
Consumer Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"For consumers, this is actually a very good value for an Android TV box."
"It just provides the consumer with a good sense of security as to what the product is that they're getting."
"The media is full of reports that the economy is in fine shape due to a 'strong and resilient consumer'."
"Inflation is not good for the consumer."
"A buildable formula might be more consumer-friendly"
"The consumer remains positive related to spending."
"An open architecture approach also gives the consumer the ability to mix and match elements to make a system that fits their environment."
"Costco basically wants to provide insane value to consumers."
"...consumer reports named Ting Mobile their number one carrier in America, and that's a big country."
"If you're going to define your car by software, you should finish it. Be transparent with the consumer. People got something they weren't expecting."
"Overall, I think the consumer is still doing okay at the moment."
"Overall, total employment will not be affected. But overall the American consumer will be benefited because he will get the steel more cheaply and the goods made from the steel more cheaply than he otherwise would."
"Anything that creates a fissure in the wall of the cartel and lets sort of new innovation happen is good for the consumer."
"Yeah the competition is heating up which is only a good thing for the consumer."
"This just makes the party chat system incredibly seamless... it's a very pro-consumer move."
"All of media will change and all of it for the benefit of the consumer."
"This is still the best consumer drone on the market."
"We need to deeply understand and appreciate the consumer."
"You're not the customer for Facebook. You don't send a check to Facebook, but Coca-Cola does."
"I hope that's been useful for sword makers out there, but I always I also hope that this is also interesting for people who are not sword makers but who are sword consumers, don't eat swords I mean sword buyers and sword users like me."
"I hope this was helpful for you as you think about the Santa Fe."
"Craft brewery sales remained stable, driving up the share of independent brewers. It's a win for craft beer enthusiasts."
"As a consumer, I feel like I'm being treated more than fairly in that particular situation."
"We do a very poor job communicating to consumers what is title insurance and what does it cover."
"I tell people, 'You'll be a creator or a consumer. Either two.'"
"Increasing your reputation in the eye of the consumer is very valuable."
"Cost saving is important, and we want you to get the most value for your money."
"Digital first, embrace talent, move at the speed of your consumer."
"Open banking is a very big deal. It's a big deal for the government, it's a big deal for industry, and most importantly, it's a big deal for consumers."
"Demand is the economic principle referring to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service holding all other factors constant."
"ASUS is acknowledging that the kind of person buying a premium wireless access point like this one may want that kind of speed across their entire domicile."
"Affirm and Klarna actively push consumers to deposit funds into their high-yield savings accounts with no fees or minimums."
"Chat GPT: An important monument for artificial intelligence welcomed in the consumer sphere."
"Somebody has to be getting a commission for this. You can't just be an independent customer of Optivia products without supporting that MLM business model."
"You can be an educated consumer and the fact that you're taking the time to learn more about the materials that you're using says a lot about you as a crafter and that's a big deal as well."
"Welcome to the channel bringing real world content to the real world whiskey consumer."
"Consumers that love a thing are actually good analysts of that thing."
"This is genuinely one of the most impressive advancements I've seen in consumer 3D printing technology."
"There's always someone pushing, and that's what I love about the markets. They're competitive, and always, the winner is going to be the consumer."
"Product managers and companies are too engrossed in thinking about the product, whereas the reality is most consumers don't care."
"...I think it's got the adaptability that a lot of people like."
"Perhaps the biggest change that consumers can make to affect American manufacturing is to look beyond the price of a good."
"The only boss we have is the consumer."
"Competition is good for the consumer at the end of the day."
"Competition never ever hurts the consumer ever and it always helps the industry because it is more geared toward the consumer."
"The consumer is king, and their word is final."
"And the winner here, like that everyone listening needs to know, is the end consumer and the end investor."
"So boundary is a new company and they're already listening to their consumers, to me, that's freaking huge."
"If you can Delight a consumer uh you're going to have them use the product again and using the product again or telling your friend about the product and why you love it are the two most powerful things in consumer land."
