
Periodicity Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The knowledge of the periodicity of the Phoenix appearances was pretty much lost."
"Every decade or so we have a massive crisis in America. Every decade there's a massive crisis. 2020 pandemic, 2008, 2009 market crash, 2001 9/11. Every 10 years, a big crisis takes place. However, you and I never know what the crisis is."
"The hotspot punches out a super eruption, on average, every 600,000 years."
"It's always going to give us the end of the month."
"Why the Olympics every four years? It takes a long time to destroy an entire city."
"Think about that one every other year for eight years gets you to four."
"The World Cup, the reason why it is so special is because it's every four years."
"Bitcoin's birthday is every four years, it's not every year like ours is. So if we take the odd year off when Bitcoin was seeking price discovery, we get our four-year cycle."
"...twice a year during the biannual Equinox, the Sun and Moon exert a stronger pull on the Earth than the rest of the year. And it's this pull that brings the tides to their highest peaks."
"Periodic decluttering is important."
"...every three months, they are re-evaluated with that status."
"Looks like this 12 months out of the year and then as a bonus it blooms a couple times a year."
"Are we seeing this on any type of seasonal basis? Does this happen on a weekend or is it repetitive on a holiday or is this kind of just a one-time thing?"
"Falling in love can be a periodic event."
"Seasonality refers to changes over a period of time and the periodic changes."
"Fourier showed that any periodic function is made up of sine waves."
"Fourier series work by taking advantage of two key properties of sine and cosine: the first is their periodicity."
"The Fourier transform is just a Fourier series when you look at a very long period."
"Similar chemical and physical properties recur periodically when the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weight."
"Periodicity is the repetitive pattern of a property for elements based on atomic number."
"The Fourier transform basically says that any periodic function can be written as a weighted sum of infinite sinusoids of different frequencies."
"Every 2 pi, that's our period; our range is still negative one to one."
"Saturn's Great White Spot is somewhat a periodic storm, at 28.5-year intervals it's kind of its norm."
"It's a film you got to watch that at least once every five years."
"Economic cycles do happen, and this happens every 8 to 10 years."
"All objects in simple harmonic motion have a period and a frequency."
"Periodicity is because of atomic number; periodicity is atomic number."
"We use these symmetry operations to rigorously and mathematically define how things are periodic."
"The period of the function is the horizontal length of one cycle."
"The important conceptual thing to think about is this notion that we take the aperiodic signal, form a periodic signal, let the period go off to infinity."
"Periodic functions can be expanded into a Fourier series."
"The function would repeat itself at a regular interval of a regular period of 2 pi."
"We can exploit longitudinal periodicity, so if structures are repeating in the Z direction, there's some neat things we can do with scattering matrices to handle that very efficiently."
"A periodic waveform which repeats itself every certain number of seconds, this is a clock."
"The wave is also periodic in time, meaning that if we wait for a period of time T, we end up with the same situation."
"Seasonal components are periodic fluctuations."
"What is the name of the famous Comet that passes Earth every 76 years?" "Halley's Comet."
"The function \( e^{z} \) is periodic, and the period is \( 2\pi i \)."
"If \( f(x) \) has period \( 2\pi \), its Fourier expansion can be given by the following..."
"The clock has multiple properties, one of them being the clock period which defines at what interval the waveform repeats itself."
"The speech signal is quasi-periodic, which means it's nearly periodic but not exactly true periodicity."
"Other comets, like Halley, keep returning; they have been captured by the Sun."
"The properties of elements are not just related to atomic mass, but are in a certain PERIODIC dependence on it."
"The properties of the elements, and therefore the properties of the simple and complex bodies they form, stand periodically depending on their atomic weight."
"Any mechanism which is supposed to tell time must be based on some periodic motion, something that repeats itself over and over again."
"Any periodic signal with period T can be expressed as an infinite sum of complex sinusoids."
"If we have an \( X(t) \) which is periodic, then it is said that \( X(t) \) can be expressed as \( \sum_{k=-\infty}^{+\infty} A_k e^{j k \omega_0 t} \)."
"Any periodic signal which has time-period T can be represented by the linear combination of the sine and the cosine waves."
"Using this particular orthogonal set, we can represent any signal g(t) which has time-period T."
"The properties of an element which are in periodic function of their atomic number is simply called the periodic law."
"So many periodic phenomena that repeat themselves can be modeled with sine and cosine curves."