
Replenishment Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"We have a bank of credits; we have to rest and put back in."
"You need a refill because you're meant to be filled so you can go out and use it, and if you use it right, you need to be filled again."
"Fill up your own cup before you can offer it to anyone else."
"You're not meant to be depleted; you're meant to be in your power."
"You cannot help other people with an empty cup, so replenish yours during this time."
"We will continue to replenish and rebuild our own stockpiles."
"We cannot pour from an empty cup."
"When I allow myself to receive without reflexively giving back, I am replenished."
"If you're constantly giving out, there are going to be moments in time where you need to system reset."
"When you fill your cup up first, you're able to then replenish those around you. That's not nothing."
"Make sure you're taking time for yourself and you're putting in boundaries so you can get that replenishment."
"Your cup is empty or you're low in energy, you have to fill that cup up before you give your energy out."
"You can't pour from an empty cup, so I'm gonna refill my cup and the best way I know how to do that is with having me time and doing my devotionals."
"The earth is designed to decay without us. We're meant to replenish the earth until it's filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the seas."
"You cannot continue to pour out unless in the presence of God you fill up."
"It bursts into hydration, deeply replenishes the skin."
"This Energon is self-replenishing."
"Silence can heal and replenish you, surrender to the stillness within."
"It's like having a generator that refills itself."
"You can't pour from an empty bucket."
"It's been good for the soul to hang out and refill our cup."
"God never removes without replacing. Instead, be filled with the Spirit."
"Go take a nap, meditate, and rest. Deep replenishment is needed."
"A break should be something that truly replenishes your body and/or soul, or both."
"Sometimes we wait too late to be replenished by the right thing."
"Embrace the flow of emotion and go with the flow, letting there be replenishment."
"Earth is the perfect place to replenish their ranks."
"I actually just restocked on this stuff."
"But the Lord said because your heart is good, I'm about to replenish everything that you've lost."
"Don't leave yourself empty after cleansing. Insert the Holy Spirit."
"If God wants people like him that he created his image and his likeness then of course the word would be to replenish the earth."
"Prayer is where you can drink deeply and drink often"
"Pouring that love into yourself and you can't pour from an empty cup."
"You want to know what refills and replenishes your emotional tank."
"Time is finite, but energy is a replenishable resource."
"With chicken and waffles in our system, we were ready to get back on the water."
"Electrolytes, they just give you all that goodness back."
"This takes a lot of energy because it's hype, but at the same time, it kind of replenishes that energy."
"Your adrenals do store vitamin C but because we Face stressors pretty much every day of Our Lives it's important that you're constantly replenishing those vitamin C stores."
"All you do when you do that is replace the minerals you lost yesterday."
"We have to recharge ourselves; in order to give, our cup has to be full."
"If your cup is not full you can't pour into other people and it's important to take the time to take care of yourself."
"You have to empty out before you can fill up."
"What do I need to do when I am depleted to get myself back on track?"
"At this moment I speak by faith that you will replenish everything that was poured out. God I speak by faith that no ailment, no sickness, no nothing will be able to hinder what you're doing in their life."
"Nature doesn't rush and neither should you, it's time to replenish and restore."
"You have to refill or your leadership is always going to be limited."
"Renewable resources can be replenished by natural processes."
"As long as you stay with your heart sensitive to the things of God, you're going to continually receive his grace and mercy and be replenished."
"Your inhales will invite in whatever it is that you do need, and your exhales will release whatever it is that's no longer necessary."
"Well, it's good to see a big ol' cup refilled."
"Space is not just expanding, but in a certain sense, it's being replenished."
"Ping possessed unlimited blood and Chi thanks to the system's ability to replenish them instantly."
"You can't pour from an empty pitcher."
"We're empty, we're Broken Vessels, fill us, fill us, fill us"
"Estera Edo Barrier 365 Cream: deep replenishing, fortifying your skin barrier."
"We're pouring so much out, but we're also getting filled by so many people."
"Don't fill your life with the wrong stuff, fill your life continually being filled, keep filling up with the Spirit of God."
"If you can find things to be grateful for, Allah is guarantee he will replenish you in anything you lost."
"Life draws all of the moisture from our lives, and we are dry again, we are empty again... fill our cups, Lord, and let them overflow."
"We can take steps to start replenishing parts of it, but overall, we're probably not going to gain it back unless climate changes again."
"What that challenge took out of you, God is about to put back in."
"Truly following Christ is just laying those things at His feet and saying, 'God, I don't know how this is all going to pan out, I'm kind of running on empty right now, but I need You to fill me up.'"
"We can't pour from an empty pitcher, right? We have to take care of ourselves first."
