
Coronation Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Moon held a coronation ceremony in an office building of the U.S Senate in which he was crowned king of peace."
"His moment of Coronation will be very important for us as lightworkers to focus on him."
"Pope Leo III immediately recognized Charlemagne as a Roman nobleman, crowning him the first Holy Roman Emperor."
"It's coronation day, 5th of May 2023, and what an amazing day we've had. What a perfect end to a fantastic day."
"Historia is crowned during a coronation ceremony... declares herself as the new Queen of the walls."
"The Imperial coronation: His Imperial Majesty Pedro III ready to receive the crown."
"On Christmas day in the Basilica of Saint Peter Pope Leo III placed a crown on Charlemagne's head declaring him the new Holy Roman Emperor creating a new Roman Empire."
"William was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066."
"Diana is crowned the Queen of Heaven."
"You know, I'm assuming that planning for a coronation is probably quite intense, probably."
"Frodo was given the honour of carrying the Crown and Gandalf then placed the wings of pearl and silver which formed the likeness of a seabird upon Aragorn’s head."
"Edward's victory was complete England was his and the rose of Ruan was officially crowned Edward IV in Westminster Abbey on the 29th of June 1461."
"Elizabeth's coronation gown was embroidered on her instructions with the floral emblems of Commonwealth countries."
"Princess Elizabeth became Queen in February 1952, and the coronation was in June 1953."
"The king's coronation is announced and will take place on May the 6th, 2023."
"Albert was crowned as King George VI."
"William was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066."
"The coronation was truly the event of the century. She was by that time filling her father's shoes, and Britain had grown an enormous amount of love and respect for her."
"That's why I've titled the message, 'The False Coronation of the True King.'"
"That's the earthly coronation of Christ."
"The coronation of Napoleon as Emperor of the French was a pivotal moment in his career and in the history of France."
"Louis-Napoleon, now Napoleon IV, was coronated at the Notre-Dame by Pope Pius IX."
"Queen Catherine was 23 years old, her husband and King would turn 18 four days after their coronation."
"A coronation is the sacred moment where a king officially becomes king in the eyes of God."
"The most memorable coronation of all time!"
"Queen Elizabeth liked the tradition so much that she not only wore the arm Mills during her coronation but kept them on even while waving to the crowd at Buckingham Palace."
"William was crowned in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066."
"Welcome to this coronation ceremony, becoming royal men and women."
"This is the most delicious coronation you might ever witness."
"On the appointed day, Sir Kriston Cole placed the iron and ruby crown of Aegon the Conqueror upon the brow of the eldest son of King Viserys."
"this is only the second coronation ever to be televised"
"the coronation service for the British monarch has been the same for around a thousand years"
"Anne's coronation took place on the 1st of June at Westminster Abbey."
"Prince Damon had at last returned to court, wearing a crown and styling himself King of the Narrow Sea."
"This meeting has significance that is sweeping and far-reaching because on this occasion of their meeting, there is the coronation of the new King."
"Gandalf crowns Aragorn the high king of both Gondor and Arnor."
"...and there were several things to wrap up properly including the coronation of the king of men which of course which is one of the greatest moments in cinematic history..."
"Her coronation is coming in about a month in Rio, she is unbelievable."
"The coronation is complete, and now in the eyes of God, the reign of King Charles III has officially begun."
"Soon, life is brought back to the kingdom as Snow White is crowned as queen. The people, including those who’ve helped her in her journey, hail their new queen."
"Henry obtained permission from the pope to have his son crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Beckett's absence."
"She had been crowned queen in splendor, in a dress shimmering with a conscience worth of jewels and pearls."
"The present queen's ceremonial gloves that she wore during her coronation are a national treasure."
"She took very seriously the kind of things that happened at her coronation."
"The coronation of Mary the First was a landmark moment in the country's history."
"Westminster Abbey. Wow, it's so beautiful. This building is really important because this is where kings and queens were crowned."
"Edward's coronation took place on 8th of June 900 at Kingston upon Thames, a significant location given it was situated between the traditional Wessex and Mercian kingdoms."
"Queen Salote of Tonga was a huge hit at the late Queen's coronation."
"Coronations are now put off several months to allow appropriate mourning and time to plan joyous events."
