
Forms Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Reparations payments for centuries of slavery and Jim Crow semi-slavery can take many forms."
"And that means dealing with forms and also form validation."
"Aristotle's conception of form and matter which will differ some from plato's and it gets closer to the truth."
"Forms are typically used to collect some user data so whenever you sign up on a website there's a form there."
"Forms are very useful for collecting information and interacting with users on websites."
"Magic's four most common forms are spells, magical items, divine intervention, and enhancements."
"Every single thing on this planet is energy and it can appear in many forms."
"They handed me this form and it had things like 'Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Smith'."
"Zygarde takes on different forms depending on its completion, with 100% Zygarde being a last-ditch effort to wipe out anything that would disrupt the balance of life and death."
"If you start to see some forms forming and you want to go back in there and explore them, that's totally cool."
"That's true, we marked married on the doctor's office forms before you go in."
"Guidance comes in different forms."
"I think Aristotle was profoundly affected by the notion of the forms, the ideal essences that are the only thing we can actually have knowledge of because they're universal and eternal."
"So now we have our emojis here. You have to be proud of your forms."
"Forms are presented is completely up to you."
"An AI Rights Movement could take many forms."
"He obviously don't even know about the state law in terms of the foil forms."
"You can fill it out anonymously by law."
"The spaces of possibilities come in different forms and shapes."
"View has the easiest way of working with forms."
"Forms let you create and edit data."
"Forms and landing pages are a great marketing tool and trust me, they're going to work wonders for you when it comes to actually gaining your contacts."
"Biochar is used in various forms and qualities, from chips and granules to liquid suspensions, tailored for specific applications like landscaping, agriculture, and environmental remediation."
"There are thousands of different types of goo, each of them coming in various shapes and forms."
"Forms are ideal paradigms, and particulars get their properties in virtue of their degree of resemblance to those paradigms."
"These ideas of universals, these ideas of the forms, they aren't just conceptions, they're objective realities."
"...there are only different and better forms of capitalism."
"If you have a questionnaire that you want to send out to your email list or to your clients, I would recommend both Typeform and Google Forms."
"The ability to design something else because you're going to be wanting to make other types of forms using these techniques."
"Magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide are among the most absorbed forms."
"All of the different shapes are printed."
"Angular Forms are used to handle user inputs and apply validation, with two types: template-driven forms and reactive forms."
"Template-driven forms in Angular are the simplest way to build forms, utilizing two-way binding and NG model."
"Reactive forms in Angular provide access to form controls through properties and methods, based on reactive programming principles, allowing for dynamic form handling."
"Love in all its forms is the highest power."
"We could have 20 different forms that could all be making requests and we could differentiate between the different forms based on the different actions that each form had."
"Courage takes many forms, Ms. McInerney."
"False forms of intimacy: barroom camaraderie, gossip, etc."
"Disable autofill forms to protect privacy."
"Forms are basically forms that I have created."
"Customize your forms with simple formatting options."
"Start with simple customizations, then go all out if needed."
"PowerApps: the ultimate solution for advanced form customization."
"Using Tailwind forms, we have a really nice collection of form elements that we can use."
"Brother Bear is at its core a story about love, and all the forms that it has and all the power that it carries."
"Forms are perfect items, they are non-physical, non-spatial, non-temporal."
"Physical objects resemble the forms to different degrees."
"You can either open a form and find specific data or you can use a subform."
"Forms and handling user input. This is obviously a very important one. This is something that, um, I'm sure a lot of you really want to learn how to do."
"The messages come in different forms, right? It's not always you're gonna dream about it, it could be someone telling you."
"This is how quickly you can create a fillable form."
"The world of forms is the original; the world in which we live is just an imitation."
"The world of forms, that's reality."
"The goal of doing this is to learn how to input forms, how to add forms to your website."
"These are the types of forms that you would most likely be able to assist a client with: a family petition, the naturalization form, the green card, Freedom of Information Act request, and the deferred action of childhood arrivals, the DACA."
"Power automate contains adaptive card actions which enable you to post adaptive cards as forms."
"Currency comes in many forms and not just printed paper money."
"We will leverage the form control that is connected to a SharePoint list that has a multi-select choice column."
"The legacy form fields do have some advantages."
"Using those content controls very quickly, we've been able to create a really nice form and control everything that's going into that form."
"Forms are graspable by the human mind."
"Let's take this one step further and actually improve things in such a way that we actually have a form instead."
"I now have a just a simple way to add in classes to a model form, which is fantastic."
"Forms usually matter much more than they appear to matter."
