
Distributed Systems Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Context and propagation represent the engine behind distributed tracing."
"DBMS includes facilities for concurrency control to ensure data integrity in distributed environments."
"Integrity rules will be enforced by the DBMS whenever anything is updated."
"The result is a distributed system with no single point of failure."
"Remember consistent hashing algorithm and how adding a new node splits a range of keys."
"We're running Kafka in the cloud, supporting Kafka that runs at massive scale. Amazing things for people who love tinkering with distributed systems."
"Spring state machine is useful, particularly in these long-lived distributed transactions or distributed worker scenarios."
"State machines are convenient because they give us a way to keep track of the progression of some sort of work, especially useful in a distributed system scenario."
"Concurrency is important in distributed systems."
"...hpx is a distributed runtime system so we try to extend the standard interfaces for use on tidally coupled clusters, supercomputers, and we provide a global address space load balancing across a nodes."
"It's a perfect example of how better language design, more careful language design, can build better distributed systems."
"Blockchain is nothing but a distributed Ledger system."
"Using message brokers allows us as developers to implement more resilient distributed systems."
"With global scale, you can have tens of millions of users even hundreds of millions on a service running distributed over multiple data centers even on different continents."
"We're going to learn a little bit about distributed computing."
"Paxos is known for being a complicated topic of study, so I had to try and simplify it and make it as easy as possible for you to understand."
"If you can get a bunch of computers to always agree on the state of a distributed system, then all those computers are roughly equivalent."
"The dream of many people who are trying to implement a distributed system is to build a computer or a system that is more reliable than any of the individual computers contained within it."
"It's a distributed operating system for cloud-native application management using Kubernetes as its kernel."
"We can build the most wonderfully high availability distributed systems where we can potentially lose an entire continent and the system will just keep on trucking."
"This whole thing is just an example of how the CRDTs work."
"Distributed processing... describes various computer systems that use more than one processor to run an application."
"This approach is pretty common these days because, from a distributed system perspective, it does make things a bit easier."
"You now know the basics of distributed training with TensorFlow."
"Mass Transit is an open-source framework for building distributed applications in .NET."
"I'm here to talk to you today about Kafka as a distributed system."
"If you've ever wanted to have your doors open to having a distributed system processing messages asynchronously between its services, Wolverine enables that."
"Tracing deals with all the request scope performance data, especially as that data crosses process boundaries in a distributed system."
"No SQL usually scales out, involving adding more machines to the resource pool rather than adding resources by scaling vertically like relational databases do."
"Striving for distributed systems that provide single system image semantics is fundamentally flawed and at odds with how systems operate in the real world."
"The remote procedure calls are something that we use within distributed systems that allow us to communicate between the applications."
"Chaos engineering is experimenting on a distributed system in order to build confidence in the system's capability to withstand turbulent conditions in production."
"I love working with the open-source community, love distributed systems."
"We're gonna build a gnarly distributed system together."
"When you take a distributed systems course, you'll always have at least one lecture on how distributed systems designers think about time."
"The scatter-gather pattern is a means to run distributed requests with parties that are potentially interested to respond."
"Help you upgrade your understanding of a data model for the distributed database."
"Consensus algorithms are probably the most fundamental important algorithms in all of distributed systems."
"Zookeeper takes a different approach... it provides this very consistent little distributed file system that any application on a distributed system can write to and read from."
"The famous CAP theorem is what makes internet-scale systems possible."
"Airflow is able to support distributed execution so multiple machines can work towards the same jobs as workers."
"It's a completely different way to build your distributed application."
"The ability to deal with faults is one of the key aspects we want to keep in mind when designing distributed solutions for big data."
"Kafka is fault-tolerant and it is distributed."
"With a distributed version control system... as a developer you check out all of the files for a project so you can actually manage the whole project locally on your develop machine."
"In case of multi-broker Kafka cluster, partitions for a topic are distributed across the whole cluster."
"A global service will allow you to run a service consistently on every node within the swarm."
"In a distributed environment, all the actors are going to eventually arrive at the same state."
"Convergent CRDTs are perfect for asynchronous gossip."
"Scaling out data into shards is how distributed systems spread the workload across a cluster of machines."
"Eventual consistency is about as relaxed as things get, and says that if everyone stops performing writes, then eventually everyone will see the latest version of each object."
"The overall goal of Raft is to replicate a log of entries identically across the collection of servers."
"We say that these events are concurrent or causally independent."
"Linearizability is not only important in distributed systems but also in the context of shared memory concurrency on a single computer."
"We can implement a linearizable compare and swap operation in a distributed system using total order broadcast."
"It's a Wonderful language; it lets you do a lot of really cool distributed systems work."
"I love distributed systems, so we're going to talk a lot about them today."
"Orleans is a framework for .NET for writing mostly large-scale distributed systems."
"Daedalus is how I understand distributed systems now; it's my internal language."
"The study of distributed systems is really the study of how do we coordinate the activities of these different devices in such a way that they achieve together the task that they are trying to achieve."
"Net Aspire is a new stack for building production-ready, observable, distributed applications with .NET."
"We build large distributed systems that connect thousands or more machines."
"So one of the major developments in the modern decade are the solar energy penetrations and due to that, distributed energy system predominates."
"Deploying a distributed energy system on the user side as a supplement to the macrogrid can significantly enhance the reliability, continuity of the power supply to the critical load in the event of the grid collapse or catastrophe."
"If you work on distributed systems or at a large company, you have heard the term high availability."
"It's called time clocks in the ordering of events in the distributed system."
"It's about this idea of well, we could turn the communications between your services, we could turn the communications that you have maybe with a database or some external service, and we could make those part of a distributed application runtime."
"Once you have that in place, it can build very quickly because it's distributed; anyone can just start attaching to that protocol."
"We have a truly distributed replicated lock that provides consistency across all of our nodes."
"I've become a really big advocate of trying to build these systems, especially these internal distributed systems using these tools."
"There is nothing about telecom in it unless perhaps the goal of building massively concurrent, reliable, fault-tolerant, and distributed systems."
"In a distributed system, where a lot of things can go wrong, this network could be a cable across the Atlantic."
"In a distributed system, it typically uses commodity hardware and it's connected over the network."
"When we build this distributed system, we are serving a global audience."
"Horizontal scaling would be that you are spinning up more instances of the same service and you are distributing calls through the instances."
"It's very distributed, each node acts independently based on the information that it receives from its own neighbors."
"We're going to be talking about cryptography, distributed systems, and game theory."
"A topic represents a stream of records, a distributed immutable append-only partitioned commit log."
"Messaging provides seriality guarantees so you can use it in transaction systems for guaranteeing order, especially in distributed systems."
"Each site can hold a small amount of information... but in addition, each site has a certain amount of processing power."
"We're learning a lot from distributed systems in general, and the web just happens to be one of the biggest distributed systems we've ever created."
"You cannot do distributed computing or orchestration without health checks."
"Most of you here, front-end developers, you already understand distributed systems better than most back-end developers do."
"Arlene's is a programming model and runtime for building distributed systems based on the actor model."
"Kafka is built much more like a distributed file system that maintains one of these logs."
"We can just replicate data across the cluster, conflicts are mathematically impossible."
"Hadoop is the kernel of the new distributed OS."