"The coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla is unique in modern times."
"The United Kingdom is the only monarchy in Europe which still holds coronations."
"Let's explore the thousand-year evolution of the English and British coronation."
"The Libra Regalis or Royal Book has been used as the guide for every coronation since."
"...as he places it upon the queen's head and removes his hands, the assemblage in one voice cries: 'God save the queen'."
"Westminster Abbey has played host to the coronation of 39 English and British monarchs."
"The holy oil that will be used during the coronation of King Charles the third has been made using olives from two groves on the Mount of Olives just outside Jerusalem."
"...and just like his grandfather, mother, and 39 monarchs before him, King Charles III will be crowned here at this iconic abbey church."
"...the king's coronation ceremony is going to be shorter... we're looking at about an hour and a half for the king."
"A coronation is an important symbolic formality that highlights the duties and responsibilities as well as the divine rights of the new monarch toward their country, their people, and the Church of England."
"It's coronation day. I thought it was a dream."
"Every coronation from William the Conqueror in 1066 to Elizabeth the second in 1953 has taken place in the Abbey."
"On Christmas Day, the Pope crowned Charlemagne the emperor of the Romans."
"Richard's crown was found beneath a thorn bush, retrieved, and placed on Henry's head by his stepfather Lord Stanley on the battlefield where he was proclaimed as King Henry VII by his men."
"With this accession, Charlotte was formally crowned as Queen of Wittenberg."
"With ceremony and Majesty, as a new king is crowned, and the world comes together."
"The coronation is really steeped in history; it has its origins in the coronation ceremony of King Edgar, which is in 973."
"As Elizabeth was crowned, she accepted what to her was a sacred duty, an obligation to serve which was to set her apart for the remainder of her life."
"There was hope that the forthcoming coronation would mark a new dawn for the country."
"He crowned himself Emperor in front of Pope Pius the seventh at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris."
"And he's crowned the world champion."
"The coronation of Charles III and his wife Camilla will anoint them as king and queen of the United Kingdom."
"...and so his son, Prince Edward was proclaimed King, on 25th January 1327 in London and crowned King Edward III at Westminster Abbey on 1st February at the age of 14."
"John became the anointed King of England, crowned by Hubert Walter at Westminster Abbey."
"He was formally crowned in the Hagia Sophia and proclaimed by the army and people."
"The Queen's coronation dress is just stunning, there's no other way to describe it."
"Well, gentlemen, His Majesty wishes to be crowned on the 9th of August."
"Napoleon crowned himself Emperor in December of 1804, with Pope Pius VII giving his blessing."
"Thailand's Coronation rites are a blend of Hindu and Buddhist Traditions dating to the 14th century."
"On Christmas Day of 800, Leo the third crowned Charles the great, Charlemagne, as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire."
"This is his magnificent coronation by the Pope in Rome."
"As the daffodils came into bloom, he was crowned here at Winchester Cathedral, King of England."
"With the human kingdom and the Moors unified, Maleficent crowns Aurora as queen."
"On February 4th, 1628, at an hour chosen by an astrologer Shahanshah Shahab ud-Din Muhammad Khurram Shah Jahan ascended to the throne of the Mughal Empire."
"How is King Charles III related to other European Royals who will likely attend the coronation?"
"Gandalf crowned Aragorn as king Elessar."
"King Charles has officially been crowned Monarch of the United Kingdom."
"During celebrations of the coronation of Elizabeth the second, news reached Britain of the conquest of which summit? Everest, good view from you too, Jilly."
"I crown you King Aethelwulf; may God save and protect you."
"Floyd Mayweather expected this to be a royal coronation."
"Every coronation is different; they all sort of reflect their times."
"Shivaji had himself crowned Chhatrapati, which is Lord of the Universe."
"I Crown thee Elon Nightingale of the South, King consort of the North. Long live the king and queen of the North!"
"Cyrus was one of those natural rulers at whose coronation all men rejoice."
"Justice was restored. Elizabeth ascended the throne by legal right accompanied by fireworks from the Admiralty and Peter's fortresses."
"The stone of Destiny was the block of stone that the Scottish Kings put their feet on during their coronation ceremony."