
Companion Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Let's Plays can be companions to actually playing the game."
"Baby Eater, cuter and follows you, doesn't hurt you."
"The pet rock became an unlikely sensation, embodying the whimsical spirit of the era and capturing the imagination of a public eager for a low-maintenance companion."
"Meet Mavis, your new companion in sonic exploration."
"Clip Champ: Your ultimate video editing companion."
"An indispensable companion that elevates your night hikes, dispelling the veil of darkness."
"The iPad is still this wonderful companion to a Mac."
"Martha on her own I think is a great companion."
"I am uniquely qualified to fill the position of Jill's dating companion."
"The perfect companion for modern city life."
"Accurate Number Seven: Your Handloading Companion"
"This is the sort of car that for me I think you'd buy not really caring about it and then 6 months later you'd find that actually it'd kind of falling for it it's a lovable companion"
"Meet Tlock, my Fearless Sherpa who is always smiling."
"A notebook is a companion, it's a place for your thoughts."
"The FA's capability to keep up with your creative ideas makes it a close-to-ideal photographic companion."
"This is the companion DVD to the first one."
"Grace shall render thee a fit companion for seraphs."
"Josh is your trusted home companion."
"The Book of Mormon is not a replacement for the Bible, it's not a substitute, it's a companion."
"An exceptional, adorable, and cherished companion."
"It's like a gentle companion knit."
"Music always does that. It's always your companion."
"Another one I'm really excited about is 'Bookshops and Bone Dust' by Travis Baldry. This is, I guess, like the companion novel to 'Legends and Lattes', which I absolutely loved."
"The girl couldn't resist the cute appearance of Tomal Shinshu; her heart was filled with tenderness and confidence that this little spirit animal would be a loyal and helpful companion in their adventure."
"Sophie is definitely my hero, she's my closest companion."
"The Cricut Heat app is designed to be your heat press companion."
"The American Bully was created with the purpose of being a family companion dog, and absolutely not a working or fighting dog."
"She's still the best girl, best companion, fight me."
"The little Mazda is a great urban companion."
"It really is the perfect backroad companion and it can handle a whole ton of varied off-road situations."
"It's the perfect companion for a travel setup and will even hold its weight at home."
"This is such a unique figure and she's even got a little fox friend."
"The sound companion... is familiar with the territory of navigating the soul."
"It acts has a very good Fitness companion and fitness tracker."
"The doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes, he's there. He brings the storm and he has one constant companion... death."
"He is the king of Ash companions because he has been in the show longer than anyone except Pikachu."
"It's not just a camera, it's become a friend."
"A car is not just a mode of transport, but a companion on the road of life."
"They're a breed that thrives on affection and is excellent as a companion dog or lap dog."
"It is the ultimate companion for any digital artist out there."
"The Anker 633 is my number one travel companion."
"The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a great choice for seniors seeking a four-footed companion."
"It's really made to be that perfect little travel companion."
"It is an excellent companion for your video."
"This is a great travel companion, especially for the executive on the go."
"I've been shooting with the Fuji x100v since December of 2020, and man, has it been a great companion to bring around."
"This card is the perfect companion for international travel."
"It's a terrific companion to it chapter 1."
"That's great, great little companion knife for a larger blade in the outdoors."
"Faith is a great companion when you're in trouble."
"Mark, a companion of Paul and Peter, authored the gospel of Mark."
"Barnabas, a trusted companion of Paul, accompanied him on missionary journeys to Cyprus."
"Timothy, a faithful companion of Paul, was appointed as Bishop of Ephesus."
"It's not just a wearable. It's your all-day companion."
"This book is meant to be a companion to 'Heretics', and to put the positive side in addition to the negative."
"This really is a traveler's companion."
"I love his character so much and then he also has this kind of sea dragon companion that is my favorite thing."
"This is somebody that's going to be very loyal to you, your companion, somebody that you can trust."