
Duplication Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Multiple Man's duplicates sometimes don't want to rejoin, taking arguing with yourself to a whole new level."
"Isn't that identical to the video that I showed you in 4k?"
"What if you copy it? You've got two of them."
"Duplication is a sign that the data should be in its own table."
"Duplicate a form or a quiz: Quickly make copies for different purposes."
"Templates are the best way to duplicate results in modeling."
"Kate Cha aka Duplicate can duplicate herself as much as he wants or at least we're not quite sure how many of hers she can create."
"So everybody basically in the black ones are the ones that are copies of my car."
"These column bodies retain the memories of the person that they were duplicates of."
"The quickest way to duplicate is to press the Ctrl+D keyboard shortcut."
"How many dupes do we actually need?"
"The bricks have copied the World Bank and the IMF. They're duplicating the Bretton Woods structure on their own. These are very important initiatives that go unnoticed."
"Our data is going to be wrong, right? We have double data. This is bad."
"Dupe Avenue with how qu you should do that."
"I know that there are a lot of Angel share clones out there at this point so I mean kind of same with the venti right."
"Hack number eight is to duplicate or copy events."
"...we've done it we have our shirt dress we have our knee-high boots we have our matching bag we have our sunglasses with the chain and we have duped our look"
"We just made a perfect copy of Rock Ridge. Now all we gotta do is make perfect copies of ourselves."
"The result will never be a direct duplication because that's not how the technology works."
"It's almost as though I'd made little copies of these guys."
"Tell me which one's which. You can't tell. It might be a perfect dupe."
"...effective in leadership...learn how to multiply and duplicate yourself."
"Duplicating numbers is in general allowed, or smiled upon. Duplicating strings will get you into trouble."
"A dupe of high-end things but with the same quality materials."
"Duplicate frames are being sent all over the place."
"Okay, that's looking pretty good. So all we need to do now is duplicate these frames and repeat that same process."
"You can replace me, but you can't duplicate me."
"I guarantee you there are a thousand copies of this in the soon-to-close Fox division Studios for the Fantastic Four and X-Men properties all over the place."
"I'll have you work on the second stage in physical training while I work with your clones for a few hours," Jiraiya said.
"So Ctrl L shift left-click does duplicate so I can duplicate this way."
"...has to cost significantly less than the original...and in some cases the dupe will last longer or be better performing than the original."
"An exact duplicate of the beautiful little musical box just bought by this gentleman for the ridiculous low price of two pounds."
"Once you've done it for one shape, if you duplicate it, it's already done for you again."
"The immobilizer is simply there to try to keep people from making a one dollar copy of a key."
"So it looks exactly like it. Okay? And then I started this one at H30, so I'm just going to copy the same exact one."
"...one of my absolute favorites. I'm actually probably going to make two of these."
"...they uploaded their memories and personalities into stronger Android duplicates."
"Meo literally was in two places at the same time."
"Just because she had quite a few things doubled up."
"Duplicate yourself to other people and you'll get rich."
"This program would be produced for each bill. I think all of us can agree that there's no point in passing a bill that already exists in another fashion or already has agencies that do the same job."
"So, let's say we want to do this A section. We want to do it an extra time and duplicate it."
"It's definitely a dupable palette, that is for sure, but it really is a good Too Faced palette."
"Why duplicate these things when we could just use the same semantics?"
"Another really neat shortcut... is if you select any object, you hold down alt and then you simply drag the object, it's going to drag a duplicate out of it."
"What I have done, I've created two carbon copies of each other."
"Let me know how easy this was to duplicate for you guys. I'm hoping that you can add this skill to your already long list of skills and create a monster out of yourselves."
"Reduce duplication in order to simplify change."
"This is one of the main problems that React is trying to solve: the idea that if I want to duplicate this counter, then I essentially have to duplicate the code."
"You're doing the job once but you're gaining two parts."
"But you know what? I think that has been ruined by all of the dupes. There's just too much dupe-age out there, and it kind of ruins the original. It just makes it uninteresting and unappealing and overdone."
"A clone is a genetically identical organism."
