
Reaching Out Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Reaching out for help is not a weakness, but a show of strength."
"It takes huge courage to reach out when things get too unbearable."
"It takes balls to reach out. Making the first step is always the hardest."
"Make contact, reach out, honor your inner knowing."
"How do you reach somebody who's difficult to reach? What's the thing that will cause them to think twice about something they thought they had nailed?"
"They're gonna reach out... communicate their feelings."
"Some of these people wish you would reach out to them."
"Just reach out to someone... you'll be all right."
"I'm glad that I'm not glad that it's happened but in a way I'm glad that the personal circumstances in my life combined at the time that they did for me to finally reach out and get some help."
"Reaching out when something's wrong was something I had trouble with. Now I'm like, 'I need help, help me!'"
"It's important to reach out when we need help."
"It's a scary thing, it was scary to reach out, but I'm glad I did."
"If you feel alone or you feel afraid and you don't understand why you feel like this is, pick up the phone and talk to somebody."
"I'm just trying to figure out how to reach people who are not bad faith cynics"
"They're reaching out in an unexpected manner."
"I see your person reaching out to you."
"Reaching out for help is tough, but tell someone. It'll be the best thing you ever do."
"Kusaka stated that he did not have to be a hero, but he wanted to be someone who could reach out to someone in need."
"There's never any shame in reaching out for help. That's what those resources are there for."
"You can ask for help if you need it."
"I will say that if you or someone you know is suffering, please reach out."
"We ask for forgiveness that for nearly 50 years we didn't find a way of reaching out to you from human being to human being."
"Sometimes when you're not sure how to help, you can ask a friend, a family member, or even a neighbor."
"Nothing feels more satisfying than having that person finally reach out to you and ask."
"Despite being alone in the world with no one loving him and feeling worthless and even less than that, Mash still reached out to him. That was the first time he felt warmth from someone else."
"It got to a point where I could no longer live... I needed help."
"I reached out for the television."
"I'm feeling suicidal and I don't know what to do."
"You will get it, particularly as you're reaching out today."
"The prisoner cannot free himself. When you're suffering, you have to reach out."
"Reaching out is like a step in your recovery, it's halfway there."
"Reach out to someone that can help you, reach out to a mental health person, don't suffer in silence."
"Sophia refuses to give up and reaches out to her creator, her very first friend, as Ichinose was drowning in despair."
"I never told anyone. It didn't even cross my mind. Maybe I should tell someone. Maybe I should ask for help."
"If you feel within your own intuition, your own psyche to reach out, it is not in pick-me vibes."
"You're not alone. It's okay to ask for help."
"He seemed to reach out to him as he fell, like this."
"I was reaching out, I was very lonely in what I was living in and I wanted help, I wanted advice, help, and some, I just wanted to talk to somebody and figure out how I can make this stop."
"If you feel alone and you don't feel comfortable to tell somebody close to you, please, please, please reach out to a coach or a therapist."
"If you have someone that you really have made such a difference in your life, please contact them."
"You don't have to handle it by yourself; reach out to someone."
"This is my way to speak to the world, this is my way to make a difference and to say something and to reach people."
"I reach out my hand to you always."
"Somehow the child maintains a perfect balance as it reaches out towards something."
"I think it's so important when you go through a trauma or experience a death to reach out to the people around you."
"Find that person who seems farthest from you and reach for them. Let them guide you."
"Don't be afraid to reach out to friends."
"I'm really happy to say that right before his passing, I reached out."
"If you don't reach out to Mark Cuban, you definitely won't hear from Mark Cuban."
"The mountain does not reach the mountain, Human reach to human."
"Sometimes if you're not feeling good, just start out by reaching out to a friend."
"We reach out for God because He first reached for us."