line."
"It's the same in any military, in our military, I mean, the units that are the cool guy units get more money and more, you have to spend that money on something."
"This is the consecrated portion for Aaron and his sons."
"Elon managed to secure very, very large allocations of Nvidia chips."
"The only way we can stop them is at sea, so save the money on forts and put the money into the ships to stop the enemy getting the troops ashore in the first place."
"There's a limited amount of resources, it's just a fact."
"They gave me like a fifteen hundred dollar budget."
"Everybody's got their own 15%. Now, one more thing about this one."
"C groups allow me to control what percentage of CPU time each application gets."
"Now I've got 75% of the CPU going to group A and 25% of the CPU going to group B."
"Having endowed you with a treble portion, there was none left over for me."
"That's exactly the case for doing zero-based budgeting, to make sure that you're actually doing something with every dollar."
"That money won't be spent on us. It will go straight to the hospital at the end of the year."
"People go crazy to find Pappy Van Winkle, eh Taylor Eagle Rare Blanton's Rock Hill Farm all these highly allocated Bourbons."
"16 million pounds! Now, how many masjids, how many universities, how many clinics, how many houses, how many institutes could they have built that day in the UK?"
"It's important to allocate some of what you're bringing in to savings."
"Every [ __ ] nickel goes now, right here."
"The money always goes where it belongs."
"Big emphasis on 'should' because P is something or buffer is something that is actually part of the allocation and constructing chain of those doubles."
"It’s not much different from my previous 50/30/20 budget, because my ‘Investments’ are still at 20%."
"The machine gun allocation largely fell upon deaf ears, largely for budgetary reasons."
"As we now understand, volume should be allocated based on these three factors."
"Federal grant allocations often rely on pre-existing formulas and political jockeying, which can favor certain states."
"We want public spending targeted at the areas it needs targeting at."
"I hope there's conversations happening in church headquarters right now to say how can we put that money to use?"
"What determines how much stuff we can have? Well, it's k and A."
"Your income minus your expenses should equal zero. So, every dollar has a name."
"I have a major amount of dry powder I will be putting into this."
"For long-term investors, you want to have that full allocation based on your risk tolerances."
"We've got a really good overview of what stocks we're holding, what cap size are the companies, and what sectors we're allocated to."
"People vastly under allocate attention to finding purpose in life."
"Venture capital, we invest in private seeds, Polaris tier holders will be able to get allocation in direct private seat investments."
"Every quarter, TSP adjusts the target allocations to shift gradually from higher risk and higher reward to lower risk and lower reward as they get closer to your target retirement day."
"Allocate at least five percent of your budget every single month towards your spending on things that you really like."
"The 50-30-20 rule says that 50% of your budget should go to essential spending, 30% to discretionary spending, and 20% to savings."
"Every dollar has an assignment, every dollar has a name, every dollar has a mission."
"We want every dollar to have a name and an assignment so it has a job."
"This is not a crisis, this is just like how do I allocate to get the best bang for my buck."
"The colony had very sensibly accurately split its allocation between the two."
"You should be a cold and calculating asset allocator."
"It just basically means telling your money that it needs to go somewhere, I need to pay something, and you know exactly where it's going."
"Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight hours for what we will."
"We just need the resources that are supposed to be allocated towards us, and it needs to be done in good faith."
"Dynamic memory is memory that is allocated after the program is already compiled and running."
"An asset allocation and overall portfolio structure was responsible for 93.6% of the variations in portfolio quarterly returns."
"You need to continue to monitor your portfolio allocation and not just have a set it and forget it allocation for the entirety of your retirement."
"Each of the twelve tribes of Jerusalem is allocated one of the signs."
"The market's going to go up and down constantly, and we can't control that. What we can control is how we choose to allocate it over time."
"You know, math dictates strength allocation."
"Every expense fits into one of those categories, and in the end, 100% of your income goes into one of those three categories."
"Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) is dividing frequency into slots."
"Maybe allocate ten to twenty percent for friends and family."
"Surplus from CSR activity has to be used for CSR purposes only."
"The fundamental questions of economics are what to produce, how much to produce, and for whom to produce."
"The whole business is taking this cash flow here and allocating it between debt and equity."
"We want to have every dollar assigned a name."
"When you have money allocated for welfare, why don't we spend this money and help the poor?"
"Economics is the study of how man allocates scarce resources which have alternative uses to achieve given ends or goals."
"Dynamic allocation and reallocation of resources is a part of network slicing."
"We could slice up the RAN, allocate different parts of the spectrum to different network slices."
"It's not that you don't have the money, it's that the money already has a different name on it and so it can't be spent."
"Where does your energy, your focus, your attention, that very precious and limited resource, where does it need to go to today?"
"You always have a finite amount of resources, but you decide where to allocate them."
"For each variable, we allocate a register."
"Reallocation of scarce resources, this is what economics is all about."
"If it is still a safe state, we can go ahead and actually allocate those resources."
"We're only going to allocate it if that puts us into a safe state where we can guarantee that a deadlock won't occur."
"The operating system is actually a resource allocator, it decides who should use which resource."