
Letters Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"I actually really appreciate this type of storytelling via letters, via emotion."
"Many of these letters were romantic in nature."
"I love reading people's letters. Have you read all of them?"
"I think I'm going to write you a letter later, it's always fun to keep in touch."
"Letters are so much more personal than any type of interaction that I've had."
"Receiving handwritten letters, the connection to family."
"Letters connect people, create connections... It's a form of intimacy even when you're apart, even when you're separate, even when you're isolated."
"Letters give us an insight into people's thought processes... they really capture that sense of love, that sense of longing, of missing."
"It takes just one good letter to change your life."
"I really hope he finds himself someone who sends him letters to restore this love language for him."
"For others, the GIs of the Dear John letters, it means starting over."
"Wow, one of the gifts was a little letter that Priscilla Presley wrote to her friend."
"He's exchanging letters with a shy stranger all over again."
"I received the most extraordinary letter I have ever had in my life."
"Out of all 50 states of the United States of America not one of them contains the letter 'q'."
"The letter dated 1957 contains references to Tolkien's iconic works including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy."
"I told them that on a letter that they never responded to, multiple letters."
"Every letter makes a sound, and S says, 'ssss'."
"When we were there, we read the letters of the many people who would return wood to you with tales of bad luck. So, you get there with a disclaimer. There's a whole disclaimer of like, 'This is what's going to happen.'"
"So, six letters in his name, Regina!"
"I was very fortunate that happened to me. I'm just glad I sent those letters out."
"Zodiac sent letters and cards to the press containing ciphers."
"All members of parliament are used to the typical anonymous correspondent, but what surprised and alarmed me was the high proportion of ordinary decent sensible people writing irrational and often well-educated letters."
"'It's these letters,' Miss Marvel unclasped her handbag and Drew out three envelopes."
"Letters in Violet Evergarden, act as vehicles for emotion from the one sending to the person receiving."
"The amazing thing about these letters is that it's kind of like a different form of prayer instead of just praying to God like you do on the daily."
"People used to write letters to each other which was really nice."
"Letters can be very personal, they can be very emotional, they can be heart to heart."
"Some of the letters I get are from cranks, some from people who are just curious about a reporter turned fiction writer who advertises 'adventure wanted, will go anyplace, do anything.'"
"Chris seized answering the letters in February 2010 during which he was more focused on the Wallflower than his works and left the them to R after the abandoned the internet."
"George eventually tracked down every last letter that Edward had written to alibat and had them destroyed, but the damage was done."
"I am a sucker for sentimental activities and so something I like to do at showers that I throw for others is what I call letters to our future self."
"I love letters, I love reading stuff like this."
"That was very kind of you to send me this, and I cannot wait to read your letter. I love letters."
"Letters were considered a peephole, a way of seeing into another's heart."
"There is majestic power in every letter that touches your soul."
"They've gone from Love Letters to 'You're gonna be delicious.'"
"And speaking of language, you ever just take time to think about letters and words? They're weird and confusing but kind of cool."
"Let's start with an A, but uh I got one that's uh in the bees."
"Receiving letters at basic training can be the biggest source of motivation."
"Even in Paul's letters, he cheekily tells his readers not to take any notice of letters fraudulently ascribed to him."
"Now all of the letters overlap from left to right."
"Letters have unique qualities. One is that they're very much alive because they deal with live situations."
"Reading the letters and stuff just makes your day."
"How many sets of double letters are in the word 'bookkeeper'?"
"The oldest materials we have for Christianity are actually the letters of Paul."
"Send more love letters. Do it. Brings you joy."
"It got so bad, but the thing is, I got more letters from stepfathers and mothers fan letters for the book than anything else."
"These seven letters are an absolute treasure trove of doctrine."
"I love to open it because it's so fun finding out what's inside and I love to read the letters."
"I keep every single letter I get in this little folder I have and sometimes whenever I'm feeling like crap I look in it and it's always makes me feel better to get these"
"The couple found out that the letters were written by a World War II soldier named Clements Berger, all addressed to his sweetheart Mary."
"I'll keep writing you letters so you have someone to talk to."
"I just think it's like so special and so fun."
"...when somebody takes the time to write a letter, it's generally more eloquent and well thought out and well argued than what you could get away with in say 140 characters."
"It wasn't really a diary, it was a letter from my mother to my father."
"My dad thought it looked elegant and not typical. Letters I'm talking about..."
"Jonathan, that is beyond great and don't worry about the long letters."
"Margaret's letters were reportedly a source of great pride for her father."
"Oh, you crazy, daring fool, how often I have read and reread your letters."
"Brenda kept in touch with her parents by regularly sending them letters."
"Margaret herself was a very frequent letter writer, so there's plenty of material to work from, and she had a very interesting and turbulent life."
"One letter can change their lives forever."
"They were the most beautiful letters I've ever received."
