
Hebrew Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Butter Diana meant blessed is the true true judge."
"Hebrew has words for silver, for disc, for round, for window, okay? All you gotta do is buy a Hebrew grammar and look at the index."
"I mean, yes, Kel Kaufman many years ago pointed out that the early Hebrew possesses no word to designate a feminine deity."
"If you are interested in studying the world of the Tanakh or Biblical Hebrew, come study with me at the Institute of Biblical Culture."
"Hebrew is one of the languages where words by their sound indicate the action."
"If you get into Gematria, this using numbers associated with the letters in your name, spelled out in Hebrew, and each letter has a number value, add those up and everybody's name has a one number value."
"It's a Hebrew word, 'khail'... it means people, it means men, it means resources."
"The Hebrew letters are the very matrix of the universe."
"If you want a perfect round number in Hebrew, it’s always seven."
"When God gave the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai, He wrote it in Hebrew."
"The Hebrew language is also musical."
"God wrote Hebrew, and Jesus spoke Hebrew."
"Everything in Hebrew is the thing itself."
"They're seeking then this Messiah as he's called in English version of Hebrew Anointed One."
"David, his name in Hebrew, means beloved."
"Learning the alphabet is your first step in your Hebrew journey."
"Master Hebrew with a practical approach."
"The first letter and the last letter spelled the Hebrew word 'ben,' The Son of God."
"What's Gethsemane mean in Hebrew? Olive press. Where Jesus, the light of the world, was crushed under the weight of such darkness."
"In any event, they wrote down the way that they learned to read it, and that became the text of the Bible we have today. They wrote down how they pronounced Hebrew; that's one source of information that we have."
"In Hebrew, the vowels are dots below the letters."
"The Hebrew word Mashiach literally means anointed."
"Common singular and common plural are used in Hebrew."
"These are my favourite rare Hebrew names I think are going to be massively trending next year."
"The miracle of the Hebrew language is a language that was dormant; today you walk on the streets of Jerusalem and you hear Hebrew all over."
"It's a completely living language, and it's thanks to the efforts of people like Ben Yehuda who wanted to make it a reality."
"Odelia... a Hebrew originated name meaning I will praise the Lord."
"Ziva, Hebrew meaning brightness and brilliance."
"Shalom is a greeting in Hebrew; it means peace."
"In the Hebrew language, that covenantal love is called hesed."
"There are around five million people who can speak Hebrew in Israel and abroad."
"The word Adam in Hebrew means 'taken out of the red earth'."
"The Hebrew for family, 'bayit', means lineage."
"Hebrew life was organized in increments of seven."
"The discoveries at Ugarit also help us understand the Ugaritic language and the ways that it is related to Hebrew."
"The Hebrew language is the basis of the universe."
"Ainsof is the modern Hebrew word that means infinite; it literally means without end."
"Hebrew vowels are dots and dashes placed under or to the left of Hebrew letters, and there is always one vowel in every Hebrew syllable."
"Yafe is the word for beautiful in Hebrew."
"In Hebrew, Yeshua is the shortened, abbreviated version of Yahushua, which is Joshua."
"The Hebrew language is the DNA of creation."
"Malachi comes from the Hebrew word that means my messenger."
"We the Jewish people have been praying in Hebrew and reading the entire time."
"The word for charity in Hebrew is sadaqa, and it is very closely related to righteousness."
"Menuha is the Hebrew word for rest and relaxation."
"Forgiveness in Hebrew comes from the word 'machol', there's a circle, there's a dance."
"Hebrew was revived... and now it's spoken by lots of people again."
"It is clearly the most ancient Hebrew ever found and it is probably touching upon the early history of Israel."
"This grammatical rule not only applies to Yerushalayim but every Hebrew word that begins with a Yod and has a Shva as its vowel."
"The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are the spiritual building blocks of reality."
"The Hebrew language is extremely fluid and flexible."
"The Hebrew word for bride is kala, which literally means to complete."
"I've always wanted to learn Hebrew."
"Shalom and welcome to Biblical Hebrew lesson two."
"The Hebrew alphabet conveys not just sound, it conveys meaning."
"Hebrew wasn't designed by a German committee; it evolved."
"Baruch Hashem is Hebrew for blessed be the name, blessed be the name of the Lord."
"Nauvoo, which in Hebrew means 'City Beautiful'."
"If you're able to read the text in Hebrew, you will notice when you're reading different passages, you will see an overlap in vocabulary."