
Gentleman Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"To be a gentleman is to be a success and as an equivalent term whatever that term might be regardless of your gender or your gender orientation whatever it is to be a good human being."
"Being a gentleman doesn't mean he forgave her."
"You don't need to be rich to make this right, you need to be a man, you need to be decisive, and you need to be an absolute gentleman."
"Being a gentleman has nothing to do with the circumstances of one's birth. Being a gentleman is something one learns."
"I'm actually just trying to be what I would call an old school gentleman with values and core beliefs."
"I think you should be a gentleman."
"A gentleman should not leave the house without a collar, without some leather shoes, and combed hair, and be respectful."
"He looks like a little gentleman."
"Being called a gentleman by them means a lot because I am trying to be a gentleman, especially towards you."
"I went on one date on Tinder, he was a total gentleman."
"A gentleman isn't going to be your next sucker either."
"Oh, a true gentleman. I thought they were extinct."
"He couldn't take advantage. He was a gentleman in a world that has no further use for gentlemen."
"I hate it for them that they've never been shown or even verbally shown just paint me a picture verbally of what a gentleman looks like."
"Small things like that really show if a man is a gentleman."
"You want a solid gentleman with a wonderful smile on his face, who has qualities that you would admire."
"It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say that he is one who never inflicts pain."
"He was modest and he's just remembered because he was such a fine gentleman."
"I don't need to go back and fight again because I'm a gentleman."
"You're a real gentleman. And 'cause this guy was, you know, just an Instagram face for a while. You're a good guy, bro."
"Someone who's gentle, kind, respectful, thoughtful, not self-seeking or self-serving, someone who's a gentleman."
"I think being a gentleman is about empathy, and that's also a big part of being a gentleman."
"The modern gentleman is a man who shows good manners to all... he realizes you are not an audience."
"The virtue of a gentleman is like the wind, subtle and persuasive, rather than coercive."
"Being a gentleman in the modern day no longer requires governing your life by outdated social norms or conventions."
"He wanted them to be gentlemen, and here we mean 'gentlemen' in its historic sense - entitled, wealthy men of privilege."
"It's what you'd imagine a classic gentleman to wear."
"These aren't just gifts, they're heirlooms for the modern gentleman."
"Most definitions of what a gentleman is, is the opposite of what he did."
"He's a gentleman off the table, talks to everybody, old, young. He's good-looking as well, so that's gonna help him. Wow."
"When we first met, he was a perfect gentleman."
"What a gentleman, it's unreal, he lives for it."
"Being a gentleman pays off sometimes."
"Being a gentleman pays off, baby. It really does, it really, really does."
"Holy crap, being a gentleman pays off sometimes."
"Being a gentleman might be out of style these days, might not be cool when being a fool is all the rage. But it's in my blood, it's what I know, how I was raised, man, this is who I am."
"He was just a gentleman and our hero."
"A gentleman is a man of value, he's a man of power, a man who garners respect, can do whatever he wants, he's dangerous but he chooses to be kind and loving."
"I'm a gentleman at heart, because I'm a good guy, I'm a nice person, and I'm a champion."
"I'm a gentleman, and a proper gentleman at that 'cause of that, I got girls all over the world. I might tell a white lie now and again, but I'd never haul off and hit one. I respect all the ladies, the beauties, the plain ones, and even the ugly ones."
"He was like a total southern gentleman."
"He's just a gentleman pirate doing the best he can, and I don't use this word often, but he's a hero."
"Such a gentleman," you thought before gently grabbing under his arm.
"Literally, if you're going to take a girl on a first [date], buy her the [meal], buy her [thing], open her [door], like be a [gentleman]."
"A great tribute to the classic gentleman's clone."
"He became the gentleman of the day."
"He did all the gentlemanly opening the door, you know, pleases and thank yous like just did all of that and more."
"He was baseball's Gentleman on and off the field."
"He's a real gentleman, he's a real champion."
"Just be a respectful gentleman, yes."
"He was a type of man, a gentleman, who I'm afraid we're losing too many of these days."
"My father is a consummate gentleman and has always taken a higher road."
"My grandfather is a kind and helpful gentleman."
"He was a true gentleman, a protector, a provider."
"I freely confess, I wish to be a gentleman like yourself."
"What a gentleman, you love to see it, alright, for the kids, man, for the kids."
"Well, I must say it is a delight to have such a gentleman in this gentleman's establishment."
"In the spirit of being a gentleman, value others and make yourself into a person worth valuing."
"It's nice to have a bond with such a gentleman such as Rich Strike."
"My duty as a gentleman has never interfered with my pleasures in the smallest degree."
"Honor is completely satisfied. These two gentlemen have come through this ordeal incredibly well."
"He was just a total gentleman to everybody."
"He's a wonderful person, totally a gentleman."
"Charlie was a lovely man, he was a proper gentleman, and I loved him dearly."
"It's sweet... like the perfect gentleman."
"But what does it mean to be a gentleman in the Regency era?"
"This is the code of conduct that all men of our class need to follow if they want to be a real gentleman."
"He was a finished and complete man, who mildness was associated with courage, erudition mollified by refinement, and courtliness dignified by truth."
"Being well bred meant that you were raised the right way by your parents, but they sufficiently taught you how to live up to this gentlemanly code of conduct."
