
Clumsiness Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"I had it first try and I dropped it on the floor... yeah, so that was a bit silly."
"The roller skating fail between Millie and Noah is just clumsy cute absolute ridiculousness on wheels."
"Ploop's one of those guys that manages to make things dirtier by cleaning them."
"I have a way... up all the simple things... I could [__] up a wet dream."
"Keep dropping these babies all over the ground."
"I literally just took a big sip of water and spilled it all down me. Fabulous."
"People falling over in the snow is like hysterical."
"I've never spilled more in my life than I have since I've been out here or just when I travel in general I feel like I just spill all my clothes."
"If you're clumsy in the backcountry and you just drop stuff all the time, this might be for you."
"...I'm about to bump my ass right now."
"He's just a big guy so he accidentally steps on things you know."
"He's sweet, but he's very clumsy, dude."
"With all the grace of a dumper truck, I'm going to exit the bedroom."
"Then Marinette fell down because of her clumsiness."
"Ever struggle to read road signs in public, constantly trip over your feet while walking down the street, fail to appreciate the beauty of nature itself?"
"Are you for real? What is your issue, Grace? I'm just a little bit clumsy."
"Dude, as soon as there's even the slightest of waves, he just falls and he's like [ __ ]."
"I fell so hard... my butt is out completely."
"He was so surprised that he dropped the phone from his hand."
"If I'm running around to all those pumps the whole time and I'm naked, something's getting caught on something."
"I have zero confidence. Sometimes I walk into doors, and then I apologize to the door."
"I hit the ground face first like I was dizzy."
"Cupid startled himself he clumsily pierced his own skin with the arrow."
"I am so sorry that you awoke in this space station and I bumped into you with my cup of coffee and made such a mess."
"So I was that customer today, breaking stuff. Oh my goodness."
"There are very few animals as clumsy as the penguin."
"You're going to break something just buying watermelons."
"I was so tired that I, like, waddled into the, have you ever been that tired where you're like, I think people might think I'm drunk? So you just kind of walk in."
"My mom got me a Nerf gun. I had the Nerf gun in hand for 30 seconds. The first dart I shot shattered the thing that I bought her."
"He managed to medicate himself clumsily for his entire life."
"You know how many times I've dropped these though?"
"I also just spilled my coffee all over my bed. Why? Why am I like this?"
"Made a bit of a mess but hey, you know where's the glass."
"Why are dangerous things always so fun to throw in the air? Just like an open pair of scissors, a box cutter, like an open can of... Oh, for the love... Oh, hit my drink, hit my cactus, could have been a disaster."
"Everyone Falls over when they ice skate even I fall over."
"I need someone who's just going to be nice about clumsiness and things and just not make me feel embarrassed at all, laughs at it."
"I actually woke up like And I fell down the stairs."
"That wasn't graceful enough. I gotta pick up the confetti so I can throw it again. Wow, this is cardstock so it's so much more pointy."
"A proper push will take you far, but what a clumsy lad you are."
"Thank god that was clumsy. Like what a great word, you know like, oh it's just [ __ ] hilarious man."
"Thank god that was clumsy, what a great word, you know?"
"The best part of this story by a mile in my opinion is the moment where you unscrew the bolts that you personally bought to fix a desk, leaving it obviously broken. I mean, that is elite, I've gotta say."
"I think for me, I would probably want to freeze time...I stick my foot in my mouth all the time."
"I almost... I was trying to carry this from behind. I don't know why it was behind my table or how it got there because I remember I just used it there, and I was turning like this, and I clipped the other thing there and down it all went. So, rest in peace, police station."
"The worst thing you can do as a teenager: fall over something."
"I'm a bit clumsy with that, but I luckily get help with the coordination or organization too."
"I spilled my coffee again like Doctor Who."
"We're in Paris, yet Grace trips to build an escalator, like if there's a nice man behind me that caught me, if he wasn't there I would have, you would have to posted."
"How many t-shirts do we think I'm gonna wear today because apparently I'm spilling every single meal that I eat on my t-shirt?"
"That's a lot of curry on the floor."
"Are you serious right now? Do you actually want to attribute my success to your clumsiness?"
"Candles? Jesus Christ, I don't want a candle. Stop it. I live alone and I'm clumsy. I'm gonna burn my house down if I light a candle."
"I'm as graceful as a gazelle that just got born, with my legs all over the place."
"Links just chased a fly and stacked it."
"I'm really good at just randomly hurting myself in really dumb ways."
"He'll eat all of these. That stuff gets on everything he touches."
"Are you gonna make that look easy out there today?" "I'd like to say yes, however, I am very clumsy and have a tendency to go the wrong way."
"This one is for serious people, like if you drop your phone a lot, you're definitely going to want this."
"Seeing his reaction and hurrying my pace, I lost my balance on the steep hillside and tripped over a large protruding tree root."
"I almost just broke another purse 'cause I was trying to pull it from the driver's side and couldn't."
"She looked like she didn't see a wet paint sign."
"Knowing me I'll get glue where it shouldn't be."
"... it's actually like one of the more basic kind of brutal kind of ways of dealing with technology where like you do not have to be perfect to get this to work you can be very clumsy and get it to work."
"I'm constantly bumping into things and dropping things."
"There's nothing more [__] than falling up the stairs, dude."
"Sadie is my pup, the goodest, clumsiest pup that ever popped."
"I always feel like a smoothie after a workout, and I'm incapable of not spilling it on myself."
"Although Hannah may be a bit clumsy at times, she still is the best mechanic."
"Vinton was characterized by his clumsiness and a perceived lack of intelligence, but despite these traits, he was seen as a lovable member of the family."
"All fingers and thumbs, nothing ventured, nothing gained."
"I saw this one from across the room, I tripped over my big fat feet coming over here."
"Sure, Marinette only made good plans when she wore her Ladybug mask. Everything else was the whims of a klutz. But klutz or not, she had the luck of a Ladybug on her side."
"Me and Jennifer are on set, so it's guaranteed clumsiness."
"You know it's a bad day when you roll out of bed and miss the floor."
"Let's be honest, all of us drop stuff on ourselves."
"A bit of clumsiness in daily life is sometimes seen as an indicator of a high IQ."
"I'm a bit of a klutz, so it could very well happen again."
"Attention is never a good thing, as any other accident-prone clutz would agree."
"Thank you for saving me from eating cobblestone; I seem to be cursed with clumsiness."
"I can take out a minotaur with one arm restrained, but ask me to waltz, and I'll probably sweep your legs out from under you by accident."
"I'm kind of a bull in a china shop."
"Saving the world from villains and saving his girlfriend from her own clumsiness."
"Hey, a new superhero for your comic strips," he said. "Super klutz. He trips and falls on the bad guys."
"I'm a clumsy person. I'm gonna fall, I know it."
"Lift your toes, lift your toes, lift your toes, oh that's it, okay, walk on the green bits, you numpties."
"I somehow manage to spill on myself every time I eat, and I don't know how it makes me so mad."
"Those things fly with the grace of a lady elephant on ice skates!"
"I was a bit all up fingers and thumbs."