
Sounds Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"At night you can hear the cries of an infant coming from the bridge."
"Explosions are the most tempting sounds in rust. They mean opportunity."
"Massive booming shrieks came thundering from the forest."
"Loud chewing now, chewing really really grates with me, that's my kind of like nails yeah."
"That was a disgusting wet noise, it sounds like someone threw a water balloon at your [__]."
"Muk banging and ASMR? Okay, ASMR is audio sensory meridian response, which is like the sound of brushes and things that make us feel comfortable, like white noises, ocean waves, all that type of stuff."
"Good morning everyone, you can hear the wonderful sounds of our house."
"I could hear loons, the beavers smacking their tails on the water, and crickets, all the outdoor sounds."
"Lyrebirds have the superpower of copying sounds from their surroundings."
"Nearly all sounds can be related to significant sound categories like geophysical, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, or submarines."
"You can search your photo library for sounds within videos."
"People were making these bongo sounds, it was amazing."
"The sound of the Waves lapping on the shore was like music to my ears."
"...what can't be debated is that people out in nature are hearing the telltale sounds of very large living things in very close quarters."
"What keeps making those sounds? Is it man or beast?"
"If you ever drive your car and it sounds like someone's got a la bag of potato chips and they're crinkling it and it drives you crazy, it's actually what's happening."
"The sounds of the rainforest are constant but ever-changing. It is calming, beautiful, and comforting."
"Then, from somewhere up above us, between the treetops and the sky, what sounded like a monkey began to scream. It froze. Everyone knows the sound, that unmistakable rising higher and higher call that monkeys do like laughter."
"Every letter makes a sound, and S says, 'ssss'."
"The game makes some interesting sounds and it's also quite easy to understand."
"They talk in sounds, whistles, some of them, and moans, eerie noises."
"I hear them at nighttime sometimes they'd be howling and stuff."
"From the sublime to the ridiculous, so many sounds, so many options, so much fun."
"I heard what sounded like someone or something on the top deck. My dogs started barking."
"Sounds you would never hear during summer are the symphony of winter."
"I think every body had screen doors back in the day, we had them growing up and I plan to use an actual spring for the opening and closing just hearing that slam of the screen door I even like that sound actually."
"The screeching alarms are as much a part of summer as the crack of a bat and the buzzing of cicadas."
"Y'all said it's the Tic Tac sound of nor nor sea moving on."
"The sound of two neutron stars or black holes colliding is a chirp."
"The demodogs use a combination of sounds to alert each other, and their 'queen' is a colossal creature known as the Mind Flayer."
"But no idea what it is but it's just one of the most beautiful sounds ever spring and summer skylarks."
"It's like I'm tired of hearing kids making moo sounds."
"I think you'll enjoy both keyboards as it relates to sounds."
"The soundtrack of India: the horn."
"Stock cars come with great sounds."
"...this production sounds great...such a good use of complimenting sounds with each other...really well done."
"Last but not least, this is probably one of the more underrated features of GarageBand but it can actually give you some really cool sounds."
"They sound really nice and crispy, don't they? You can see why this has got such a good reputation because the sounds that you get from it are really nice, bright, shiny, glassy."
"If I play that over G those are great sounds to play to play in your soloing to is to learn those upper structure sounds."
"Some paranormal experts claim to have heard sounds of battle in the field and also claim that camera equipment has been known to fail on site."
"It drives so nice and makes such cool noises."
"The distant cry of a newborn baby and the creaking of old wood are the only noises that break the silence of the night."
"This car makes a lot of funky noises, I have to say."
"I love the sound of tree chopping too, it's so good."
"I know the sounds made up but I can assure you that it's real and it definitely freaked me out."
"...and now you just go through all the sounds and have a great time playing the great sounds that are in easy drummer 3."
"I heard a sound, an animal sound. I wasn't scared, just curious."
"The moment we shut the lights off, there was a variety of clicks, creaks, and pops in very odd patterns."
"All the parrot noises, guys. I love it!"
"It's alright, it's just sounds. There's nothing to be afraid of."
"One moment it's a symphony of owls and crickets and toads, then a branch will snap or thunder will crack."
"Koalas make really crazy monster sounds."
"...just being in touch with nature, you hear in the morning noises you have never heard in your whole life."
"Not everybody is into camping in those things where I think it's the best way because just being in touch with nature you hear in the morning noises you have never heard in your whole life."
"I love the sound of these little feather waves. They're just like ticking along, kind of like a little comforting sound, like um, the washing machine or the dryer or something you know when you're as a kid, that was comforting to me."
"Out here, there's a different language, one where sounds mean everything."