"All I have of him are the letters."
"The show is brought to you by the letters V, B, and A."
"I think fun envelopes can really set the tone of a letter."
"I really like to personalize my letters depending on who I'm sending it to."
"Sometimes I like to be really sentimental and add some really sweet and nice stuff in a letter."
"Letters are special messages that carry the feelings of our hearts."
"Writing letters is an old-fashioned art, it still does the trick."
"Write full-length letters to them... keeping that communication alive."
"Thank you so much for the letter, Megan; this is one of the sweetest letters I have ever gotten."
"Receiving a handwritten letter is such a special thing as it shows that someone has really taken the time to communicate with you."
"My heart sings when I see these letters."
"I absolutely love the fact that they started out getting to know each other by writing letters."
"No one throws away a typewritten letter."
"He was an incredibly good letter writer."
"His letters are incredible; they are the best use of metaphor."
"Through letters, we fell in love."
"The letters from home were a tremendous boon to my morale, and I went about my work singing."
"Nothing's better than a letter; they hold our world together."
"I've still got the letters that my mom wrote to me, which is just lovely."
"It felt both comforting and unsettling to read these letters."
"It's fun to watch the letters come in individually; it feels like a countdown."
"Inside it, a stack of letters not addressed to me, but to a woman I have never heard of, and so unfolds the mystery that could change everything."
"Upon receiving a handwritten letter, any person will pay special attention to it because it feels personal."
"Don't forget to write us letters!"
"A lot of algebra is just arithmetic but with letters."
"The top row of letters, the longest word you can write is 'typewriter'."
"The longest word you can write with the top row of letters is 'typewriter'."
"It's the first time anybody has seen these letters."
"Santa loves cookies but he also loves receiving letters."
"Paul is the most influential, certainly not in his own time, but now the letters, they're 13 letters with his name."
"Who knows you enough the best to write the best letter with the most detail, the most enthusiasm, the most anecdotes."
"I've never met her, but through her letters, I feel I know her."
"We all encourage each other and try to write home, how difficult to write a letter to be read after one's death."
"She's always seen next to her great friend Oscar Schlemmer, an exceptional friendship documented in many, many letters."
"I so admire about the generation before mine is handwritten letters."
"There's so much more feeling, emotion, something in a handwritten letter."
"Also, am I crazy or have I gotten really good at writing letters?"
"Write letters to them... throw them away when you can, but it helps you just get out all the things you wish you could tell them."
"What is seen in the middle of March and April that can't be seen at the beginning or end of either month?"
"Now we all like getting letters, don't we?"
"I've kept everything he's ever written for me."
"I promise to write you. I'll write you stacks of letters. I won't forget you mean too much to me."
"I'm all about the idea of writing each other a letter and then giving it to each other before the wedding."
"Getting letters in the mail was such an experience."
"A handwritten letter is something that people tend to remember."
"The whole idea of mail merge is that you want to send out a letter, emails, envelopes, or labels."
"I get to play with letters all day."
"There's nothing that I love more than a handwritten letter."
"To write beautiful letters that can move people's hearts."
"For being a part of this community that, as you've heard in several letters today, is a great place."
"When I opened it up, I found letters. Hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of letters."
"These letters are absolutely charming and full of life."
"Letters are a bridge. They are a physical connection between the person who writes the letter and the person who receives it."
"A letter is written for one person, from one person, to share one special moment or a series of thoughts in one person's life with another person."
"One of the things that's lost is this tactile business of a letter, of writing a letter, having a letter, keeping a letter, enjoying the feeling of getting and giving, writing and receiving letters."
"You guys would be surprised at how just a little small thing like a letter means a big thing to somebody that's in jail."
"I love epistolary romances and they really did fall for each other through their letters."
"Open this letter when you're sad."
"The letters sodden with tears lay slightly crumpled on the desk nearby."
"Handwritten letters... they're treasured in a way you can never treasure an email."
"Good old-fashioned handwritten letters, I love those."
"I never knew if that was going to be the last letter, so I wrote every letter like it could have been."
"Learning to write effective letters is not a lost art in the workplace; in fact, it's a skill that you need to be successful in business."
"Carefully written letters create goodwill and make a positive impression on readers."
"A professional-looking letter is one of the most significant symbols in the business world."
"A letter is still the most formal and approved way to conduct important business with many international audiences."
"Every time she read his letter, her heart felt all warm and fuzzy."
"Receiving a letter like that honestly would be so meaningful."
"I really loved your letters. I love when you handwrite me letters, and I can read them."
"Before the digital age, people used to communicate through handwritten letters."
"I will cherish your letter, and it will go with the rest of my letters."
"It was honestly so good and if you guys aren't familiar with this story, it's basically Laura Jean writes these letters to all the boys that she's loved before."
"Thank you for all of your kind letters, it really does fill me with a lot of love."