
Behaviorism Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Behaviorism will never be right until psychology and specifically mental and developmental disorders are not based on behavior."
"The world of psychology as a whole is continuing to push away behaviorism for the last 80 years."
"The military is like this giant Skinner box of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement."
"Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment provided empirical support for his social learning theory, emphasizing the role of observational learning, imitation, and modeling in the acquisition of new behaviors."
"Act as if you're happy, then you'll feel happy."
"All of this is a behavioral system. It's all reinforcing the behavior that the people in control of the system want."
"Tolman's rat experiments revealed latent learning, showing that rats could learn without reinforcement, challenging behaviorist assumptions."
"Positive reinforcers work much better than consequences."
"For skinner, it's all about consequences."
"Skinner believed that behavior becomes more likely to occur when reinforced and less likely to occur when punished."
"What behaviorism missed was the internal computational system, the deep structure of thought, which is central to understanding language and cognition."
"It's not for me to raise kids who are worried about what other people think trying to do things for other people's approval. Which is just a byproduct of behaviorism we were raised in."
"Behavior is objective, measurable, and observable."
"Accepted if not as the founder of behaviorism certainly as the man who has done the most to systematize it."
"If you make the behavior of pulling more punishing than reinforcing, they will stop the behavior altogether."
"...so everything when it comes to working with the dog though is showing them the behavior you want them to perform and then giving them some sort of value back to that behavior."
"I genuinely believe there aren't any bad dogs out there there's only how bad people and how they were raised."
"Reinforcement: behaviors that are followed by reinforcements are repeated."
"We shape behaviors through successive approximations and chain them together."
"Complex behaviors can be shaped and chained together using reinforcement."
"Dogs will always select behaviors that lead to reinforcement and stop performing behaviors that lead to punishment."
"...telling people that you're going to reinforce the behaviors that you want."
"Skinner believed that reinforcing behavior is the most effective way of increasing desirable behavior."
"Watson believed that psychology must focus on the outward behavior that can be observed and measured."
"Shaping is very powerful, it's how we teach new behaviors and strengthen new behaviors."
"The reinforcement schedule was too thick, no, it's actually the opposite. When you increase that requirement, what are you doing? You're thinning the schedule out, okay?"
"Stimulus creates the behavior: dog getting on the blanket. Reinforcement means the dog's going to want to repeat the behavior."
"You are also training an emotion."
"Positive reinforcement in a reward-based system is necessary."
"Anchoring is basically classical conditioning."
"The theory of law that we're going to get from Austin is fundamentally a behaviorist theory of law."
"Operant and classical conditioning... basically brainwash you to feel and think a certain way."
"It's based on this thing called intermittent reinforcement."
"Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if it's followed by a reinforcement."
"The truth is, Pavlov's dog trained Pavlov to ring his bell just before the dog salivated."
"Behaviors followed by desirable consequences are repeated, and behaviors followed by undesirable consequences are extinguished."
"Behavioral therapy is supposed to change our unhealthy behaviors because behaviorists believe we learn everything."
"What Skinner did find in the Skinner box is that there are ways in which you could train an organism and reinforce them and get their behavior to be very quickly acquired."
"Any behavior reinforced is likely to occur again."
"Criminal behavior like any other behavior is learned and can therefore be unlearned."
"The clicker is like taking a picture of behavior we like, so we need to teach the puppy that the clicker means that food is coming."
"An operant dog is a dog that understands that their behavior has an effect on their environment."
"Reinforcement means encouraging a behavior to be repeated, and punishment means preventing a behavior from being repeated."
"Behavior is selected by previous consequences."
"We believe that the universe is an orderly place and that what happens, the behaviors that we have, that happen, that we do, it's because they were selected by consequences that happened before."
"We select our behaviors based upon the consequences and the contingencies we've had in the past."
"People's behavior always has a cause."
"If we give positive stimuli, we have a positive result; if we give negative stimuli, we could have a negative result."
"The American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior recommends that only reward-based training methods be used for dog training."
"I saw how impactful the McCann method was; I saw how really understanding how your dog thinks can change the choices you make along the way."
"Classical conditioning usually involves a pairing of a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus over and over again."
"Classical conditioning... is associating an environmental event and a behavioral response."
"Classical conditioning is all about a reflexive response."
"At the end of this video, you should know exactly what reinforcement schedules are, how to use them, and some examples."
"The science of OBM is behavioral, experimental, and evidence-based."
"Everything in life is behavior or science."
"The behaviorist approach suggests that mental health disorders or atypical behavior is learned through our environment."
"Negative reinforcement is not a bad thing; it refers to an aversive stimuli being subtracted or taken away in order to reinforce or strengthen a desired behavior."
"The law of effect states that behaviors with favorable consequences will occur more frequently, while behaviors with unfavorable consequences will occur less frequently."
"Classical conditioning is going to be a learning process of repeatedly pairing a neutral stimulus with a response-producing stimulus until the neutral stimulus produces the same response."
"The person learns a particular behavior if he or she is rewarded for doing that."
"Operant conditioning can be described as a process that attempts to modify behavior through the use of positive and negative reinforcement."
"Positive reinforcement strengthens behavior because it provides a reward."
"Negative reinforcement strengthens behavior because it stops or removes an unpleasant experience."
"Punishment is designed to weaken or eliminate a response rather than increase it."
"Everybody is born with a blank slate, and all behavior is learned through interactions with our environment."
"You study how it is that somehow people learn by or animals learn by giving them rewards."
"Behavior is a function of consequences."
"Positive reinforcement is when your behavior is increasing or maintaining and something is being added."
"The behaviorist approach does what it says on the tin: it looks at behavior."
"Positive reinforcement is something that is added that makes behavior more likely to happen."
"Negative reinforcement is taking away something that increases the chances of that behavior happening again."
"Punishment is an unpleasant thing that decreases the behavior."
"The behaviorist approach is quite deterministic."
"The children quickly respond to good treatment and soon learn to ask for candy."
"Positive feedback, something about a successful outcome, it strengthens the correct S-R bond."
"Social learning theory is a combination of cognitive and behaviourist ideas."
"Reinforced learning is basically the concept of rewarding good and bad behavior."
"Positive reinforcement training is about adding something positive to the environment to increase the repetition of a behavior."