"We're just in a park right now, and you can probably hear all the cicadas in the background."
"There's hardly a breath of wind in the air and all you can hear are the birds chirping."
"Sounds from across the planet, from a glacier in Iceland right down to the sounds of a frog chorus in the tropical parts of Panama."
"There are the neverending sounds that belong to the sea, the voices of wind that moving water."
"Listen to the sound of the river and the sound of the crackling fire."
"I often notice small sounds when others do not."
"I always love the crazy park sounds mixed with beautiful nature."
"We've heard anomalous sounds, knocks, and even strange unexplained light."
"They're goofy, they're silly, and sometimes they make cool noises."
"Our lives are filled with noise, and it's only when we tune in and listen that we discover the subtle background noises that fill our ears on a daily basis."
"What does a rooster say? Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
"Call of the timberwolf, the loon's lonesome trill, the eagle soaring high above, the trout lies deep and still."
"Just let the wind blow and let the whistles be heard through the trees."
"You can really hear those tree frogs going nuts, it's been like that all afternoon, it's really cool."
"My boyfriend always kept the fire up every hour, because when it went off, it felt as if all the sounds in the woods were louder and closer to us than in reality."
"The sound of rain and bees murmuring, the fall of rivers, winds, and seas."
"I love watching these sorts of videos; they've got loads of amazing little noises."
"I love hearing the noise like the sound of the leaves crunching."
"It's so amazing to be surrounded by all these different sounds; all the birds are so wonderful."
"One of my favorite things about the entire Safari was the noises that the jungle makes."
"I love the sounds of vending machines, it makes me feel like nostalgic."
"Wake up and hear the waves, like I was saying, right? Yeah, yeah."
"Listening to the sound of monkeys and birds chirping in the distance."
"The only sounds I could hear were the rustling of leaves under my feet and the occasional bird making some sort of chirping sound."
"I followed the sounds along a path; someone had heavy boots on."
"All of these sounds, they're familiar to us; they are the music of nature."
"Every night in summer I fell asleep listening to the pops, cracks, creaking, and groans as the house cooled off in the night air."
"Unmistakable sounds of boots slowly walking up and eventually back down the hall."
"The sights and the sounds will be very special tonight."
"Listen to the sounds of those wolves, the dead trees, and the starry night sky."
"The noises of the night, I loved it."
"The call of a distant crow, a blue jay, the chirping of spring peepers, the gurgling of streams."
"I went into my garage and recorded a handful of sounds from power tools, bubble-wrap, bicycles, the extra fridge I have out there, swords, and a Monster energy drink can."
"At times it almost sounds fake, it sounds like someone put a nature CD on, but this is like real life, you know, here in nature."
"I'd hone in on the static and listen deeply and intently for the chimes of the organ, the harsh and troubled screams in the distance, and the clinty clink of the metal chains."
"It's the sights and the sounds of Pleasure Beach that really make it, the sounds of the lift hills, the creaking of the wooden coasters, that's what this park really is all about."
"When you hear the coquis and the birds at night go off, it's like, it's pretty cool."
"The voices were now not the only sounds he could hear."
"Enjoy the birds chirping, enjoy the natural sounds."
"We actually enjoyed the sound of the sirens and the helicopter in the beginning."
"You don't even need a sound machine because you have nature's own sound machine right there."
"I don't know if there's a better sound than fishing than the sound of one biting a frog."
"The sound of rain is incredibly calming, but a single tap dripping is maddening."
"Until I die there will be sounds. And they will continue following my death."
"Aluminum, linoleum, aluminum, linoleum."
"He wanted to draw the listener's attention to everyday sounds around."
"The rustling of the mother's skirt and hear her groans along with a young boy's fearful cry."
"Just walking along the seafront, you can listen to the waves."
"Emu's making the sound. Do you know what that sound means?"
"Understanding all of the sounds right from the beginning is a really important key to understanding how English works."
"There are plenty of sounds in space, and some of them can even make you shiver."
"Listening to the sounds of the forest."
"We heard rice being pounded and whispers on the breeze."
"Wow, it's here, and listen to the pleasant sounds of Juno."
"You wouldn't hear a pin drop, but you can hear a lot of soft sounds."
"Life of the nearby woods was starting to come alive with the noise and sounds of nature."
"If you listen, you will hear silly sounds from far and near."
"Elephants can make these extremely low pitched sounds."
"The sounds they make are just so cute."
"The night air was filled with the sound of thousands of crickets and the pond behind the house was full of croaking frogs."
"I love communicating to people, and we don't speak the same language, but we make the same sounds."
"An electric pencil sharpener makes a nice noise, and you can make pencils as teeny as you want."
