
Classroom Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"I once again, guys, I like that class, my classes were never that quick."
"When you can't function properly you can't pay attention in class."
"It's a valuable lesson and one best learned in a classroom."
"If you want to take a picture of today's lesson boards, here they are. Boom!"
"When the teacher turns off the light for two seconds just to get them to stop talking and pay attention: Confused screaming."
"Desks at the beginning of the school year, desks at the end of the school year."
"When no one answers the teacher so she starts calling on students randomly"
"Nothing more, nothing less in the classroom."
"The anticipation builds as sei orchestrates a mountain climbing expedition with her unsuspecting classmate, creating a delightful and amusing spectacle within the confines of the classroom."
"I'm studying for my test in the classroom."
"I learn about history in the classroom."
"Black power, show respect! In the classroom."
"You're not going to hit her in class, are you, Nate?"
"I'm in a good mood in the classroom."
"Excuse me, Miss Eda," he called to the teacher, raising his hand earnestly.
"By the time I get to school at 7:20 in the morning until eight o'clock when homeroom starts, my room is a hangout space. It is a safe place, it is a quiet place for students to be."
"It spreads like a cold throughout your whole class."
"I noticed that when I walked into the boys' classroom, there were all these missiles flying through the air, paper airplanes. A lot of laughter and a lot of fun. I used to love going into those classrooms."
"More of learning will take place in your classroom than you could ever imagine."
"The media widget allows you to personalize it with your own classroom lessons and tools."
"Classroom Screen is such a fun way to have all those little classroom management tools at your fingertips all day long."
"Thank you so much for watching! Classroom Screen is definitely something I have been using every day this year with my students to help my classroom run a little bit smoother."
"Another reason I think you should consider using Genially in your classroom is just that it can also be a really powerful creativity tool."
"Good morning, class! Stop eating my pencil!"
"...the reason I like having a wireless mouse for my classroom is because I don't want to be tied to my desk..."
"...my next classroom must-have is the three-tiered rolling cart."
"...if there's anything that you have in your classroom that you're like I have used this since I started teaching please drop it in the comments below."
"Wow, look at the classroom. It looks like a winter wonderland!"
"Provide a lot to the classroom and we should get scholarships for it."
"A culturally responsive classroom belongs to the students with the teachers as facilitators."
"...they really want to be part of that whole class chat so they come and sit down a lot quicker than they would otherwise and I think it's nicer than sitting there and shouting and being like come on hurry up and get your pens come and sit down..."
"So this fool dead serious in the middle of class took a goldfish out and straight up 'Kobe'd' this across a bunch of class."
"I firmly believe life is the best classroom."
"But the main thing is not to be disruptive to each other that's the key thing just to be respectful when you're in the class."
"Mistakes I can deal with in full class interactions."
"Teachers should make the classroom conducive to learning."
"'It's Isaac the Freezer.' 'I told you, you don't have to ask to use the bathroom. Just quietly and politely get up and go without disrupting the class.'"
"The hallways where the chitchat happens, we have a good time. Once you enter the classroom, you go to the class webpage, that's where stuff gets serious."
"I guarantee you can find tons of things for your classroom that other people are either giving away or are selling really, really cheaply."
"Students have a habit when they're either working independently or at the very end of the day that they are drawing on their whiteboards."
"This is a little area over here in the back corner of my classroom."
"Flexible seating, having different options for kids, I think is really important."
"He launches into what felt like a 20-minute rant directed at me in front of the entire class."
"...it encourages every student to participate during class, so if only three students share out to the class, then you know that everyone still had a chance to participate by sharing on that sticky note."
"The reason why teachers stay in the classroom is because they love their students."
"Create an energizing and inviting classroom environment to engage students."
Formative assessments: "Formative assessment can be a million different things... It's during class, it's quick, and it tells if they get it."
"Balancing the active and passive in your classroom is crucial for smooth transitions."
"Singing songs and finger plays during transition time is often a very helpful tool."
"The classroom changed overnight, it was like a class quiz environment, everybody was quiet, everybody was engaged."
"From hence the low murmur of his pupils' voices might be heard in a drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a beehive, interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice of the teacher."
"Focus on building a classroom community. Students need to socialize and have respect for each other."
"Demand mutual respect in your classroom. Students have to respect you and one another."
"Create routines. Structures and routines help students feel safe and understand their roles in the classroom."
"Teacher: Alright everyone, put your hands down please. Me."
"Hey everybody, come on into the classroom, welcome! It's really nice to see you."
"...sometimes have to walk there you just want to have it in your classroom so I'm gonna work on that I'm gonna try to look on Facebook Marketplace for a fridge that we can keep in our classroom."
"I am walking back to my classroom."
"I'm sure the kids are going to be so stinking excited to have these new book buddies in our classroom."
"Just raise your hand and ask for some silence, believe me, the other people in the class will appreciate it."
"This girl was someone who created Positive Vibes all around the classroom."
"There was nothing else simply because this class square had two people dressed as instructors in charge of it."
"I hope you enjoyed watching me set up my classroom this year."
"I bombed so bad. I was like, 'I don't know,' and then I just, like, literally was, like, I don't know, and then I just, like, walked out of the class."
"I got stuck so then I got here like right at 5:00 and then you went to class and then I waited in that little room that you guys everything so I was there in there I was in there for until you were in class in 30 minutes."
