
Killing Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously it's just a chore like any other."
"I never thought I'd be able to kill someone. The first time, it felt wrong, which is good, right?"
"You can definitely, definitely kill in that time period."
"It wouldn't have benefited even if I kept one of them to get information since they were after my life, so killing them was my natural choice."
"I of course don't think that you should be killing those people it's like I would like there to be no anorexics and my method for that is not killing all anorexic people."
"The killing of men was accepted in wartime, was a religious pollution that had to be taken care of one way or another."
"They don't kill often, but they can be awful tough mugs."
"Eight days since I killed that God butcher."
"Let's just get to killin'! Get right into it."
"This isn't why I want to kill him. Get it? 'Cause she's killed people out of vengeance."
"there's no living with the killing right or wrong it's a brand now you run at home to your mother tell her everything's all right."
"The most radical killing can take place."
"The sound of the nails piercing its skull was sickening but the weapon was effective. The Beast was dead before it touched down."
"Killing's always the second part. It does become easier, you become quite numb to it."
"Kill and kill and kill doesn't necessarily mean that the people you're killing are horrible people or aren't loved by somebody."
"It's like bro I don't kill people I just kill monsters."
"You can kill anyone. History's taught us that."
"Is this food worth killing somebody over? No."
"Why do all these people kill each other in the most painful and violent ways?"
"That killing is not is is not a solution to anything."
"Nightwing is much more against killing than Jason obviously."
"Nobody really cares, it's the same thing with killing, people will kill you for nothing because they have nothing."
"The creature is said to kill using deadly fangs and razor-sharp claws."
"...trying to kill God is a pretty big crime."
"People are being killed on foreign soils extrajudicially. They energize us, they give us enough reasons to keep our fight going."
"I killed before. Alright, I didn't figure on it."
"Without victory there can be no peace. There will always be killing."
"A license to kill is also a license not to kill."
"Every man I kill, the farther away from home I feel. That's the line. Every man I kill, the farther away from home I feel."
"He mentions that they can't simply kill people."
"Part of what makes these MMOs fun is the combat... so we need to add some killing in here."
"He killed so many and he loved it. It was euphoric."
"Happy people just don't kill their husbands. They just don't."
"Killing was easy; anyone could be killed. What he learned from his years within the Mexican drug world was that killing had to have a purpose."
"I think this is one of the most enjoyable kills I've ever had."
"There is no reason good enough to justify killing another human being, none."
"And as they fight, Yo actually manages to land the final blow on Hao, killing him. A very heavy moment for Yo, too, because not only is he not the type to kill anyone, but in some twisted way, they're kind of like spiritual brothers."
"He never killed a man who didn't need killing."
"Maybe fundamentally people don't want to kill each other."
"No matter how you use it, anything obtained by killing people can never bring true happiness."
"Killing him isn't going to change things."
"He believed he had killed around 20 Germans and not wanting to kill any more than was necessary, York began calling for them to surrender."
"I think killing Nazis are still better anyway."
"As expected of the person who was able to kill the revolving blood clan leader."
"It's what I Ed to kill the White Walker."
"Why would you kill people when all of the major religions' initial guys none of them said it was good to go around killing people really?"
"This wasn't just killing, this was brutality of a kind that was unusual in those days."
"I will not kill a baby, send me to kill old people but a baby I will not kill."
"I never killed anyone before. I'm not sure these things qualify as people."
"I could never kill anybody. I could never kill anybody, honestly. Like, that's just too much."
"He enjoyed killing, he enjoyed the buzz of being able to attack people."
"Killing is killing. It is the most final action you can take toward another living being."
"Robert was never happy unless he was killing somebody."
"Killing them was all the mercy we could show."
"We will kill them all. It's like, and we won't have sex with their wives. No, yes, I don't. We will marry squirrels!"
"Endless killing can never change the world."
"Killing was the only thing he thought about anymore. It put his mind and soul at peace while everything around him seemed chaotic."
"'I hate training, I hate fighting. I do this to kill. It's not a sport to me.'"
"Killing isn't funny. It ain't stylish either."
"Listen, killing isn't funny. It ain't stylish either."
"Killing is the thing you love, you're just like me."
"Never regret not killing somebody. Killing someone is a terrible thing, and you can never take it back. Don't ever feel bad about not killing someone."
"To kill leaves an indelible mark on the soul. Nothing you can do can take it away."
"Killing's only really justified in the case of an immediate threat."
"Grey dragons are also known as fang dragons or sometimes stone dragons due to their appearance."
"I do not like to kill animals," Robert Jordan said.
"But of the killing of a man who is a man as we are, there is nothing good that remains."
"To win a war, we must kill our enemies; that has always been true."