"Once again, I'm going to copy it and replace it in my other files."
"You can duplicate the hose and anything that's parented to it will carry over with it."
"Now that we have all these opened up, we're just going to copy-paste."
"Ready? Oh, it's a D. We're going to duplicate My Melody."
"You can duplicate ad sets that are winning to scale your stores."
"Duplicating winning ad sets to scale."
"The big advantage to me is the client doesn't have to duplicate the business logic. In many situations you find that the client has to know what to do, he has to understand what the server is actually doing."
"It does not duplicate them, I did not know that."
"For all intents and purposes, being a mirror duplication."
"That's the goal is to duplicate yourself, you gotta have a team."
"One piece of information is all you need to duplicate the rest of the project geometrically and mathematically speaking."
"We kind of wanted this same look and feel but we wanted to duplicate this over a lot of cups so basically we had to build our own world."
"The duplication suffices to render both artificial."
"The cell cycle is an ordered sequence of events or a cycle of duplication and division that occurs in a cell."
"You can make duplicates of an object by selecting it and clicking on the duplicate button."
"The entire New Testament is duplicated many times over in these manuscripts that we have through the first 300 years after the completion of the New Testament."
"The Banach-Tarski Paradox... you can break it down into a finite number of pieces and reassemble them to create two identical copies of the original ball."
"The culture of building a successful business is duplicating winners."
"We want to just return every duplicate subtree."
"They're both the exact same, so they're duplicate subtrees."
"Isn't there a shortcut way? Isn't there a way that I can go ahead and duplicate this post?"
"This is absolutely fantastic if you've got cloud storage and a lot of duplicated data."
"Object cloning is an ability to recreate an object completely similar to the existing object."
"The entire genome was duplicated... this duplication of information may very well have been associated with... a lot of morphological complexity."
"I always like to let you guys know what it is that I used in case if you want to try to duplicate the results."
"By splitting his magical energy, Svin creates six copies of himself that all rush in."
"So that's a very brief introduction to the True Comp Duplicator script, but you can see that it's super useful for duplicating everything in your compositions."
"I can lasso the objects and then I can copy the entire structure and make multiple copies of that."
"We only need to trace one of these features to allow us to copy it to all of these."
"Duplicating listings in your Etsy shop is a way to make more sales and get more data for your listings."
"Copying sections from one page to another is a really quick way of duplicating designs that you've liked on previous sections onto other pages."
"With those duplicates comes possibility."
"For each artifact you control, create a token that's a copy of it. Those tokens gain haste."
"Have you ever considered that maybe the portal doesn't actually teleport you, but it duplicates you?"
"Digital data is infinitely copyable, and that's the way the internet works."
"Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, you may pay... if you do, copy that spell."
"Once you figure this out, you have a duplicatable system."
"In an infinite universe, there will be exact duplicates of things."
"Whenever a creature deals damage, you may create a token that's a copy of that creature."
"Time teaches all of us, the vast majority of the time, duplication is preferable to dependency."
"The technique was called the Shadow Clone Jutsu, which creates solid copies of the user."
"The mirror command is very common when we want to create something and simply make a second one of it."
"It's not the best practice because there is a duplication of code."
"A branch is a complete copy of your project, bit for bit."
"Duplicating duplicates is really going to give you immense power."
"For each creature token on the battlefield, its controller creates a token that's a copy of that creature."
"We can just create copies of whatever character or object you need in your game."
"We were created to be the duplicate of God on the earth."
"We're going to right-click this polygon, go to duplicate, let's turn that blue."
"We also learned that we can easily duplicate sprites so that we can have tons of the exact same sprite with the exact same code."
"This is the one that gets duplicated; it's absolutely brilliant."
"Godspeed was able to move so fast that he could create duplicates of himself."
"We need to duplicate these type of things and impact more women around the world."
"You're going to be able to duplicate your success and it doesn't matter where this is happening, you're going to be able to duplicate it in other areas of your life."
"Professionals keep things simple, find systems, hold those systems in place, and then create duplication within their team."
"We're just going to duplicate this large piece over on this side here."