"Our goal for this hour is to try to show you how to take those form submissions and send them to whatever system you use in your company using Webflow logic."
"Let's make sure we understand the basics of forms so that we can then connect this to Webflow logic and send form submissions to HubSpot."
"Who is like the all-pervading space, He manifests in different forms like the Lord, the Guru, and the individual souls."
"Let's have a look at inertia's form helper, which is even cooler."
"What you've basically seen there is using continuous forms in a way that totally protect the data in the subform."
"We see there the archetypes for physical plants, animals, and human forms."
"Plato's central conception of the world is that the one that we perceive with our senses is faulty and changeable, but there is another perfect realm where eternal unchanging entities called forms or ideas reside."
"What we're drawing isn't to capture lines; it's to capture forms and shapes."
"That's everything you should know to feel confident working with forms."
"Let's make a form where we can edit the cities and states."
"The possibility to create an inspection form to add some response fields."
"Here's a little bit of a hack for those of you who are building three forms where we can just do the work of one."
"That's really how life should be, right? When you submit a form, it's your choice for the last value that you submitted."
"Controlled components are a set of components that offer a declarative API to enable full control of the state of form elements at any point in time using React state."
"Forms are the easiest way to collect data from your users."
"To create a form, we'll need a pair of form tags."
"If we have a form and we're sending sensitive data, we should use post."
"And now we're ready to add our form to the article."
"Evil can take on many forms and disguises, but it is most treacherous at night when it's dark."
"It is a new way to build React forms for any APIs in minutes."
"Django's form class offers a very convenient set of class methods to take care of most of the form processing and validation for us."
"I want to show you how to use the inline form set Factory in Django."
"Airtable forms are really great because they give you a quick and easy way to set up an ability for other people to enter data directly into your database."
"Then you won't have to keep reviewing, but you will still be able to identify the forms."
"When one talks of consciousness, one is likely to think in terms of an individual, but understand that it is not really the individual that has consciousness, but it is the consciousness that assumes innumerable forms."
"God assumes different forms and reveals Himself in different ways for the sake of His devotees."
"Formik is the form states manager library that's going to manage all of our React forms."
"Pay attention to the rough forms; they are much more important."
"Love comes in many different forms and love finds its way back to you."
"React Hook Form is a performant, flexible and extensible forms solution."
"A model form allows us to create form fields for our model."
"You can really build out a pretty dynamic and robust form both for your agents and for your customers."
"Converting digital forms into fillable forms with a Forms Wizard can be a lifesaver."
"This is actually one of the coolest things about forms: we can just render out the form this way."
"This actually will allow us to have a better way of rendering and handling form data in a view."
"Google forms has got lots to offer."
"You have to think about what you want out of your Form before you decide what to use to make it."
"That's it for the demo. This barely scratches the surface of what's possible with forms and reactive forms."
"It's also a good practice to add a contact form."
"You can build logic into these form classes."
"A dynamic form mixing which you can add to your form class."
"This gives us a more scalable way to build forms in Django."
"God in the form of the saint, God in the form of the sinner, God in the form of the unrighteous, and God in the form of the righteous."
"A Google Form and a spreadsheet is a really quick and easy way to do it."
"Abundance comes in all forms, not just with money."
"Remember, forms need to follow good design principles."
"This is where I want to talk about this: how did I figure out what this form data needs to look like?"
"Let's have a look at that in the browser, and there's the form with its two inputs and the submit button."
"That's an edible combo box, so that's a whole bunch of improvements around kind of forms and data input."
"Reactive forms are more robust, they're more scalable, reusable, and testable."
"That's how you can kind of speed up your forms when they first load and really kind of eliminate some of the data from loading up into those sub forms until you really need them to show up for your user."
"Reactive forms are extremely powerful, extremely helpful in writing complex forms, custom logic, custom validation, error handling, and much more."
"It's basically teaching you to start thinking in 3D and understanding the forms more deeply."
"We're going to have a nice form that someone can use to submit their version of the survey."
"It's not that forms are harder in React than other frameworks; it's that React makes everything else so much easier that forms just seem harder by comparison."
"Hopefully, you have enough tools at your disposal now, and you know how to use them to make your forms look exactly the way you want."
"Reactive forms... introduce the reactive programming model right into the forms."
"There are two types of forms in Angular: template-driven forms and reactive forms."
"That's how you build basic forms in ASP.NET MVC."
"Love comes in so many shapes and forms."
"Forms Recognizer is a cognitive service which is a pre-built machine learning model that allows you to train a model specifically to your forms to extract different entities."
"Love comes in all shapes, forms, and sizes."