"All I want to know is really about the consumer over there, the domestic consumer here."
"...we just want to our next step is to get that connectivity and make it simple for the consumer to use like amazing..."
"The consumer really bailed out the economy in 2023."
"The consumer has run out of steam."
"The U.S. economy is performing really well, really supported, well supported by a healthy U.S. consumer."
"Such a clever idea from Apollo it's not just a clever idea it's a really useful idea for consumers."
"None of this could have been possible without you that's right the consumer because remember nobody will force you or put a gun to your head to sign this paperwork."
"I personally haven't seen a video on these two bags comparing each other yet so I decided to buy them myself, review them that way if there's anyone out there like me looking for these specific bags and the comparison between the two hopefully this will help you out."
"I really want you guys to have the right information, the best information so you guys can be an informed customer and make the best choice for you."
"What can consumers do to support the New Brunswick craft brewing industry?"
"You're getting significant value at that price point."
"The average consumer is looking for Brands to produce meaningful experiences."
"Hello, your average consumer, I am a big fan even though I'm only seven years old."
"They're trying to save silicon, save power, and save you the consumer money."
"What does the typical crossover buyer want from their vehicle? Is it a loud exhaust, great chassis dynamics, speed? Maybe. I mean, who doesn't want speed? But let's be realistic about the target market. It's families who need space and comfort more than anything else."
"I think the consumer appreciates not just anyone saying what can we get away with, right?"
"Bringing a real world perspective to the real world whiskey consumer."
"But for the average consumer out there the vast majority of people the model y is what I would recommend."
"The best parts of this is that you guys will know about the product coming from a person who sells it but at the same time who purchases them as well."
"Could you imagine if both those sides came together? If people at the corporate level entrusted people at the consumer level to actually be symbiotic to one another?"
"The pure simulation makes the consumers worried about what is real and what is not real."
"Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware."
"I've repurchased it, I don't even know how many times at this point."
"I am just a very satisfied consumer and I just want to help spread the word on a company that I love."
"That authenticity is just so important to today's consumer."
"Thousands of people are effectively buying something that they think is something else, and they're doing it every year."
"Consumer surplus is the difference between what consumers are willing to pay and what they actually pay."
"Welcome to Car Health Corner, where we help you the consumer master the process of car buying and car ownership."
"An agent that cares about people will make sure that you, the consumer, understand all your options."
"It pays to be an educated consumer."
"So the next step is to create a consumer for this job."
"Just imagine how much more productive this would be, imagine how much better it would be for the end consumer."
"A normal consumer is not going to experience any frustration, and that makes it a good product."
"I'm an average consumer who works a 9-to-5 job with a family, and I walked into Micro Center and paid full US MSRP for these components."
"We want to build cars that are more relatable to the average consumer, the average guy, the average enthusiast."
"An informed consumer is an empowered consumer."
"It's a great example of talking to consumers; you do not need exceptionally high-end guides for light line and things like that."
"They know that the consumer nowadays is using a lot of smart devices."
"It's really designed for the budget-friendly consumer."
"It's really about giving something for the consumer to act with, to talk about, and to feel like they can really have ownership over."
"It really is about that analysis and just keep digging into what consumers want and what's driving it."
"Looking in the eyes of the consumer, I could tell that this was something that was going to be unbelievable."
"There's this huge bill of rights of what your rights are as a consumer."
"You don't have to be a punching bag, you have rights as a consumer."
"Consumers have a right to privacy, they can't show up at your work."
"You should always ask for 'What's my debt in writing?' and 'What are my rights?'"
"A really successful consumer software business you'll see a CAC of a minimum of three."
"It's not the consumer that's going to be paying more into the glass bottles; they're PET and they're totally recyclable."
"Being at retail firm, you always have that connection with the consumer."
"It's about each and every single one of you going in and demanding higher quality products."
