
Standing Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"This is the real test to see exactly where they stand out."
"Standing for something actually can really make a difference."
"Don't even bother with the rest of it. She has no standing."
"The best tacos are just standing, you never want to be sitting when you're eating a taco."
"The creature was standing on its back legs."
"I pity the people out there at the moment. I think Kim would be standing here next."
"I love you so here I am standing in your doorway. I've always been standing in your doorway."
"It's not going to be a problem for a lot of people if you're not standing up a lot and riding aggressively off-road."
"The reason that the man is standing is because of Jesus, that's right."
"Having to stand is also good for calorie burning, weight loss."
"Being able to work while standing is really nice."
"...I saw what I can only describe as a creature just standing there."
"It's better to die standing than live kneeling."
"The victory often times is just in showing up and standing."
"You always left-footed? Well, that right foot was just for standing on."
"People are standing up, and they're all gonna stand up."
"Righteousness means right standing with God."
"I get to go to my God with confidence and in perfect standing with Him."
"Learn to stand upon your pledged word."
"The Canon of masterpieces... Bach stands right up there."
"When we stand in love, we stand in wisdom."
"Ultimately the truth will come out in all of this, and I will be standing on the right side of the roaring rapids."
"I stand on the shoulder of giants."
"I want to stand up and see how we feel."
"This is really nice, being able to stand up and cook."
"This is motivation standing in the spot, cultivating."
"He died standing up; that's got to mean something."
"Stand is what you do when you are not sitting."
"Sometimes people will kneel in the front row and sit in the second row on a chair and stand in the back row."
"Now here we stand, unafraid of the future."
"I'm just a pygmy who stood on the shoulder of giants."
"And this one still stands on top of the pile."
"Stand up for something, man, or you'll fall for anything."
"I am merely standing on the shoulders of giants."
"If you stand for nothing, Burr, then what do you fall for?"
"You're standing for what you believe."
"I stand where Jacob stood in the lineage."
"We're going to do things in standing for those of you that are a little bit higher level, adding a developmental skill to your home exercise routine."
"If you want to get down off the floor, being able to go from kneeling to bringing one leg forward and pushing to stand up is essential."
"Having your dog stand can instantly boost their confidence a little bit."
"In the place that a repentant person stands, even the righteous cannot stand there."
"Stand tall and balance yourself right over your ankles."
"All that standing upright never felt so good."
"We're going to hit the arms, the legs, and the core, all standing."
"I have a very very good point standing, I have 150 points."
"We stand on the shoulders of giants because we have a trustable link to evidence to information."
"Cultivating the heart must cultivate virtue; if one has virtue, one can stand in the world, but if one doesn't have virtue, one will be separated from all the people."
"Elephants also can sleep standing up."
"The Lamb who is standing as though it had been slain."
"I'm that type of person that's gonna stand in what she said, and she is standing on it."
"If you speak your truth and if you live in the power of your truth, you're going to find that you really are in good standing."
"He really, really, really wants to stand."