
Sinister Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"It's about how a small Irish village is mystified by what appears to be a miracle but may actually be something much more sinister."
"Happy Volts Asylum: where the light-hearted charm of Bully disappears, replaced by sinister vibes."
"Sinister plot that transcends the Realms of divorce and custody battles."
"The investigation took another sinister turn."
"That is very sinister to me and very interesting."
"Let me in, Dale," L said from behind the door, her voice deepening and becoming more sinister in tone. "There's a monster out here, please don't let him get me."
"I'll see those sinister glowing yellow eyes."
"Kevin Bacon is playing a real sinister fella in this movie and he does a killer job."
"The villains sit in sinister dark-ass places talking to the underlings about their sinister plans."
"She reaches from beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slaves."
"You could hear it and it was just like doing that evil deep kind of like a growl laugh."
"Reminded me of Willy Wonka, but if he went crazy and murderous."
"What more could you want? They're so sinister and evil together." - Narrator
"There's something more Sinister I would argue about a villain that can cut you and can destroy you just with their words then I can just blow everything up."
"There is something sinister about our British seaside towns."
"In this famously haunted location there's no telling what could happen if these investigators are correct there's certainly something sinister happening at the Sharon Rectory house."
"Sinister is just really goddamn creepy and has a constantly increasing sense of dark dread."
"Sinister has one of, if not the most terrifying soundscapes of any movie."
"Sinister is just sounds so scary. It's such a frightening sounding movie."
"...one of the darkest and most sinister stories relating to the Joker."
"What if a game could lead you to a dead body or something else sinister?"
"That just felt really dark and really sinister."
"If it wasn't so sinister, I would have said they looked quite beautiful, spinning and glistening in the moonlight."
"Nelini discovers that something sinister must have happened there seeing that the place now looks like a former war zone."
"Colin Farrell steals the show every time he's on screen and has such a Sinister presence."
"Definitely awesome illustration and sinister symbiote."
"No one will find your bodies, no one will know the truth, and no one is going to stop us from killing every last person on this planet."
"The sinister quality chilled me to the very core."
"Everybody on the quiet Council, they are sinister."
"It's a still Sinister voice that I love."
"It was a dream come true, truly. It's a piece of Americana, a really twisted, dark, sinister piece of Americana."
"It's so Sinister, it's so imposing and you just, you just get the sense that Waco Mundo was completely helpless."
"...he is this super sinister child almost with like these religious undertones of being worshiped like a god but in fact, he's actually like making a deal with the devil."
"Often it's the sinister side of human behavior that's treated as being emblematic of human nature."
"...those weren't simply dreams I had been experiencing when I was a kid that they were something much more than dreams something much more sinister."
"The simplistic yet chilling musical score establishes the sense of something sinister lying beneath the comfy surface."
"Mysterious, sinister, and feeds on negative energy."
"I'm pretty impressed at how these two turned out, they got like this nice sinister vibe to them."
"Looking back 10 years later, I realized just how sinister what he was saying really was."
"A vulnerable man goes missing... the truth behind his disappearance is even more sinister than could ever have been imagined."
"...I have always fought against it, I have always, as far as I know, managed to get out of it; it is definitely accompanied by a very Sinister feeling."
"Her crimson eyes gleamed with excitement, and a sinister smile tugged at her lips."
"You're just entering into this graveyard, this kind of sinister forbidden place."
"Is it a guardian angel or something more sinister?"
"It was not a friendly smile; it reminded me of an evil clown smile without the makeup."
"That is cryotech, isn't it? Look at that, the sinister bubble in the belly, god that is insanity."
"The red eyes peer out from that blue, from that gold, from that design work, and it gives it a little bit of a sinister look."
"As the days grew colder in January 1993, a sinister plot began to unfold within the confines of the book club."
"The skull shape that I like to create for the eyes is a little bit more sinister."