
Clever Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"That's wild, that's a big brain play if I've ever seen one."
"Why did you do it, that's clever, I like that one."
"Scream... is a very clever movie, a very smartly written movie."
"It's hacky but clever. That is [ __ ] unbelievable."
"What a cool, simple hack for messy kiddos, right?"
"The iPhone has a ton of what I'll call minor but very clever features."
"How to use your iPhone as a level: it's pretty clever."
"Do you wanna kiss under the starlight? But the sun's out. Babe, the sun is a star."
"It's a little bit James Bond, isn't it?"
"It's very, very impressive and very, very clever thinking."
"He's like really street smart and he just kind of gets things done. Clever, yeah, witty, funny, cheeky, all of the above."
"Here's where it gets really clever."
"The Flash Forward was a clever reinvention of Lost's flashback formula."
"That's crazy, that's a delicious life hack."
"That's almost like too clever, it's too clever, nobody would ever think to do it but it works perfectly."
"That's clever and now I have the bean just like that."
"A seriously clever yet surprisingly intuitive system."
"It's just it's woody it's clever it's uh kind of call back to the like way older movies but it's modern and the pacing is good."
"It was very clever...very clever."
"I love this deck. I think it's so freaking cute and clever. This is one of my favorite decks right now."
"This clever combination of architectural elements."
"Our opponent is very clever. It is not safe to stay here."
"Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is unlike anything I've ever read. It is so clever and witty."
"It's touching, clever, charming, and it is so goddamn funny."
"Batman didn't kill anyone in the Nolan films but Nolan always found a clever way to get around it."
"The blade glows blue when Orcs are close. Well, that's a clever idea."
"It was cool, clever, and a certified classic."
"Interesting how easy it can be to murder a person if you're clever."
"What a great way of making a really clever picture. Now all that's left to do is frame it."
"This is so big brain that I am short circuiting."
"It's pretty clever. It's a pretty clever feature, right?"
"The clever means also the third gender, androgyny."
"At every step along its path, it manages to be inventive and clever."
"I always bet on the virus, they're very clever."
"That is very clever, extremely clever."
"The lamination system is really, really interesting the way it's done because it's very, very clever."
"This is a really clever dish and it took me by surprise."
"The cleverest, most striking, stunning bottle design ever."
"That's a clever design, actually."
"That's so cool, that is, that's very clever and very cute."
"Literally if you gave you a hundred years to do it I think people would struggle to come up with anything this clever."
"Nice touch, that was a master stroke of misdirection."
"That's a very clever application of Cauchy's residues here."
"Baffling and brilliant and super interesting."
"He's an engineer; he's into math, so they got married on 8-7-15. Do the math."
"It's an incredibly clever puzzle, jovial, incredibly clever, loved it, absolutely loved it."
"I love his decision to name this 'return by death'; it's so on point, morbidly awesome."
"It's very funny, it's occasionally heartwarming, but it's also super super super clever."
"Superbly written, clever, creative, or artistic."
"It's cleverly written, there are some really brilliant scenes in here that read as a very clever satire."
"It's called Prison Break, so it is indeed arresting."
"It's kind of like two products in one, very clever."
"I just think this is a really clever, very cool model."
"Black Mirror is definitely very clever; they push a lot of boundaries and make you think."