
Gore Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"It's all the grotesque Gore that people desire from this type of game."
"The gore effects in this movie... it's definitely the goriest of all the movies."
"VHS 94... is dripping in gore and imagination, it's a total thrill ride."
"Thankfully there is in fact quite a few fantastic gory games."
"I hope this inspired you to dive even deeper into this killer horror subgenre and discover all its often unappreciated gory glory."
"The gore is impressive for a modestly budgeted feature and there's enough of it here to earn Junk a three barf bag rating."
"The amount of gore throughout the area was unbelievable."
"There was blood everywhere, like a scene from a horror movie."
"You don't need Gore to be disturbing."
"Put some blood and gore in there because Chucky's not [ __ ] around this time, baby."
"The gore is not the focus of this film, but there's more than enough here to justify giving this one a very respectable three-barf bag rating."
"That actually made me nervous that's actually when the gore works because they ain't going to take a bullet you know no they're going to go out in an explosion of guts."
"Can Motel Hell put five barf bags of splatter on your pillow? Let's get to the gore and find out!"
"Let's go to the gore card. In terms of gross anatomy, Zombie delivers."
"Can Blood Rage serve up enough Thanksgiving splatter to fill five barf bags?"
"But enough about that, can the boogeyman summon up enough splatter to earn a respectable barf bag rating? Let's go to the gore card."
"Scarecrows delivers a decapitation, several eviscerations, multiple stabbings, severed appendages, and the cool mutated Jack creature."
"You've got a bike impalement, a snap neck, Kelly's gruesome transformation, limb removals, a decapitation, and more."
"Everything's gonna be up to the nth degree. So like blood shoots everywhere and just like in the book the kids all decide like hey parents either don't see this or pretend to not see this, we're gonna help you clean it up."
"They really up the humor, they up the gore. There's even a segment on the DVD called 'The Gore, The Merrier'."
"It was bloody, gory, but I enjoyed it."
"This movie had some good gore and some very entertaining kills. In fact, I would go as far as to say I was more entertained watching this Texas Chainsaw Massacre than I was watching any of the others."
"People ran out. They used sprayers and air mortars to launch blood and guts on set."
"It definitely has some gore scenes that look realistic but when you look at the bigger picture it's all fantasy here."
"The ending of this was phenomenal and I absolutely loved the gore. I was not expecting it to be that gory."
"...it's incredibly interesting, the artwork in here is fairly gory."
"Another big positive if you were a fan of gore, there is gore galore in Leatherface."
"Oh my god, that is a stepped-on brain. I was gonna say eaten brain but then she stepped on it."
"The gore is fun and over the top."
"The gore was very tame. There's just the perfect mix of graphic violence but also implicit violence that lets your imagination do the rest of the job."
"The gore is so over the top that it's like kind of funny, right?"
"I think that's just enough gore as a 15-year-old to go, 'Oh, that's horrible.'"
"Can Galaxy of Terror slime its way to a five barf bag rating? Let's get to the gore and find out!"
"Everything outside of the gore was sort of generic."
"The series' comedy is unique, with out-of-nowhere gore and shockingly gruesome jokes."
"If you like Gore and lots of blood, you're at the right place so let's get started."
"This is like, they did not shy away from the gore. I [__] love it."
"Jesus, he explodes, blood goes everywhere, um everyone cheers as the credits roll."
"There really is not much of a plot, just a lot of really gross gory vibes and art the clown being a [ __ ] Menace."
"Evil Dead rise is the most gory movie you can see in theaters today."
"I don't give a damn what kind of monster it is, okay where's the blood?"
"I kind of enjoyed that. Like I said, like the Saw sequels, they're so gory that sometimes I can't handle it. This was very doable."
"But don't worry at first it's going to be fine since the blood will keep your eyelids moist for a while."
"Can Robo-War hunt down a five barf bag rating? Let's get to the gore and find out."
"It was a musical about one of the goriest film series in history, made by a bunch of kids fresh out of college and initially staged in the back of a bar."
"Yo, that [ __ ] was rough, man. It's like these Scream movies, I don't be expecting it to be that gory and just that serious when it comes to somebody getting killed like that. Wow."
"Just blood oozing from all the ripping wounds across its body."
"Mankind's greatest fear becomes its own hope. Get ready for limbs to fly and bones to break in the gore-soaked blood bath that is The Dead Undead."
"If you are able to handle body horror and gore, I would highly recommend."
"I love when the blood is on the forehead. I don't know it just looks so damn cool."
"It really ramped up in the body horror and Gore department at the end there."
"The choice to transition into black and white, leaving only the blood colored, was a stroke of genius. It makes the upcoming gore fest stand out so much more."
"As you can see, blood and gore is the key to making a death memorable. I mean, how can you possibly make a kill brutal enough without it? It doesn't seem doable at first glance, but I suppose now the joke's on us."
"This film is just silly slash of fun with the gore to match."
"The gore in this movie is literally god tier."
"The kills...it's super super bloody. I think the Practical effects are very effective."
"The intense gore and slime and blood gives a visceral intensity to the science fiction concept that makes it believable."
"but it's also like this crazy twisty Thriller with some wild disturbing Gore that I've literally never read more of in my life like I no you will never read anything more than this book"
"... this is like as faithful of a Hellraiser film as you can be that actually got my stomach turned and disgusted when I was desensitized after nine Hellraiser movies I've just seen blood and gore everywhere..."
"Is it splattery? Let's get to the gore and find out."
"Of course, being a card-carrying gorehound who can't get enough splatter in his horror movies, I'm all in favor of an Event Horizon director's cut."
"This is one of the most gloriously gory action movies I've ever seen."
"Originally had a lot more room for, oh say another half hour of Gore butchering more gods."
"It's very, very gory, but it's not scary at all."
"These movies are not for people with weak stomachs, but for fans of the splatter genre, they're an absolute must-see."
"This show can get pretty gory but it's handled tastefully."
"Movies do not need gore to be scary. A lot of modern-day horror movies think that's what scary is. No, that's just gross. Okay, to make something actually scary, this does a way better job than the majority of horror films made today."
"It's a classic. I can watch it over and over again. It's funny, the gore is over the top, so it makes it fun."
"It's unbelievably gory, the cinematography is unbelievable."
"The Traps made the Saw franchise one of the goriest set of movies ever made."
"It was entertaining, it had all the gore you'd expect in very creative ways."
"What a savage movie this is; it doesn't really get any more gory and gnarly and nasty than this."