"I never really listen to the radio in any classic car that I have because I just like hearing the engine."
"I could hear deep cracks and thuds echoing from beyond the tree line."
"Right now, the baby's actually listening to all these different sounds like your voice, your heart beating."
"Wet wood hisses, dry wood crackles."
"Wild dogs make the most amazing sound... it's one of the most beautiful sounds that you can hear out here."
"Glaciers are moving, and as they move, they make noises, these almost thunder-like cracks."
"The house often gave me a sense of unease because of the sounds that it made."
"Cheetahs don't roar, they meow like house cats."
"Nature sounds are the only sounds you can hear."
"The big difference is when you actually start the car, you hear these kind of ticks and noises from the electric motor."
"What's that sound? Oh, the sound of buttermilk pancakes, a latte, orange juice, water, and the seaside."
"Polyphony means many sounds at the same time."
"Enjoy the sounds of nature at the flutter of a bird's wings."
"When you listen, you can hear lots of friendly sounds."
"It's so good to hear the kookaburras, the birds, hearing every little snap, crack, pop. Magic."
"Pumas don't roar; they use whistles, screams, squeaks, and purrs to communicate."
"Sometimes they play sounds of the ocean, the sound of whales, it's actually very, very soothing."
"I also really love the sound of hippos; it's one of those really iconic sounds."
"The noises that you're surrounded with makes it very very special to show the circle of life."
"It's so peaceful out here, we can hear Rufus nape knock and a yellow throat at long hauls, insects buzzing."
"Every moon, every planet, every system has its own sounds and language."
"You can hear what sounded like footsteps walking directly above us."
"The little noise that he makes is so cute."
"It is nice to highlight the great sounds we have in aviation."
"It's amazing how many sounds the woods make at night when you're sharply attuned to them."
"It gives you 128 GM sounds and also 64 sounds from the E-MU sound bank."
"We get the chorus of birds, we get the chorus of hippos too - amazing."
"I liked to think it was my house settling."
"There's so many nighttime sounds to go around, grasshoppers and katydids also contribute to it."
"I can hear the wind howling outside, and I can hear waves crashing."
"You love the work you're engaged in, as well as the sounds on the street."
"It's this liquid, bubbly, bubbly call, and it's one of my favorite calls."
"That is actually the eland's tendons clicking. Isn't that incredible?"
"It's kind of a comforting sound to hear it, the sounds of nature and not cars, sirens, no light pollution. Good living."
"They were whooping in the distance; it was such a beautiful and welcoming sound."
"All I can hear instead of a dawn chorus today is just the rustle of the autumn leaves."
"It's so nice to hear such sounds in the morning."
"It's just amazing to listen to all the sounds of the elephants."
"There's been a sound of the lions booming and roaring all over the place."
"Don't you just love all these little growls and rumbles that are taking place?"
"I wasn't sure why I had awakened, so I just lay there in the darkness and listened to the sounds of the night."
"The sounds captured are both strange and highly disturbing."
"You can just hear the last of the birds calling."
"That funny 'Wow' noise you can hear some crowned cranes."
"We have not heard the roar of the lion this morning, but we did indeed hear a leopard calling to the north."
"Dinosaurs might actually not have roared."
"Maybe dinosaurs sounded like that."
"Once you consciously start to listen, you'll be surprised just how much is out there to be heard."
"A lot of people have heard the sound of the kid's footsteps running up and down the hallway."
"They seem to communicate with gestures, but not just gestures, also noises produced by their mandibles."
"Chickens can also communicate with each other through 24 different types of sounds."
"And that's one of the reasons why we live out where we live and why we do what we do for that noise at night: lions calling, leopards calling."
"It's wonderful to hear that sound of the male impala rutting and chasing one another around."
"We are better at hearing different sounds because we now incorporate more sounds in the range of what's possible in language."
"Our lands roar in the distance, elephants trumpeting, I can hear birds."
"Heart sounds are love and dub sounds are cardiac sounds are love dub sound."
"This is the best place to check for tracks and also sounds to see if you can hear alarm calls or saws or roars. It really is the best place in the morning."
"Lions will roar, and leopards will saw."
"The voices of shorebirds are also useful... often, you'll notice some of the uncommon species first by hearing them call."
"Can you hear the river? Can you hear the monkeys?"
"You can see a little beak in there pecking and you can hear it making little chirping sounds."
"I hope you all were able to hear that, those cute little squeaks."
"The sound of rain is my favorite."
"We're just listening to some morning calls of lions and fiery necked nightjars, and this is Safari Live."
"You can hear the jar flies and just hear all the birds and the bugs and everything."