
Crocodiles Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"They're nature's clean-up team, snatching the weak from the herd or scavenging the already dead. They help keep the world a healthier place."
"Crocodiles have got to be there if it's going to be a healthy ecosystem."
"The mother's next instinctive duty is to get her young down to the water, and remarkably she ferrets some of them there in a pouch inside her enormous mouth."
"No animal on the planet wants to find itself facing off against a croc."
"This ancient crocodile possessed a massive head astonishing bite strength and short brutal teeth."
"we need a bigger moat with more crocodiles and alligators"
"But whenever I see a really impressive giant crocodilian, it always ends up being a Nile crocodile."
"I love it how it's telling the story on the towers you've got a 325-foot drop, I don't feel like I know this happened crocodiles but like the best of them it's got a soft spot which in this case happens to take the fall."
"Evidence indicates that crocodiles are indeed getting bigger."
"Crocodiles, they never stop growing."
"I just love watching crocodiles eat."
"It never gets old, I just love watching reptiles, especially crocodiles, eat."
"If you follow all the right steps, you will not get eaten by a crocodile. It's as simple as that."
"What's truly dumb is to go to a lagoon in Mexico known to be crawling with crocodiles, stand on the edge of the water, drop your pants, and then do your business."
"Saltwater crocodiles hold the title of the second most powerful bite force in the world."
"Giant crocodiles were capable of fighting T-Rex's and winning."
"We're going to make a crocodile's life better."
"Crocodiles are not dinosaurs, but both crocodiles and dinosaurs came from the crown group archosaurs."
"This enclosure is home to four Orinoco crocodiles, which is the rarest croc out of the new world."
"You're actually looking at one of the most endangered crocodilian species on earth."
"In Bazoulé, Burkina Faso, crocodiles have a different reputation, one that involves being friendly and even playful with humans."
"My favorite animal would have to be, without a doubt, crocodiles."
"They're modern-day dinosaurs, they're just so big, powerful, just amazing, but very intelligent at the same time."
"Crocodiles swallow rocks to dive deeper."
"Crocodiles, the fierce reptiles known for their hunting instincts and danger, have now become a gold mine for the agricultural industry."
"Florida harbors the largest population of wild crocodiles in the United States."
"I am a huge advocate of burying fence for crocodiles."
"A good example of osteoderms today are the scoots on crocodiles and alligators."
"It's amazing to think that crocodiles can change color to adapt to their environment."
"Wow, we have more big alligators and crocodiles than anywhere else in the world."
"It simply tickles me pink how after tens of millions of years, crocodiles still refuse to learn how to chew."
"Crocodiles go back 250 million years."
"The crocodiles of Indonesia are a different kind of breed... known for their unparalleled cunningness, a trait that has made them formidable predators and survivors for millions of years."
"Crocodiles are unable to chew their food and therefore swallow it whole; they have the most acidic digestive system of any animal, capable of digesting bones, horns, and hooves."
"Saltwater crocodiles are the largest of the crocodilian order, measuring up to 20 feet in total length and weighing almost 3,000 pounds."
"Crocodile bites are the strongest in the animal kingdom."
"The Cuban crocodile has the reputation of being one of the most aggressive crocodiles in the world."
"Crocs have been cruising these waters for the past million years, unchanged, and that makes them living relatives of the dinosaurs."
"Crocodiles are one of the most stubbornly resilient things on earth; they've been around for about 200 million years and have barely changed."
"These little baby crocodiles... it's incredible how small they start."
"It's that time of day when our crocodilian kids are coming out to play."
"I love crocs, crocs like American crocs and saltwater crocs."
"You have to be so careful, and crocodiles will leap out of water."
"Crocodiles can live for an incredibly long time."
"Crocodiles can replace each and every one of their teeth up to 50 times during their life."
"It's impossible for crocodiles to stick their tongues out."
"Look at the majestic crocodile, it can live up to 75 years."
"Just shows you the resilience and the power of these crocodiles."
"Hippos and crocs will cohabitate quite happily."
"Female crocodiles are probably one of the best mothers in the wild."
"Crocodiles are absolutely fascinating creatures."
"Crocodiles are just awesome, full-stop."
"We have indeed been able to find some crocodiles."
"What's your favorite aspect of a crocodile?"
"Crocodiles are from a respect point of view... they are incredibly intelligent animals."
"Crocodiles do lay eggs, and unlike most reptile species, they will actually look after their eggs."
"Such a peaceful, peaceful place except deadly crocodiles around."
"Cuban crocodiles are actually the only crocs out there that have curved teeth like a velociraptor."
"Crocodiles can't stick their tongues out."
"I like crocodiles just because of how intelligent they are."
"It's nice to see the crocodiles out and about, taking advantage of the wind, taking advantage of the sun."