"In my classroom, I have a cabinet full of Brawny. Those thirst pockets do the trick. Sometimes I'd like them to absorb the kid. Just give them all those kids free rein to do finger paints, it's like Jesus, what were you thinking?"
"Felix definitely has the most personality in my classroom."
"It's rug time, come on in, rug time, take a seat, rug time, we're ready, everybody move your feet, rug time, Teacher Susie, good times on the way, rug time, come on in, we've got a lot to learn today!"
"That's awesome, the teacher probably thought he was having a stroke for a second."
"Creating and fostering an environment where it was okay for the child to put their hand up and say, 'Oh, I forgot what's the next step'."
"Technology can help support the classroom to be more like a real-world environment."
"Every time I read a book aloud to my class, I always say this is one of my favorite books. I just love this book, and I know you will too."
"Educating the class about what's going on so that everybody can understand and then it's not as big of a deal."
"They had this love between Nigeria and Ghana in my class and it was just so good."
"Assassination Classroom is another one of those animes that I enjoyed."
"Established a classroom learning environment that was encouraging, engaging, and adaptive to student needs."
"I really want my classroom to be a happy space this year."
"Classrooms kind of become your home away from home."
"I just love coming into my classroom in the mornings."
"Happy teaching, and I'll see you in the classroom."
"There are literally so many possibilities for using Google Sites in the classroom."
"All right guys, so I am in my classroom."
"That is my classroom, I'm so excited."
"I'm still quite shy by nature, but growing up in school, I just didn't want to raise my hand in class because I thought that if I say the wrong thing, everybody would giggle."
"She understood the expectations in the class."
"It just brings that fun and energy back into the classroom when you're reviewing concepts."
"That's going to be it for today's class."
"I absolutely love how this classroom turned out, I think it's so fun, so functional, not overwhelming but also really inviting."
"These tiny little things that you could bring into your class, into your lessons, just makes a huge difference for the students."
"There are things that you cannot do online that you could do in a classroom, so I really miss being able to see you guys in person."
"Professor brought his dog in today and gave us a pop quiz: How do you feel about Maggie? She's a good dog, she's a very good dog, yes she is, she's the best dog, she's the ideal dog."
"Effective classroom management goes beyond rules and reminders."
"The most important thing is that you have a space in the classroom for children to discover and explore."
"It was a bit shocking, mostly because I was surprised that he did it during class."
"This is probably the best that my classroom has ever looked. It's just so bright, it's so colorful."
"Thank you for your quiet sign showing me that you're ready to come to the carpet."
"You see what a good student looks like in this class?"
"I buy our classroom flowers every Sunday, and the ones for this week are really bright and colorful with yellow and hot pink, which are my favorite."
"You should be paying attention to class, isn't that what you're paying to be there for?"
"I want to have a nice open big classroom for my students."
"Excuse me class, who would like to present first?"
"Every time my teacher hands out paper, y'all got ADHD."
"Oh crap, he's got that look in his eye," thought the majority of the class, the scared Iruka included.
"We have fun in this class, there's no doubt about that."
"97% of classroom setup, I swear, is just standing back thinking about whether you like the furniture you just moved or not."
"Classroom number 13, some people say 13 is an unlucky number."
"The most important decisions taken in classrooms aren't made by teachers; they're taken by students."
"The classroom is such a great place to learn new things."
"This is the actual value of drama in the classroom, not just drama but the arts in general."
"It's good to be back in the classroom again."
"I'm now finally feeling okay enough and feeling good to give you guys a classroom tour."
"I want everyone to find a chair and sit down today we're going to learn some alphabet and some reading."
"Give me a smile, it's that time of class."
"I really like how you're sitting quietly and staying on task."
"I made the entire class laugh, which I was like, yes, I did that."
"Now with your permission, if you don't mind, I'd like to finish teaching the class."
"I think these turned out really really cute, so these are going to be a fun little classroom gift."
"She made her classroom a safe space."
"It's one of my favorite things in my classroom."
"We are mothers of daughters who are in the same classroom."
"We have to share brownies with the whole class, so you guys have to help me figure out a way to cut the brownies in a way that is fair for everyone."
"I feel like I'm in my room but better; I feel like I'm in the best version of my classroom that I have ever had."
"All right, everyone, please sit down so we can start our class."
"Now this is the best classroom so far."
"Now, now class, settle down. I have a new announcement to make."
"I'm just gonna use these sticky clips, and that way whenever I have student work to display, I can just slip it in the clip with the paper, and it'll be easy to move."
"It should be incorporated in classrooms as it increases academic performances and advances learning while also fostering skills and attitudes that are beneficial both academically and socially."
"I just love eating in class, guys. I think teachers should allow their students to eat in class."
"All the kids who had been staring at me expectantly up until now exploded in conversation with their peers."
"These animations have a time and a place in the classroom."
"Students are encouraged and expected to participate in class discussions and activities."
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you in class."
"It is always fun to see your hard work up in the classroom."
"I like having the names up there individually with Velcro, just put a strip of Velcro back there, and because then you can do flexible grouping as you look at your data."
"Where you sit in your classroom has a lot to do with how well you're paying attention."
"It's really exciting to kind of have a full-blown flexible seating classroom for the first time."
"I'm feeling grateful that I got to get in my classroom finally and get my stuff."
"He showed me my classroom, which is my actual classroom, so that's exciting."