"The consumer experience suffered, so I learned my lesson from that."
"This tire is perfect for that middle of the road consumer."
"All right, so I've had this unit installed for about a week, so I've got a pretty good idea about how it works, what I like, and what I don't."
"What was superior fruit in the field is now, thanks to Del Monte control, superior dried fruit ready for the consumer."
"Let's make a quality product here for the consumer, something I can stand behind."
"We want to be the consumer reports out there."
"In these trying times, some of the most important things that we can go over now are the protections that consumers like you and I have."
"It's only gonna equate to better products for the consumer, more options, better products."
"Health experience literacy is essential for consumers to understand what they have access to and how to use it."
"Make yourself an educated consumer because the more educated you can be, the better the decision you'll make."
"I'm very pleased with this product."
"I do think this memory issue is a big, big deal, at least on the consumer side."
"Direct to Consumer is for consumers who want personalized personal computers."
"This is what I consider one of my best purchases ever."
"The game has changed today; the consumer has too many choices."
"This allows consumers to maximize their consumer surplus."
"What do you think they need to change or if you're a potential buyer, what's stopping you from buying one of these bikes?"
"Consumers are really looking for skilled, trained, ideally certified travel agents that know their stuff."
"Tesla... sells straight to the consumer because of that they're able to drop their prices four separate times this year."
"The consumer is 70% of the economy."
"Beyond the unique flavor profile, we wanted to give something to the consumer that they're really looking for: a non-chill filtered, higher strength bourbon."
"Helps your relationship with the consumer by building trust and respect."
"This is basically the most high-tech machine that any consumer could expect to have."
"The best return is you to sell retail to the consumer and have them back a day or two later."
"What I'm suggesting is next time you read something on valuation, do it as an informed consumer."
"Alienware customers tend to be enthusiasts."
"Empowering consumers through education and support."
"Ultimately you as consumers will save money."
"It's very important when you are in a business or own a business to really look from the consumer perspective."
"Ultimately our biggest stuff for expert is the customer and their behavior, the consumer behavior."
"Sometimes you have to remember, even though we're influencers... we're still consumers, we're still audio enthusiasts, we're still passionate about this hobby."
"I'm really going to try to bring this down to the average consumer level and show you how this will benefit many of your lives."
"Marketing is any system any process that is used to get the products from the producer into the hands of the consumer."
"The new consumers are migratory, showing declining loyalty to networks or media but not necessarily to shows."
"It's more digestible and more appealing to the modern consumer to have chapters."
"I think I've become a lot smarter as a consumer."
"The consumer can really explore the product and look at the different options without having to have the physical thing right there in front of them."
"I'm really happy to see a company working on improving issues that consumers are facing."
"How do we actually start reaching the end consumer with this and effect a change?"
"The consumer is resilient even if we enter recession."
"Gathering information about consumers' needs and preferences."
"We fully believe that it is going to need to be a switch in the mind of the consumer."
"The next time the need arises for your Target consumers, they will be choosing you again and giving you even more profits."
"There is potential for a Chinese rebound depending on the consumer."
"The high-end consumer is spending overseas."
"As a consumer, you really have the power to choose where your money goes, in which people you want to support."
"It's magical what can happen to the economy when the consumer starts being stop being destroyed by inflation."
"The one person that really benefits from all of this competition and innovation is going to be me, the user, the artist, the purchaser."
"They're doing the investments that make it where the consumers are going to like it, they're increasing their value proposition."
"The U.S. consumer has been incredibly resilient."
"Tap into the emotions of your consumer if security is something that a lot of people fear."
"It's good for the consumer, you're giving good information to everybody."
"AI has got so many practical consumer applications."
"It really feels and looks like a consumer product."
"I'm not a makeup artist... I just like to chat about it like a regular consumer, I guess."
"To really think deeply about yourself as a consumer."
"This has got a lot of meaningful changes in a good way that I absolutely love and I think are a great win for the consumer."