"What should be the vacuum of a dream becomes continually replete as the source of dreams is being tapped."
"My empty vessel I may freely bring, O thou who art of love the Living spring, my vessel fill."
"Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it, have dominion."
"It's like pastor Ted said today, when you pour out, you're being filled up."
"I like to replenish it. It can't all just be going out."
"That cursed snowstorm... recharged our water table on the ground."
"It's constantly perfecting and replenishing and rejuvenating."
"I'm always impressed with them and I had used up my Dior Forever, so I'm really happy to replenish it with this beautiful new bottle."
"You don't need our help to do what you promised to do, but when we empty ourselves, then you fill us up."
"Fill up all those positive emotions, fill them up again in your mind, fill them up again in your heart."
"God is just waiting to refill us with his love and with his peace."
"Something must be replenishing it, and on Earth, the only known method aside from human industry, is life."
"You need to fill your creative cup in order to pour from it."
"Use this as a final moment today to fill yourself up, to feel good, to refill your system."
"I'm feeling good, it's Monday morning, we're stocking up after the weekend."
"Focusing on me and filling my own cup up."
"As soon as it's gone, we gotta re-up; it's just like a drug."
"Filling your own cup is very vital because you can't pour from an empty cup."
"Several new feet of snow have really helped fill in the January base after a disappointing December."
"Fill up your tank through creativity."
"It's time to fill up the tank because usually when moments like this happen, it's because we've done so much inner work that now it's time to self-reflect."
"Spirit has this ability to refill our lives with things that serve us."
"When we exercise, we lose electrolytes through our sweat, so it's important that you replace them during or after exercise."
"We can't give from a place of depletion; it's really important to fill our own cups as well."
"When you worship God, it's like a funnel that He pours into you Himself."
"You need this rest so you can replenish."
"Dreams are a wonderful well that fills every night, and we can and do dip into."
"We're gonna give the thinking mind a break and really just be in the present moment, fill your cup."
"It's time to replenish an empty well."
"I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish."
"...this entire life that we lived like you were on a journey in the desert, a long journey, and there was a brief stop by some water to replenish yourself and then the journey goes on."
"Little Reborn not only replenishes calcium and carbonate alkalinity, it also replenishes strontium and trace elements in the same proportions they are used in corals to build their skeletons."
"We're gonna replenish that cash balance."
"Each day the springs are replenished with approximately 100 million gallons of underground water enough to fill an Olympic-sized pool more than a hundred times."
"You need to give it the space to use them, to empty the tank and then fill it up again and then empty the tank and fill it up again."
"You cannot pour into anyone if you don't fill your cup up."
"Everything in the pantry has an expiry date; you got to keep filling her back up."
"Drink from the well, replenish the well."
"You are replenishing the well that was once depleted."
"Let us create a sacred ritual of replenishment."
"It's not selfish to take care of yourself, especially because you're a giver; you have to remember to fill your cup."
"Make sure that you fill up your cup so that you can pour into your babies in a healthy way."
"Sometimes lack in your parenting doesn't mean you're not parenting around the clock; sometimes it means that you're pouring from an empty cup and you need to go fill up."
"Retreat into nature, connecting, replenishing; it's good for your spirit, it's good for your soul."
"Water is a renewable source of energy because as the time passes by the energy is replenished."
"I have to refill the creative well."
"Time to replenish with good things."
"One is never lessened in wealth by the giving of charity, whatever is given in charity is immediately replaced."
"Because it's such a relaxation. You have to fill up, to feel."
"It's time for love, they want to refill your cup with love."
"Focus on filling your cup up first."
"Spirit will always replace what's missing, and you will always be provided more good memories in your future."
"Take steps that make you feel restored and replenished."
"You need to replenish your energy."
"Now you need to replenish your spirit, replenish your body, replenish your mind."
"Refuel and refill your cup with blessings, opportunities, growth."
"If we are empty, then we cannot fill anyone else's cup until we fill our own."
"You can't pour from an empty cup... if I don't take care of me, I can't pour into anybody else's cup."
"Most high replenishes you, God restores you."
"Anything left behind will be replenished times three, if not more."
"Make sure you're really filling your cup up and taking care and nurturing yourself."
"When you are at your empty place, that's when God begins to fill you."
"If we are feeling empty, then we cannot fill anyone else's cup until we fill our own."
"It's a great time to always stock up on your brow products, skin care, foundations - all the things that you run through quite quickly."
"You're about to be replenished in your situation."
"Instant hydration and your body feels so replenished."
"Fill up your cup first before you fill someone else's."
"Your empty well is about to get replenished."