"You were a total gentleman. Very respectful of interns."
"A gentleman don't mention such things."
"Being a mensch... that's the purpose of being a gentleman."
"Not a single person's ever said a bad word about you; everyone described you as just a real gentleman."
"The concept of the gentleman's honor was the only way to redress a slight to it."
"You're the greatest gentleman I've ever met. You're different from the others. I'm glad to have known you."
"Where is your boy tonight? I hope he is a gentleman."
"You've always said that the mark of a gentleman is how he treats people he doesn't have to be nice to."
"What an unbelievable guy, he's just such a gentleman."
"Another angel in heaven, Harry was a gentleman."
"People know me as a gentleman, and I never, ever swear on camera."
"A dimple is a gentleman's feature."
"He was a perfect gentleman. I got no negative energy from him."
"I'm polite, I'm the ultimate gentleman."
"He's nothing if not a gentleman, my father."
"He had seen every action taken by Captain Richard Sharp, and that Sharp had behaved as a gentleman and an officer."
"He was so kind, such a gentleman, as opposed to so many people in this business; he just couldn't have been sweeter."
"He was a gentleman, nicely dressed, a lovely suit on, shirt and tie."
"He always had a friendly word for you, always a gentleman."
"Colin Firth is, I think, a real Kingsman on and off camera, like just a gentleman."
"The paramount provider of technologies and accessories for the modern gentleman; one must keep with the times."
"Blondie's a gentleman, I'll have you know."
"You are a fine gentleman, respectable of good standing."
"Being a gentleman has nothing to do with holding open the door for a woman nor with being a man. It is much rather determined by a person's overall behavior and mindset."
"Having the wish AND the ability to fight for and protect others, are important assets for a gentleman after all."
"All these qualities, his cleverness, his compassion and kindness, his loyalty and respect, his bravery as well as his chivalry, make Sanji into a true gentleman."
"He's lovely, adorable, and a true English gentleman."
"Welcome back to the gentleman's journey."
"You little distinguished gentleman in your cardigan."
"You're a gentleman and a scholar, sir."
"I sure ain't gonna do anything but act like a perfect gentleman."
"Life for a man is suffering, and becoming a modern gentleman is the way to alleviate that suffering."
"His writings were a fascinating tale of his life and it was apparent that he considered himself to be an English gentleman."
"He is kind and handsome and amiable, or in Jane's own words, everything a gentleman ought to be."
"The ultimate gentleman can throw the ultimate tailgate party."
"He was such a gentleman and so unassuming, so down to earth."
"He's such a gentleman and a scholar, but in a good way."
"Tiny considered himself a gentleman and always referred to every woman he met with a respectful 'Miss' in front of their name."
"Chivalry is not dead on our end, just a gentleman, truly a gentleman."
"He's a polite, gentle, courteous, kind man."
"He was a gentleman, kind and caring."
"Don't ever be classless, bro. Treat her with respect, man."
"You really are a gentleman, do you know that, Rick? What would I do without you?"
"That's a real gentleman, Dolly," said Jerry. "He has time and thought for the comfort of a poor cab driver."
"Gentlemen are balanced men, plus they are confident, disciplined, and kind."
"Gentlemen, your actions matter. How you conduct yourself subconsciously tells a woman a lot about who you are as a man."
"I am of the firm belief that a gentleman is not properly dressed unless he has a pocket knife on him."
"I met a man walking down London Bridge one day; he tipped his hat and drew his cane."
"You are a gentle gentleman, a real gentleman, and not just on the surface."
"He was a true gentleman who was charismatic, pretty handsome, chivalrous, and funny."
"When I wear it, I'm very, very classy and gentlemanly, and that's the kind of scent I love to wear."
"Good day was had by all, yeah, really genuinely nice bloke, wasn't he? Lovely, what a gentleman."
"Every time I've ever engaged with him, nothing but a gentleman, nothing but respect."
"A gentleman is gonna always be respectful, whether it's kids or an old person."
"Theo's really sweet, he's a perfect gentleman."
"A gentleman dresses in a way that is never exaggerated."
"A gentleman is someone who doesn't have fits of anger in public, who doesn't laugh too loud."
"Even a gentleman is sometimes not a gentleman because we are all human beings, and nobody is perfect."
"I have always been a gentleman, I have always been respectful."
"You are a well-behaved gentleman, sir, and it was nice to meet you."
"Helping anyone is what a gentleman should do."
"You look like a handsome gentleman."
"You're very chivalrous, Mr. Holiday."
"He was such a gentleman, he knew the right things to say, he would make you feel like you're the top tier."
"He seemed like a real gentleman; he was really nice."
"Prince Charming, right? Don't make a gentleman can never."
"Sheamus, you are a kind and wonderful gentleman."
"He's like the gentlemanliest gentleman I know."
"The gentleman of gentleman's hats is the Stetson Saxon."
"'May I have this dance, my lady?' he asked, extending his hand."
"He was always a perfect gentleman."
"$1,400 jackpot to Daniel, what a gentleman."
"A gentleman never asks a lady her age."
"He was a gentleman for sure, he was very romantic."
"I think Robert Pires is named as the nicest guy ever in French with all kindness necessary to be very much a gentleman."